%2011 @inproceedings { BBK11, author = { Biallas, Sebastian and Brauer, J{\"o}rg and Kowalewski, Stefan }, title = { SAT-Based Abstraction Refinement for Programmable Logic Controllers }, booktitle = { Dependable Control of Discrete Systems (DCDS'11) }, i11key = {conference}, year = { 2011 }, timestamp = { 2011.03.15 }, url = {http://www.embedded.rwth-aachen.de/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=bib:bbk11.pdf}, note = { To appear } } @inproceedings{BBSK11, author = {Beckschulze, Eva and Brauer, J{\"o}rg and Stollenwerk, Andr{\'e} and Kowalewski, Stefan}, title = {Analyzing Embedded Systems Code for Mixed-Critical Systems using Hybrid Memory Representations}, booktitle = {2011 14th IEEE International Symposium on Object/Component/Service-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing Workshops ISORCW 2011}, pages = {33 - 40}, publisher = {IEEE}, isbn = {978-1-4577-0303-4 }, location = {Newport Beach, CA, USA}, publishedas = {Druck, Online}, language = {eng}, doi={10.1109/ISORCW.2011.40}, i11key = {conference}, timestamp = {2010.12.23}, year = {2011} } @INPROCEEDINGS{BHK+11, author = {Brauer, J{\"o}rg and Hansen, Rene Rydhof and Kowalewski, Stefan and Larsen, Kim G. and Olesen, Mads Chr.}, title = {Adaptable Value-Set Analysis for Low-Level Code}, booktitle = {6th International Workshop on Systems Software Verification (SSV 2011)}, year = {2011}, note = {To appear}, timestamp = {2011.07.01}, i11key = {conference} } @inproceedings{BK11a, author = {Brauer, J{\"o}rg and King, Andy}, title = {Transfer Function Synthesis without Quantifier Elimination}, booktitle = {European Symposium on Programming (ESOP 2011)}, i11key = {conference}, publisher = {Springer}, isbn = {978-3-642-19717-8}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, pages = {97--115}, volume = {6602}, timestamp = {2010.12.07}, year = {2011}, url = {http://www.embedded.rwth-aachen.de/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=bib:bk11.pdf}, slides = {http://www.embedded.rwth-aachen.de/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=bib:slides_bk11a.pdf} } @inproceedings{BK11b, author = {Brauer, J{\"o}rg and King, Andy}, title = {Approximate Quantifier Elimination for Propositional Boolean Formulae}, booktitle = {NASA Formal Methods Symposium (NFM 2011)}, i11key = {conference}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, isbn = { 978-3-642-20397-8}, pages = {73--88}, volume = {6617}, year = {2011}, timestamp = {2011.03.04}, publishedas = {Druck Online}, language = {eng}, url = {http://www.embedded.rwth-aachen.de/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=bib:bk11b.pdf}, slides = {http://www.embedded.rwth-aachen.de/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=bib:slides_bk11b.pdf} } @inproceedings{BKK11a, author = {Brauer, J{\"o}rg and King, Andy and Kriener, Jael}, title = {Existential Quantification as Incremental SAT}, booktitle = {Computer Aided Verification (CAV 2011)}, pages = {191-207}, volume = {6806}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, editor = {Gopalakrishnan, Ganesh and Qadeer, Shaz}, publisher = {Springer}, issn = {0302-9743}, isbn = { 978-3-642-22109-5}, isbn = {978-3-642-22110-1}, i11key = {conference}, timestamp = {2011.03.22}, year = {2011}, url = {http://www.embedded.rwth-aachen.de/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=bib:bkk11a.pdf}, slides = {http://www.embedded.rwth-aachen.de/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=bib:slides_bkk11a.pdf}, language = {eng}, publishedas = {Druck Online} } @inproceedings{BKS11, Address = {D{\"u}sseldorf}, Author = {Biallas, Sebastian and Kowalewski, Stefan and Schlich, Bastian}, Title = {Leistungsf{\"a}hige Verifikation von industriellen SPS-Programmen mittels Model-Checking und statischer Analyse}, Booktitle = {AUTOMATION 2011, Baden-Baden, Germany}, Year = {2011}, timestamp = {2011.4.20}, note = {To appear}, i11key = { conference } } @PROCEEDINGS{BRT11, title = {Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Systems Software Verification (SSV 2011)}, year = {2011}, editor = {Brauer, J{\"o}rg and Roveri, Marco and Tews, Hendrik}, i11key = {editor}, language = {eng}, publisher = {TU Dresden (published as technical report)}, timestamp = {2011.09.21} } @INPROCEEDINGS{BWS+11, author = {Brendle, Christian and Bensberg, Ralf and Stollenwerk, Andr{\'e} and Arens, Jutta and Walter, Marian}, title = {Patient Orientated Automation of the Therapy with the Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO)}, booktitle = {45. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Biomedizinische Technik}, year = {2011}, publisher = {de Gruyter}, note = {to appear}, i11key = {conference}, language = {eng}, location = {Freiburg}, i11projectkey = { SmartECLA }, timestamp = {2011.06.30} } @inproceedings { DFDK11, author = { Dernehl, Christian and Franke, Dominik and Diab, Hilal and Kowalewski, Stefan }, title = { An Architecture with Integrated Image Processing for Autonomous Micro Aerial Vehicles }, booktitle = { International Micro Air Vehicle Conference 2011 (IMAV 2011) }, year = { 2011 }, location = { 't Harde, Netherlands }, publisher = { IMAV }, publishedas = { Online }, language = { eng }, timestamp = { 2011.07.18 }, note = { To appear }, i11key = {conference} } @inproceedings {FDWK11, author = { Franke, Dominik and Dzafic, Dzenan and Weise, Carsten and Kowalewski, Stefan }, title = { Entwicklung eines mobilen Navigationssystems f{\"u}r Elektrofahrzeuge auf Basis von OpenStreetMap-Daten }, booktitle = { Konferenz f{\"u}r Freie und Open Source Software f{\"u}r Geoinformationssysteme (FOSSGIS 2011) }, year = { 2011 }, pages = { 92 -- 99 }, location = { Heidelberg, Germany }, publisher = { FOSSGIS e.V. }, publishedas = { Druck Online }, isbn = { 978-3-00-034124-3 }, language = { ger }, timestamp = { 2011.03.14 }, i11key = {conference} } @inproceedings { FDWK11a, author = { Franke, Dominik and Dzafic, Dzenan and Weise, Carsten and Kowalewski, Stefan }, title = { Konzept eines Mobilen OSM-Navigationssystems f{\"u}r Elektrofahrzeuge }, booktitle = { Angewandte Geoinformatik 2011 - Beitr{\"a}ge zum 23. AGIT-Symposium (AGIT 2011)}, year = { 2011 }, pages = { 148 -- 157 }, location = { Salzburg, Austria }, publisher = { Wichmann Verlag }, publishedas = { Druck }, isbn = { 978-3-87907-508-9 }, language = { ger }, timestamp = { 2011.05.05 }, i11key = {conference} } @inproceedings { FEWK11, author = { Franke, Dominik and Elsemann, Corinna and Weise, Carsten and Kowalewski, Stefan }, title = { Reverse Engineering of Mobile Application Lifecycles }, booktitle = { 18th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering }, year = { 2011 }, location = { Lero, Limerick, Ireland }, publisher = { IEEE Digital Library }, publishedas = { Online }, language = { eng }, timestamp = { 2011.08.08 }, note = { To appear }, i11key = {conference} } @inproceedings {FWK11, author = { Franke, Dominik and Weise, Carsten}, title = { Providing a Software Quality Framework for Testing of Mobile Applications }, booktitle = { 4th International Conference on Software Testing Verification and Validation (ICST 2011), Berlin, Germany }, year = { 2011 }, pages = {431 - 434 }, isbn = {978-1-61284-174-8}, location = { Berlin, Germany }, publisher = { IEEE }, publishedas = {Druck, Online }, url = {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs_all.jsp?arnumber=5770636 }, language = { eng }, timestamp = { 2011.01.19 }, i11key = { conference } } @INPROCEEDINGS{GK11, author = {G{\"u}ckel, Dominique and Kowalewski, Stefan}, title = {Automatic Derivation of Abstract Semantics From Instruction Set Descriptions}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Systems Software Verification (SSV 2011)}, year = {2011}, note = {to appear}, owner = {gueckel}, timestamp = {2011.07.04}, i11key = {conference} } @inproceedings{GKKK11, author = {Grobosch, Sebastian and Kamin, Volker and Krirkkawin, Kriengkrai and Kowalewski, Stefan}, title = {Using Timed Automata in Requirements Analysis for Engine Control Units}, booktitle = { 18th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC)}, i11key = {conference}, year = {2011}, note = {To appear} } @INPROCEEDINGS{HSK11, author = {H{\"a}nsch, Paul and Schommer, John F. and Kowalewski, Stefan}, title = {Self-balancing Controllable Robots in Education: A Practical Course for Bachelor Students}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications (ICIRA 2011), Aachen, Germany}, year = {2011}, publisher = {Springer}, publishedas = {Druck}, language = {eng}, timestamp = {2011.08.04}, i11key = {conference}, note = { To appear } } @inproceedings { MWF+11, author = { Mitsching, Ralf and Weise, Carsten and Franke, Dominik and Gerlitz, Thomas and Kowalewski, Stefan }, title = { Coping with Complexity of Testing Models for Real-Time Embedded Systems }, booktitle = { 3rd Workshop on Model-Based Verification and Validation (MVV 2011) }, year = { 2011 }, pages = { 128 -- 135 }, location = { Jeju Island, Korea }, publisher = { IEEE Press }, publishedas = { Online }, isbn = { 978-1-4577-0781-0 }, language = { eng }, timestamp = { 2011.05.05 }, i11key = {conference} } @CONFERENCE{KS11, author = {Kowalewski, Stefan and Stollenwerk, Andr{\'e}}, title = {Supporting Evolving Requirements in CPS by Abstraction Layers in the Architecture}, booktitle = {Workshop on Architectures for Cyber-Physical Systems, Chicago, IL, USA}, year = {2011}, language = {eng}, owner = {stollenwerk}, timestamp = {2011.05.10}, i11projectkey = { SmartECLA }, note = {Invited Talk} } @inproceedings { MFB+11, author = { Mitsching, Ralf and Weise, Carsten and Bohnenkamp, Henrik and Fiedler, Frank and Kowalewski, Stefan }, title = { TripleT: Improving Test Responsiveness for High Performance Embedded Systems}, booktitle = { 4th IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification, and Validation }, pages = {67 -- 74}, year = { 2011 }, isbn = {978-1-4577-0019-4}, publisher = {IEEE}, timestamp = { 2011.02.01 }, i11key = { conference }, language = {eng}, publishedas = {Druck, Online} } @inproceedings{MMH+11, author = { Ben Makhlouf, Ibtissem and Maschuw, Jan Philipp and H{\"a}nsch, Paul and Diab, Hilal and Kowalewski, Stefan and Abel, Dirk}, title = {Safety Verification of a Cooperative Vehicle Platoon with Uncertain Inputs Using Zonotopes}, booktitle = {18th IFAC World Congress, 2011, Milano, Italy}, year = {2011}, timestamp = { 2011.03.10 }, i11key = { conference }, note = { To appear } } @inproceedings {MPBK11, author = { Merschen, Daniel and Polzer, Andreas and Botterweck, Goetz and Kowalewski, Stefan }, title = { Experiences of Applying Model-based Analysis to Support the Development of Automotive Software Product Lines }, booktitle = { Fifth International Workshop on Variability Modelling of Software-intensive Systems (VAMOS 2011) }, year = { 2011 }, editor = { Czarnecki, Krzysztof and Eisenecker, Ulrich W. and Heymans, Patrick }, pages = { 141 -- 150 }, month = { January }, publisher = { ACM }, isbn = { 978-1-4503-0570-9 }, location = { Namur, Belgium }, url = { http://www.embedded.rwth-aachen.de/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=bib:MPBK11.pdf }, owner = { merschen }, timestamp = { 2011.01.31 }, i11key ={ conference } } @ARTICLE{PMB+11, author = {Polzer, Andreas and Merschen, Daniel and Botterweck, Goetz and Pleuss, Andreas and Thomas, Jacques and Hedenetz, Bernd and Kowalewski, Stefan}, title = {Managing Complexity and Variability of a Model-based Embedded Software Product Line}, journal = {Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering (ISSE)}, year = {2011}, publisher = {Springer}, language = {eng}, note = {To appear}, i11key = {journal}, issn = {1614-5054}, publishedas = {Druck Online}, timestamp = {2011.09.27} } @INPROCEEDINGS{PWMK11, author = {Jacob Palczynski and Carsten Weise and Sebastian Moj and Stefan Kowalewski}, title = {Comparing Continuous Behaviour in Model-based Development of Embedded Software}, booktitle = {Dagstuhl-Workshop MBEES: Modellbasierte Entwicklung eingebetteter Systeme VII (MBEES 2011)}, year = {2011}, pages = {61 -- 70}, publisher = {fortiss GmbH}, publishedas = {Online}, language = {eng}, owner = {palczynski}, timestamp = {2011.01.28}, i11key ={ conference } } @INPROCEEDINGS{PWKU11, author = {Jacob Palczynski and Carsten Weise and Stefan Kowalewski and Daniel Ulmer}, title = {Estimation of Clock Drift in HiL Testing by Property-Based Conformance Check}, booktitle = {Fourth International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation Workshops (ICSTW, TAIC PART) 2011}, pages = {590 -- 595}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society}, isbn = {978-1-4577-0019-4}, year = {2011}, i11key = {conference}, publishedas = {Druck Online}, language = {eng}, timestamp = {2011.02.02}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{RB11, author = {Reinbacher, Thomas and Brauer, J{\"o}rg}, title = {Precise Control Flow Reconstruction Using Boolean Logic}, booktitle = {International Conference on Embedded Software (EMSOFT 2011)}, year = {2011}, note = {To appear}, timestamp = {2011.07.03}, i11key = {conference} } @INPROCEEDINGS{RGHK11, author = {Reinbacher, Thomas and G{\"u}ckel, Dominique and Horauer, Martin and Kowalewski, Stefan}, title = {Testing Microcontroller Software Simulators}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Workshop on SLE for CPS at INFORMATIK 2011 (WS4C11)}, year = {2011}, note = {to appear}, owner = {gueckel}, timestamp = {2011.06.16}, i11key = {conference} } @INPROCEEDINGS{RBH+11, author = {Reinbacher, Thomas and Brauer, J{\"o}rg and Horauer, Martin and Steininger, Andreas and Kowalewski, Stefan}, title = {Past Time LTL Runtime Verification for Microcontroller Binary Code}, booktitle = {16th International Workshop on Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems (FMICS 2011)}, year = {2011}, timestamp = {2011.05.09}, i11key = {conference}, url = {http://www.embedded.rwth-aachen.de/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=bib:rbh11.pdf}, note = {to appear} } @INPROCEEDINGS{RSM+11, author = {Reinbacher, Thomas and Steininger, Andreas and M{\"u}ller, Tobias and Horauer, Martin and Brauer, J{\"o}rg and Kowalewski, Stefan}, title = {Hardware Support for Efficient Testing of Embedded Software}, booktitle = {7th ASME/IEEE Conference on Mechatronics and Embedded Systems and Applications (MESA 2011)}, year = {2011}, i11key = {conference}, timestamp = {2011.04.29}, note = {to appear} } @ARTICLE{SBK11, author = {Schlich, Bastian and Brauer, J{\"o}rg and Kowalewski, Stefan}, title = {Application of Static Analyses for State Space Reduction to Microcontroller Binary Code}, journal = {Sci. Comput. Program.}, year = {2011}, volume = {76}, number = {2}, pages = {100--118}, issn = {0167-6423}, url = {http://www.embedded.rwth-aachen.de/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=bib:sbk10.pdf}, i11key = {journal}, timestamp = {2010.12.06} } @INPROCEEDINGS{SGA+11, author = {Stollenwerk, Andr{\'e} and Gathmann, Felix and Arens, Jutta and Bensberg, Ralf and Walter, Marian and Kopp, R{\"u}dger and Kowalewski, Stefan}, title = {Safety Aware Pump-Control for a Rotary ECMO Blood Pump}, booktitle = {38. Congress of the European Society for Artificial Organs (ESAO 2011) and 4. Biennial Congress of the International Federation on Artificial Organs (IFAO 2011) - (The International Journal of Artificial Organs)}, year = {2011}, month = {October}, organization = {European Society for Artificial Organs (ESAO)}, publisher = {Wichtig Editore}, note = {to appear}, i11key = {conference}, language = {eng}, location = {Porto}, i11projectkey = { SmartECLA }, timestamp = {2011.06.22} } @INPROCEEDINGS{SGB+11, author = {Stollenwerk, Andr{\'e} and Gathmann, Felix and Bensberg, Ralf and Walter, Marian and Arens, Jutta and Kopp, R{\"u}dger and Kowalewski, Stefan}, title = {A Model-Based Safety Concept for a Rotary Blood Pump}, booktitle = {45. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Biomedizinische Technik}, year = {2011}, publisher = {de Gruyter}, language = {eng}, i11key = {conference}, location = {Freiburg}, note = {to appear}, i11projectkey = { SmartECLA }, timestamp = {2011.05.18} } @INPROCEEDINGS{SGW+11, author = {Stollenwerk, Andr{\'e} and G{\"o}be, Florian and Walter, Marian and Wartzek, Tobias and Kopp, R{\"u}dger and Arens, Jutta and Kowalewski, Stefan}, title = {Smart Data Provisioning for Model-Based Generated Code in an Intensive Care Application}, booktitle = {High Confidence Medical Devices, Software, and Systems and Medical Device Plug-and-Play Interoperability (HCMDSS/MDPnP 2011), Chicago, USA}, year = {2011}, i11key = {conference}, owner = {stollenwerk}, i11projectkey = { SmartECLA }, timestamp = {2011.03.11}, url = {http://www.seas.upenn.edu/~rahulm/Shared/HCMDSS/hcmdss11_aachen.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{WBA+11, author = {Walter, Marian and Brendle, Christian and Arens, Jutta and Stollenwerk, Andre and Kopp, R{\"u}dger and Bensberg, Ralf and Leonhardt, Steffen}, title = {Physiological Target Control in Long Term Extracorporeal Oxygenation}, booktitle = { 38. Congress of the European Society for Artificial Organs (ESAO 2011) and 4. Biennial Congress of the International Federation on Artificial Organs (IFAO 2011) - (The International Journal of Artificial Organs) }, year = { 2011 }, month = { October }, organization = { European Society for Artificial Organs (ESAO) }, publisher = { Wichtig Editore }, i11projectkey = { SmartECLA }, note = {to appear}, i11key = { conference }, language = { eng }, location = { Porto }, timestamp = { 2011.08.24 } } @INPROCEEDINGS{WBB11, author = {Walter, Marian and Brendle, Christian and Bensberg, Ralf and Kopp, R{\"u}dger and Arens, Jutta and Stollenwerk, Andr{\'e} and Leonhardt, Steffen}, title = {Closed Loop Physiological ECMO Control}, booktitle = {5th European Conference of the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering}, year = {2011}, language = {eng}, location = {Budapest}, month = {September}, note = {to appear}, i11projectkey = { SmartECLA }, owner = {stollenwerk}, timestamp = {2011.08.24} } % 2010 @ARTICLE{ADM+10, author= {Arens, Jutta and De Brouwer, Petra and Mager, Ilona and Kopp, R{\"u}dger and Walter, Marian and Stollenwerk, Andre and Schmitz-Rode, Thomas and Steinseifer, Ulrich}, title= {A Dynamic Study on the Hemolytic Effect of Negative Pressure on Blood}, journal= {ASAIO journal}, volume= {56}, number= {2}, pages= {96-96}, year= {2010}, address= {Hagerstown, Md.}, publisher= {Lippincott}, issn= {1058-2916}, issn= {0162-1432}, issn= {1538-943X}, url= {http://www.bibliothek.uni-regensburg.de/ezeit/?2083312}, doi= {10.1097/01.mat.0000369377.65122.a3}, i11key = {journal}, i11projectkey = { SmartECLA }, timestamp = { 2011.03.18 }, language= {english} } @phdthesis {Arm10, author = { Armoush, Ashraf }, title = { Design Patterns for Safety-Critical Embedded Systems}, school = { Embedded Software Laboratory - RWTH Aachen University }, note = { AIB-2010-13 }, issn = { 0935-3232 }, owner = { Ashraf Armoush }, type = { Dissertation }, url = { http://aib.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/2010/2010-13.pdf }, month = { June }, year = { 2010 }, i11key = { thesis} } @inproceedings{BBK10, author = {Biallas, Sebastian and Brauer, J\"{o}rg and Kowalewski, Stefan}, title = {Counterexample-guided abstraction refinement for {PLCs}}, booktitle = {5th International Workshop on Systems Software Verification (SSV 2010), Vancouver, Canada}, year = {2010}, location = {Vancouver, BC, Canada}, pages = {2--2}, numpages = {1}, publisher = {USENIX Association}, address = {Berkeley, CA, USA}, url = {http://www.embedded.rwth-aachen.de/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=bib:bbk10.pdf}, timestamp = {2010.07.19}, i11key = { conference } } @article{BBGK10, author = {Biallas, Sebastian and Brauer, J{\”o}rg and G{\"u}ckel, Dominique and Kowalewski, Stefan}, title = {On-The-Fly Path Reduction}, journal = {Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science}, year = {2011}, volume = {274C}, pages = {3--16}, publisher = {Elsevier}, note = {4th International Workshop on Harnessing Theories for Tool Support in Software (TTSS 2010)}, issn = {1571-0661}, i11key = {conference}, publishedas = {Online}, language = {eng}, url = {http://www.embedded.rwth-aachen.de/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=bib:bbgk10.pdf}, timestamp = {2010.10.05} } @inproceedings{BBKS10, author = {Biallas, Sebastian and Brauer, J{\"o}rg and Kowalewski, Stefan and Schlich, Bastian}, title = {Automatically Deriving Symbolic Invariants for {PLC} Programs Written in {IL}}, booktitle = {FORMS/FORMAT 2010}, editor = {Schnieder, Eckehard and Tarnai, Geza}, publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg}, publishedas = {Druck}, language = {eng}, year = {2011}, timestamp = {2010.08.19}, isbn = {978-3-642-14261-1}, pages = {237-245}, url = {http://www.embedded.rwth-aachen.de/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=bib:bbks10.pdf}, i11key = {conference} } @INPROCEEDINGS{BFK+10, author = {Biallas, Sebastian and Frey, Georg and Kowalewski, Stefan and Schlich, Bastian and Soliman, Doaa}, title = {Formale Verifikation von Sicherheits-Funktionsbausteinen der PLCopen auf Modell- und Code-Ebene}, booktitle = {Tagungsband Entwicklung und Betrieb komplexer Automatisierungssysteme (EKA 2010)}, publisher = {ifak Magdeburg}, publishedas = {Druck}, language = {ger}, pages = {49--57}, year = {2010}, isbn = {978-3-940961-41-9}, location = {Magdeburg, Germany}, i11key = { conference } } @inproceedings {BPK10, title = {Variability and Evolution in Model-based Engineering of Embedded Systems}, booktitle = {6. Dagstuhl-Workshop Model-Based Development of Embedded Systems (MBEES 2010)}, year = {2010}, month = {February}, pages = {87-96}, address = {Dagstuhl, Germany}, timestamp = {2010.10.15}, author = {Goetz Botterweck and Andreas Polzer and Stefan Kowalewski}, i11key = { conference } } @INPROCEEDINGS{BPD+10, author = {Botterweck, Goetz and Pleuss, Andreas and Dhungana, Deepak and Polzer, Andreas and Kowalewski, Stefan}, title = {EvoFM: Feature-driven Planning of Product-line Evolution}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2010 ICSE Workshop on Product Line Approaches in Software Engineering (PLEASE '10)}, year = {2010}, isbn = {978-1-60558-968-8}, pages = {24--31}, location = {Cape Town, South Africa}, month = {May}, publisher = {ACM}, doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1808937.1808941}, owner = {polzer}, timestamp = {2011.01.20}, i11key = { conference } } @INPROCEEDINGS{BK10, author = {Brauer, J{\"o}rg and King, Andy}, title = {Automatic Abstraction for Intervals using Boolean Formulae}, booktitle = {Static Analysis Symposium (SAS 2010), Perpignan, France}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, year = {2010}, volume = {6337}, pages = {167--183}, timestamp = {2010.05.04}, url = {http://www.embedded.rwth-aachen.de/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=bib:bk10.pdf}, slides = {http://www.embedded.rwth-aachen.de/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=bib:slides_bk10.pdf}, i11key = { conference } } @INPROCEEDINGS{BKK10, author = {Brauer, J{\"o}rg and King, Andy and Kowalewski, Stefan}, title = {Range Analysis of Microcontroller Code using Bit-Level Congruences}, booktitle = {Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems (FMICS 2010), Antwerp, Belgium}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, year = {2010}, volume = {6371}, pages = {82--98}, timestamp = {2010.06.08}, url = {http://www.embedded.rwth-aachen.de/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=bib:bkk10.pdf}, slides = {http://www.embedded.rwth-aachen.de/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=bib:slides_bkk10.pdf}, i11key = { conference } } @INPROCEEDINGS{BKKN10, author = {Brauer, J{\"o}rg and Kamin, Volker and Kowalewski, Stefan and Noll, Thomas}, title = {Loop Refinement using Octagons and Satisfiability}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Systems software verification}, year = {2010}, location = {Vancouver, BC, Canada}, pages = {1--9}, timestamp = {2010.07.19}, publisher = {USENIX Association}, address = {Berkeley, CA, USA}, url = {http://www.embedded.rwth-aachen.de/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=bib:bkkn10.pdf}, i11key = { conference } } @inproceedings {BNS10, author = { Brauer, J{\"o}rg and Noll, Thomas and Schlich, Bastian }, title = { Interval Analysis of Microcontroller Code using Abstract Interpretation of Hardware and Software }, booktitle = { Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Software and Compilers for Embedded Systems (SCOPES 2010) }, year = { 2010 }, publisher = { ACM }, url = {http://www.embedded.rwth-aachen.de/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=bib:BNS10.pdf}, timestamp = { 2010.04.01 }, i11key = { conference } } @ARTICLE{CMD+10, author = {Ch\'{a}vez Grunewald, Mart\'{i}n and Ben Makhlouf, Ibtissem and Diab, Hilal and Mut, Vicente and Kowalewski, Stefan and Abel, Dirk}, title = {Regelung und Sicherheitsanalyse einer Gruppe Massenpunktfahrzeuge mit Hilfe energiebasierter Methoden}, journal = {at – Automatisierungstechnik}, year = {2010}, volume = {58}, pages = {227-235}, number = {4}, doi = {10.1524/auto.2010.0829}, keywords = {energy-based control, nonlinear control, network systems, hybrid automata}, owner = {diab}, ISSN = {0178-2312}, timestamp = {2010.05.12}, i11key = {journal} } @INPROCEEDINGS{CMD+10a, author = {Ch\'{a}vez Grunewald, Mart\'{i}n and Ben Makhlouf, Ibtissem and Diab,Hilal and Abel, Dirk and Kowalewski, Stefan}, title = {On the Effects of Network Delays on an Energy-based Controller}, booktitle = {2nd IFAC Workshop on Distributed Estimation and Control in Networked Systems(NecSys' 2010)}, year = {2010}, pages = {169-174}, month = {September}, owner = {diab}, timestamp = {2010.07.02}, i11key = { conference } } @INPROCEEDINGS{DCM+10, author = {Diab,Hilal and Ch\'{a}vez Grunewald, Mart\'{i}n and Ben Makhlouf, Ibtissem and Abel, Dirk and Kowalewski, Stefan}, title = {A Testing Platform for Cooperative Vehicle Platoon Controllers}, booktitle = {13th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2010)}, year = {2010}, pages = {1718 - 1723}, month = {September}, publisher = {IEEE}, owner = {diab}, ISBN ={978-1-4244-7658-9}, timestamp = {2010.07.02}, i11key = { conference } } @inproceedings {FK10, author = { Franke, Dominik and Kowalewski, Stefan }, title = { Verifikation der Java-Echtzeitf{\"a}higkeit f{\"u}r den Einsatz in zeitkritischen Systemen }, booktitle = { Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Informatik Seminars, Informatiktage 2010 }, year = { 2010 }, location = { Bonn, Germany }, timestamp = { 2010.03.19 }, isbn = { 978-3-88579-443-1 }, pages = { 165--168 }, i11key = { conference } } @inproceedings{GBK10, Author = {G{\"u}ckel, Dominique and Brauer, J{\"o}rg and Kowalewski, Stefan}, Booktitle = {Industrial Embedded Systems (SIES 2010), Trento, Italy}, Title = {A System for Synthesizing Abstraction-Enabled Simulators for Binary Code Verification}, Year = {2010}, pages = {118--127}, publisher = {IEEE}, timestamp = {2010.06.01}, url = {http://www.embedded.rwth-aachen.de/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=bib:gbk10.pdf}, i11key = {conference} } @INPROCEEDINGS{GSBK10, author = {G{\"u}ckel, Dominique and Schlich, Bastian and Brauer, J{\"o}rg and Kowalewski, Stefan}, title = {Synthesizing Simulators for Model Checking Microcontroller Binary Code}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 13th IEEE International Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems (DDECS 2010)}, year = {2010}, publisher = {IEEE}, pages = {313--316}, owner = {gueckel}, i11key = {conference}, url = {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/freeabs_all.jsp?arnumber=5491761}, timestamp = {2010.03.08} } @PROCEEDINGS{KR10, title = {Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems. Proc. FMICS 2010, }, year = {2010}, editor = {Kowalewski, Stefan and Roveri, Marco}, number = {6371}, series = {LNCS}, publisher = {Springer}, isbn = {978-3642158971}, timestamp = {2010.10.29}, i11key = { editor } } @inproceedings{MWGK10, author = {Mitsching, Ralf and Weise, Carsten and Gatterdam, Thomas and Kowalewski, Stefan}, title = {Low Effort Evaluation of Real-Time and Reliability Requirements for Embedded Systems}, booktitle = {10th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (CIT 2010)}, year = {2010}, pages = {2433-2440}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society}, doi = {http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/CIT.2010.418}, i11key = { conference } } @inproceedings{MWK10, author = {Mitsching, Ralf and Weise, Carsten and Kowalewski, Stefan}, title = {Design Patterns for Integrating Variability in Timed Automata}, booktitle = {4th IEEE International Conference on Secure Software Integration and Reliability}, year = {2010}, volume = {0}, pages = {38-45}, doi = {http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/SSIRI-C.2010.21}, isbn = {978-0-7695-4087-0}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society}, i11key = {journal } } @INPROCEEDINGS{PMT+10, author = {Andreas Polzer and Daniel Merschen and Jacques Thomas and Bernd Hedenetz and Goetz Botterweck and Stefan Kowalewski}, title = {View-Supported Rollout and Evolution of Model-Based ECU Applications}, booktitle = {7th International Workshop on Model-based Methodologies for Pervasive and Embedded Software (MOMPES 2010) collocated within the 25th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering}, year = { 2010 }, editor = {Goetz Botterweck and Jo\~{a}o M. Fernandes and Lu\'{\i}s Lamb}, pages = { 37-44 }, month = { September }, publisher = {ACM}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/1865875.1865881}, isbn = {978-1-4503-0123-7}, location = {Antwerpen, Belgium}, url = {http://www.embedded.rwth-aachen.de/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=bib:PMT+10.pdf}, owner = {polzer}, timestamp = {2010.11.22}, i11key = { conference } } @INPROCEEDINGS{PWK10, author = {Jacob Palczynski and Carsten Weise and Stefan Kowalewski}, title = {Testing Continuous Systems Conformance Using Cross Correlation}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 22nd IFIP International Conference on Testing Software and Systems: Short Papers}, year = {2010}, pages = {31--36}, address = {Montr{\'e}al}, publisher = {CRIM}, i11key = {conference}, isbn = {978-2-89522-136-4}, timestamp = {2010.09.19} } @INPROCEEDINGS{RBH+10, author = {Reinbacher, Thomas and Brauer, J{\"o}rg and Horauer, Martin and Steininger, Andreas and Kowalewski, Stefan}, title = {Test-Case Generation for Embedded Binary Code Using Abstract Interpretation}, booktitle = {Sixth Doctoral Workshop on Mathematical and Engineering Methods in Computer Science (MEMICS 2010), Selected Papers, Mikulov, Czech Republic}, year = {2010}, timestamp = {2010.09.22}, publisher = {Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik, Germany}, isbn = {978-3-939897-22-4} series = {OASICS}, volume = {16}, pages = {101--108}, note = {Best Paper Award}, url = {http://www.embedded.rwth-aachen.de/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=bib:rbh+10.pdf}, i11key = {conference} } @ARTICLE{RHS+10, author = {Reinbacher, Thomas and Horauer, Martin and Schlich, Bastian and Brauer, J{\"o}rg and Scheuer, Florian}, title = {Model Checking Embedded Software of an Industrial Knitting Machine}, journal = {Int. J. Information Technology, Communication and Convergence}, year = {2010}, publisher = {InderScience}, note = {To appear}, i11key = {journal}, timestamp = {2010.08.15} } @article{Sch10, Author = {Schlich, Bastian}, Journal = {ACM Transactions in Embedded Computing Systems (TECS)}, Title = {Model Checking of Software for Microcontrollers}, Year = {2010}, Volume={9}, Number={4}, Pages={1--27}, Year={2010}, Issn = {1539-9087}, Doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1721695.1721702}, Publisher={ACM}, i11key = { journal } } @INPROCEEDINGS{SDKS10, author = {Stollenwerk, Andr{\'e} and Derks, Andreas and Kowalewski, Stefan and Salewski, Falk}, title = {A Modular, Robust and Open Source Microcontroller Platform for Broad Educational Usage}, booktitle = {Workshop on Embedded Systems Education (WESE10), Scottsdale, AZ, USA}, year = {2010}, pages = {48-54}, month = {October}, organization = {ARTIST}, publisher = {ACM}, location = { Scottsdale, AZ,USA}, timestamp = { 2010.08.23 }, url = {http://www.artist-embedded.org/docs/Events/2010/WESE/Proceedings_WESE_2010.pdf}, i11key = { conference } } @ARTICLE{SJA+10, author = {Stollenwerk, Andr{\'e} and J{\"o}rgens, J{\"o}rg and Arens, Jutta and Walter, Marian and Kopp, R{\"u}dger and Kowalewski, Stefan}, title = {Model Based Diagnosis for Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation}, journal = {The International Journal of Artificial Organs}, year = { 2010 }, volume = {33}, pages = {447}, number = {7}, month = { September }, part = {63}, booktitle = { 37. Annual Meeting European Society for Artificial Organs (ESAO10), Skopje, Macedonia }, organization = {ESAO}, timestamp = {2010.05.27}, publishedas = {Druck Online}, i11projectkey = { SmartECLA }, language = {eng}, url = {http://www.artificial-organs.com/public/IJAO/Article/Articleabstract.aspx?UidArticle=A1C1D715-18FC-4E74-9ECA-B094C008102C&t=IJAO}, i11key = {journal} } @INPROCEEDINGS{SJW+10, author = {Stollenwerk, Andr{\'e} and J{\"o}rgens, J{\"o}rg and Walter, Marian and Arens, Jutta and Kopp, R{\"u}dger and Kowalewski, Stefan}, title = { Modellbasierte Fehlerdiagnose eines Membranoxygenators }, booktitle = { Biomedizinische Technik (BMT2010) }, year = { 2010 }, volume = {55}, number = {S1}, pages = {174-177}, month = { Oktober }, organization = {VDE}, publisher = {de Gruyter}, doi = {10.1515/BMT.2010.713}, issn = {1862-278X}, i11projectkey = { SmartECLA }, location = { Rostock / Warnem{\"u}nde, Germany }, timestamp = { 2010.05.27 }, url = {http://www.reference-global.com/doi/pdfplus/10.1515/BMT.2010.713}, i11key = { conference } } @inproceedings {SLW+10, author = { Stollenwerk, Andr{\'e} and Lang, Martin and Walter, Marian and Arens, Jutta and Kopp, R{\"u}dger and Kowalewski, Stefan }, title = { Sicherheitskonzept für eine intensivmedizinische Anwendung am Beispiel der ECMO }, booktitle = { Entwurf komplexer Automatisierungssysteme (EKA 2010) }, year = { 2010 }, location = { Magdeburg, Germany }, isbn = {978-3-940961-41-9}, volume = {11}, pages = { 65--74 }, i11projectkey = { SmartECLA }, month = { Mai }, timestamp = { 2010.02.02 }, i11key = { conference } } @ARTICLE{WSW+10, author = {Walter, Marian and Stollenwerk, Andr{\'e} and Wartzek, Tobias and Arens, Jutta and Kopp, R{\"u}dger and Leonhardt, Steffen}, title = {Automatisierung und Fehlerdiagnose bei der extrakorporalen Membranoxygenierung}, journal = {at – Automatisierungstechnik}, year = {2010}, volume = {58}, pages = {277--285}, number = {5}, month = {Mai}, doi = {10.1524/auto.2010.0838}, issn = {0178-2312}, i11projectkey = { SmartECLA }, keywords = {Control, biomedical engineering, ECMO, safety, fault diagnosis}, owner = {stollenwerk}, timestamp = {2010.01.28}, i11key = { journal } } @INPROCEEDINGS{WWS+10, author = {Walter, Marian and Weyer, S{\"o}ren and Stollenwerk, Andr{\'e} and Kopp, R{\"u}dger and Arens, Jutta and Leonhardt, Steffen}, title = {A Physiological Model for Extracorporeal Oxygenation Controller Design}, booktitle = {32nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC'10)}, year = {2010}, pages = {434-437}, location = {Buenos Aires, Argentina}, month = {September}, i11projectkey = { SmartECLA }, isbn = {978-1-4244-4124-2}, organization = {IEEE}, timestamp = {2010.06.11}, i11key = { conference } } % 2009 @inproceedings{ABK09, author = {Ashraf Armoush and Eva Beckschulze and Stefan Kowalewski}, title = {Safety Assessment of Design Patterns for Safety-Critical Embedded Systems}, booktitle = {35th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA 2009)}, year = {2009}, pages = {523-527}, publisher = {IEEE CS}, owner = {armoush}, timestamp = {2009.09.16}, i11key = { conference } } @INPROCEEDINGS{AK09, author = {Armoush, Ashraf and Kowalewski, Stefan}, title = {Safety Recommendations for Safety-Critical Design Patterns}, booktitle = {International Workshop on the Design of Dependable Critical Systems "Hardware, Software, and Human Factors in Dependable System Design" (DDCS 2009)}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}t Heidelberg}, pages = {9-16}, year = {2009}, owner = {armoush}, timestamp = {2009.09.16}, url = {http://archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/volltextserver/volltexte/2009/10072/pdf/Safety_Recommendations_for_Safety_Critical_Design_Patterns.pdf}, i11key = {conference} } @ARTICLE{ASK09, author = {Armoush, Ashraf and Salewski, Falk and Kowalewski, Stefan}, title = {Design Pattern Representation for Safety-Critical Embedded Systems}, journal = {Journal of Software Engineering and Applications (JSEA)}, year = {2009}, volume = {2}, pages = {1--12}, number = {1}, month = {April}, issn = {1945-3116 (Print) 1945-3124 (Online) }, owner = {armoush}, i11key = { journal } } @ARTICLE{BHS09, author = {Brauer, J{\"o}rg and Huuck, Ralf and Schlich, Bastian}, title = {Interprocedural Pointer Analysis in Goanna}, journal = {Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science}, volume = {254}, pages = {65–83}, year = {2009}, note = {Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Systems Software Verification (SSV 2009)}, publisher = {Elsevier}, issn = {1571-0661}, url = {http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1630458}, i11key = {conference} } @INPROCEEDINGS{BPK09, author = {Botterweck, Goetz and Polzer, Andreas and Kowalewski, Stefan}, title = {Using Higher-order Transformations to Derive Variability Mechanism for Embedded Systems}, booktitle = {2nd International Workshop on Model Based Architecting and Construction of Embedded Systems (ACESMB 2009), Workshop at the 12th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MoDELS 2009)}, year = {2009}, editor = {Stefan Van Baelen and Thomas Weigert and Ileana Ober and Huascar Espinoza}, volume = {Vol-507}, pages = {107 - 121}, address = {Denver, Colorado, USA}, month = {September}, publisher = {CEUR Workshop Proceedings}, owner = {polzer}, timestamp = {2009.10.19}, i11key = { conference } } @INPROCEEDINGS{BPK09a, author = {Botterweck, Goetz and Polzer, Andreas and Kowalewski, Stefan}, title = {Interactive Configuration of Embedded Systems Product Lines}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Model-driven Approaches in Software Product Line Engineering (MAPLE 2009), collocated with the 13th International Software Product Line Conference (SPLC 2009)}, year = {2009}, editor = {Goetz Botterweck and Iris Groher and Andreas Polzer and Christa Schwanninger and Steffen Thiel and Markus Voelter}, volume = {557}, pages = {29 - 35}, address = {San Francisco, California, USA}, month = {August}, publisher = {CEUR Workshop Proceedings}, note = {ISSN 1613-0073}, owner = {andreas.polzer}, timestamp = {2009.09.15}, url = {http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-557}, i11key = { conference } } @INPROCEEDINGS{BPPK09, author = {Botterweck, Goetz and Pleuss, Andreas and Polzer, Andreas and Kowalewski, Stefan}, title = {Towards Feature-driven Planning of Product-Line Evolution}, booktitle = {First Workshop on Feature-Oriented Software Development (FOSD), Workshop at the 12th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MoDELS 2009)}, year = {2009}, pages = {109 - 116}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, month = {September}, publisher = {ACM}, isbn = {978-1-60558-567-3}, location = {Denver, Colorado}, owner = {polzer}, timestamp = {2009.10.19}, i11key = { conference } } @INPROCEEDINGS{BSK09a, author = {Beckschulze, Eva and Salewski, Falk and Kowalewski, Stefan}, title = {A Comparison of Dual-Core Approaches for Safety-Critical Automotive Applications}, booktitle = {Safety-Critical Systems, 2009 (SAE World Congress 2009)}, publisher = {SAE International}, pages = {209--216}, isbn = {978-0-7680-2118-9}, year = {2009}, i11key = { conference } } @article{BSK09b, title = {Parallel and Distributed Invariant Checking of Microcontroller Software}, journal = {Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science}, volume = {254}, pages = {45–63}, year = {2009}, note = {Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Systems Software Verification (SSV 2009)}, publisher = {Elsevier}, issn = {1571-0661}, author = {Brauer, J{\”o}rg and Schlich, Bastian and Kowalewski, Stefan}, url = {http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1630177.1630457}, i11key = {conference} } @article{BSK09c, author = {Beckschulze, Eva and Salewski, Falk and Kowalewski, Stefan}, title={{A Comparison of Dual-Core Approaches for Safety-Critical Automotive Applications}}, journal = {SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars - Electronic and Electrical Systems}, volume = {2}, number = {1}, pages = {301-308}, doi = {}, year = {2009}, abstract = {Safety is a requirement concerning an increasing number of automotive applications. Recent safety standards set requirements for designing safety-critical systems. Among others, these specifications include a comprehensive detection and handling of hardware faults. Currently emerging dual-core microcontrollers provide a cost-effective opportunity to fulfill these requirements. In this paper we analyze a safety-critical application example and discuss two different approaches, an application-specific approach and a generic approach for implementing functional safety requirements on a dual-core microcontroller. An investigation of the associated concepts called and reveals their differences and at the same time advantages and disadvantages. Besides effects on safety, effects on reliability, modifiability and costs are evaluated and presented graphically. }, URL = {http://saepcelec.saejournals.org/content/2/1/301.abstract}, eprint = {http://saepcelec.saejournals.org/content/2/1/301.full.pdf+html}, i11key = { journal } } @inproceedings{BSRK09, author = { Brauer, J{\"o}rg and Schlich, Bastian and Reinbacher, Thomas and Kowalewski, Stefan }, title = { Stack Bounds Analysis of Microcontroller Assembly Code }, booktitle = { Workshop on Embedded Security (WESS 2009), Grenoble, France }, year = { 2009 }, publisher = { ACM Press }, url = {http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1631716.1631721}, i11key = {conference} } @INPROCEEDINGS{BSSK09, author = {Beckschulze, Eva and Salewski, Falk and Siegbert, Thomas and Kowalewski, Stefan}, title = {Fault Handling Approaches on Dual-Core Microcontrollers in Safety-Critical Automotive Applications}, booktitle = {Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation (ISoLA08)}, year = {2009}, volume = {17}, series = {Communications in Computer and Information Science}, pages = {82-92}, publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-540-88479-8}, isbn = {978-3-540-88478-1 (Print) 978-3-540-88479-8 (Online)}, issn = {1865-0929 (Print) 1865-0937 (Online)}, owner = {Falk Salewski}, i11key = { conference } } @inproceedings{DSK09, Author = {D{\"u}lks, Ramona and Salewski, Falk and Kowalewski, Stefan}, Booktitle = {Testing: Academic and Industrial Conference - Practice and Research Techniques (TAIC Part 2009)}, Title = {A Real-Time Test and Simulation Environment Based on Standard FPGA Hardware}, pages={197--204}, isbn = {978-0-7695-3820-4}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TAICPART.2009.24}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society}, address = {Washington, DC, USA}, Year = {2009}, i11key = { conference } } @inproceedings{FHST09, Author = {Fehnker, Ansgar and Huuck, Ralf and Schlich, Bastian and Tapp, Michael}, Booktitle = {SOFSEM 2009: Theory and Practise of Computer Science, Spindleruv Ml\'{y}n, Czech Republic}, Doi = {10.1007/978-3-540-95891-8_26}, Isbn = {978-3-540-95890-1}, Pages = {267--278}, Publisher = {Springer}, Series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, Title = {Automatic Bug Detection in Microcontroller Software by Static Program Analysis}, Volume = {5404}, Year = {2009}, i11key = { conference } } @INPROCEEDINGS{Guec09, author = {G{\"u}ckel, Dominique}, title = {Retargeting a Hardware-Dependent Model Checker by Using Architecture Description Languages}, booktitle = {Doctoral Symposium on Systems Software Verification (DS SSV 2009)}, issn = {0935–3232}, year = {2009}, series = {Aachener Informatik-Berichte}, owner = {gueckel}, timestamp = {2009.06.02}, url = {http://sunsite.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/Publications/AIB/2009/2009-14.pdf}, i11key = { conference } } @INBOOK{KGG+09, chapter = {Hybrid Automata}, pages = {57-86}, title = {Handbook of Hybrid Systems Control}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, year = {2009}, author = {Kowalewski, Stefan and Garavello, Mauro and Guéguen, Hervé and Herberich, Gerlind and Langerak, Rom and Piccoli, Benedetto and Polderman, Jan Willem and Weise, Carsten}, timestamp = {2009.12.08} } @INBOOK{KLK09, chapter = {IX}, pages = {341-349}, title = {Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation for Cardiac and Pulmonary Indications: How to Increase Patient Safety?}, publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg}, year = {2009}, editor = {Vincent, Jean-Louis}, author = {Kopp, R{\"u}dger and Leonhardt, Steffen and Kowalewski, Stefan}, volume = {1}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-540-92276-6_33}, isbn = {978-3-540-92275-9}, i11projectkey = { SmartECLA }, journal = {Yearbook of Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine}, owner = {stollenwerk}, timestamp = {2009.09.01}, url = {http://www.springerlink.com/content/v37006313h1pp0w2/?p=0b93c1ead6454b3c8ed55c0d07f79770&pi=0} } @phdthesis{Klu09, author = {Daniel Kl{\"u}nder}, title = {Entwurf eingebetteter Software mit abstrakten Zustandsmaschinen und Business Object Notation}, institution = {RWTH Aachen University}, school = {Embedded Software Laboratory - RWTH Aachen University}, year = {2009}, number = {AIB-2009-04}, month = {feb}, url = {http://aib.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/2009/2009-04.pdf}, issn = {0935-3232}, i11key = { thesis} } @PROCEEDINGS{KP09, title = {Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems. Proc. TACAS 2009}, year = {2009}, editor = {Kowalewski, Stefan and Philippou, Anna}, number = {5505}, series = {LNCS}, address = {York, UK}, publisher = {Springer}, timestamp = {2009.12.08}, i11key = { editor } } @ARTICLE{KWA+09, author = {Kopp, R{\"u}dger and Walter, Marian and Arens, Jutta and Stollenwerk, Andr{\'e} and Leonhardt, Steffen and Schmitz-Rode, Thomas and Kowalewski, Stefan and Rossaint, Rolf}, title = {Regelungs- und Sicherheitskonzepte für extrakorporale Systeme zur Lungenunterstützung / Automatic control and safety concepts for extracorporeal lung support}, journal = {Biomedizinische Technik}, year = {2009}, volume = {54}, pages = {289–297}, number = {5}, month = {October}, doi = {10.1515/BMT.2009.036}, ISSN = {0013-5585}, i11projectkey = { SmartECLA }, keywords = {akutes Lungenversagen, Automatisierung, extrakorporale Lungenunterstützung, extrakorporale Membranoxygenierung, modellbasierte Sicherheitskonzepte, Regelungstechnik, acute respiratory distress syndrome, automation, control engineering, extracorporeal lung support, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, model-based safety concepts}, url = {http://www.reference-global.com/doi/abs/10.1515/BMT.2009.036}, i11key = { journal } } @INPROCEEDINGS{LWW+09, author = {Leonhardt, Steffen and Walter, Marian and Wartzek, Tobias and Kashefi, Ali and Stollenwerk, Andr{\'e} and Kopp, R{\"u}dger}, title = {Regelung des Gasaustauschs für die extrakorporale Oxygenierung}, booktitle = {Automation 2009, Baden-Baden, Germany}, year = {2009}, month = {Juni}, organization = {VDI}, volume = {2067}, pages = {281-285}, i11projectkey = { SmartECLA }, timestamp = {2009.09.01}, i11key = { conference } } @INPROCEEDINGS{Mit09, author = {Mitsching, Ralf}, title = {Testing in the Industrial Development Process for Embedded Systems}, booktitle = {Doctoral Symposium on Systems Software Verification (DS SSV’09) Real Software, Real Problems, Real Solutions}, year = {2009}, pages = {23--25}, publisher = {RWTH Aachen University}, editor = {Ralf Huuck and Gerwin Klein and Bastian Schlich}, isbn = { 0935-3232 }, owner = {mitsching}, timestamp = {2009.08.10}, url = {http://aib.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/2009/2009-14.pdf}, i11key = { conference } } @INPROCEEDINGS{MKCA09, author = {Ben Makhlouf, Ibtissem and Kowalewski, Stefan and Ch\'{a}vez Grunewald, Martin Guillermo and Abel, Dirk}, title = {Safety Assessment of Networked Vehicle Platoon Controllers -- Practical Experiences With Available Tools}, booktitle = {3rd IFAC Conference on Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems, Zaragoza, Spain 2009}, year = {2009}, i11key = { conference } } @article{MWK+09, author = {Mitsching, Ralf and Weise, Carsten and Kolbe, André and Bohnenkamp, Henrik and Berzen, Norbert}, title = {Towards an Industrial Strength Process for Timed Testing}, journal ={IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification, and Validation }, volume = {0}, year = {2009}, isbn = {978-0-7695-3671-2}, pages = {29-38}, doi = {http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/ICSTW.2009.42}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society}, i11key = { journal } } @INPROCEEDINGS{PBWK09, author = {Polzer, Andreas and Botterweck, Goetz and Wangerin, Iris and Kowalewski, Stefan}, title = {Variabilit{\"a}t im modellbasierten {E}ngineering von eingebetteten {S}ystemen}, booktitle = {7. Workshop Automotive Software Engineering}, year = {2009}, volume = {P-154}, series = {Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI)}, pages = {2702 - 2719}, organization = {Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI)}, owner = {andreas.polzer}, timestamp = {2009.06.05}, i11key = { conference } } @INPROCEEDINGS{PK09, author = {Jacob Palczynski and Stefan Kowalewski}, title = {Early Behaviour Modelling for Control Systems}, booktitle = {UKSIM European Symposium on Computer Modeling and Simulation}, year = {2009}, volume = {0}, pages = {148-153}, address = {Los Alamitos, CA, USA}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society}, doi = {http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/EMS.2009.69}, isbn = {978-0-7695-3886-0}, i11key = { conference } } @INPROCEEDINGS{PKB09, author = {Polzer, Andreas and Kowalewski, Stefan and Botterweck, Goetz}, title = {Applying Software Product Line Techniques in Model-based Embedded Systems Engineering}, booktitle = {Model-based Methodologies for Pervasive and Embedded Software (MOMPES 2009), Workshop at the 31st International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2009)}, year = {2009}, volume = {0}, pages = {2-10}, month = {May}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society}, day = {16}, doi = {http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/MOMPES.2009.5069132}, isbn = {978-1-4244-3721-4}, owner = {gb}, shortkey = {PKB09}, status = {status-published}, i11key = { conference } } @inproceedings{RBHS09, Author = {Reinbacher, Thomas and Brauer, J{\"o}rg and Horauer, Martin and Schlich, Bastian}, Booktitle = {Industrial Embedded Systems (SIES'09), Lausanne, Switzerland}, Doi = {10.1109/SIES.2009.5196212 }, Isbn = {978-1-4244-4109-9}, Pages = {161--170}, Publisher = {IEEE Computer Society Press}, Title = {Refining Assembly Code Static Analysis for the Intel MCS-51 Microcontroller}, Year = {2009}, Url = {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/freeabs_all.jsp?arnumber=5196212}, i11key = {conference} } @inproceedings{RHS09, Author = {Reinbacher, Thomas and Horauer, Martin and Schlich, Bastian}, Booktitle = {Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems (DDECS 2009), Liberec, Czech Republic}, Doi = {10.1109/DDECS.2009.5012109}, Isbn = {978-1-4244-3341-4}, Pages = {114--119}, Publisher = {IEEE Computer Society Press}, Title = {Using 3-Valued Memory Representation for State Space Reduction in Embedded Assembly Code Model Checking}, Year = {2009}, i11key = { conference } } @INPROCEEDINGS{RHS+09, author = {Reinbacher, Thomas and Horauer, Martin and Schlich, Bastian and Brauer, J{\"o}rg and Scheuer, Florian}, title = {Model Checking Assembly Code of an Industrial Knitting Machine}, booktitle = {Embedded and Multimedia Computing (EM-Com 2009), Jeju, Korea}, year = {2009}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society Press}, pages = {1--8}, i11key = {conference}, url = {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/freeabs_all.jsp?arnumber=5402986} } @inproceedings{SBWK09, Author = {Schlich, Bastian and Brauer, J{\"o}rg and Wernerus, J{\"o}rg and Kowalewski, Stefan}, Booktitle = {Dependable Control of Discrete Systems (DCDS'09), Bari, Italy}, ISBN = { 978-3-902661-44-9 }, Title = {Direct Model Checking of {PLC} Programs in {IL}}, Year = {2009}, url = {http://www.embedded.rwth-aachen.de/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=bib:SBWK09.pdf}, i11key = {conference} } @inproceedings{SFKW09, author = {Schommer, John F. and Franke, Dominik and Kowalewski, Stefan and Weise, Carsten}, title = {Evaluation of the Real-Time Java Runtime Environment for Deployment in Time-Critical Systems}, booktitle = {7th International Workshop on Java Technologies for Real-Time and Embedded Systems (JTRES '09), Madrid, Spain}, year = {2009}, isbn = {978-1-60558-732-5}, pages = {51--60}, location = {Madrid, Spain}, doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1620405.1620413}, publisher = {ACM}, i11key = { conference } } @INPROCEEDINGS{SJK09, author = {Stollenwerk, Andr{\'e} and Jongdee,Chate and Kowalewski, Stefan}, title = {An Undergraduate Embedded Software Laboratory for the Masses}, booktitle = {Workshop on Embedded Systems Education (WESE09), Grenoble, France}, year = {2009}, pages = {34--41}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, month = {October}, organization = {ARTIST}, publisher = {ACM}, doi = {10.1145/1719010.1719017}, isbn = {978-1-4503-0021-6}, location = {Grenoble, France}, url = {http://portal.acm.org/ft_gateway.cfm?id=1719017&type=pdf&coll=portal&dl=ACM&CFID=77026359&CFTOKEN=33075171}, i11key = { conference }, publishedas = {Druck Online}, language = {eng}, slides = {http://www.artist-embedded.org/docs/Events/2009/WESE2009/wese09-11-stollenwerk.pdf} } @CONFERENCE{SL09, author = {Stollenwerk, Andr{\'e} and Lang, Martin}, title = {Embedded Contributions to an Intensive Care Safety Concept}, year = {2009}, booktitle = {ArtistDesign Workshop on Embedded Systems in Healthcare, Eindhoven - The Netherlands}, note = {Invited Talk}, month = {December}, organization = {ARTIST}, owner = {stollenwerk}, i11projectkey = { SmartECLA }, timestamp = {2009.12.31}, i11key = { conference }, slides = { http://www.artist-embedded.org/docs/Events/2009/WESH2009/SLIDES/WESH_2009_Stollenwerk_Lang.pdf } } @article{SK09, Author = {Schlich, Bastian and Kowalewski, Stefan}, Doi = {10.1007/s10009-009-0106-5}, Issn = {1433-2779}, Journal = {International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer (STTT)}, Number = {3}, Pages = {187--202}, Publisher = {Springer}, Read = {No}, Title = {Model Checking {C} Source Code for Embedded Systems}, Volume = {11}, Year = {2009}, i11key = { journal } } @inproceedings{SKW09, Address = {D{\"u}sseldorf}, Author = {Schlich, Bastian and Kowalewski, Stefan and Wernerus, J{\"o}rg}, Booktitle = {AUTOMATION 2009, Baden-Baden, Germany}, Isbn = {978-3-18-092067-2}, Number = {2067}, Publisher = {VDI Verlag}, Series = {VDI-Berichte}, Title = {{Verifikation von SPS-Programmen in AWL mit Hilfe von direktem Model-Checking}}, Year = {2009}, i11key = { conference }} @INPROCEEDINGS{SNBB09, author = {Schlich, B. and Noll, T. and Brauer, J. and Brutschy, L.}, title = {Reduction of Interrupt Handler Executions for Model Checking Embedded Software}, booktitle = {Haifa Verification Conference (HVC 2009), Haifa, Israel}, year = {2009}, url = {http://www.embedded.rwth-aachen.de/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=bib:SNBB09.pdf}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, volume = {6405}, pages = {5--20}, i11key = {conference} } @ARTICLE{SWW+09, author = {Stollenwerk, Andr{\'e} and Walter, Marian and Wartzek, Tobias and Kopp, R{\"u}dger and Arens, Jutta and Kowalewski, Stefan}, title = {A Safety and Control Concept for Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation}, journal = {The International Journal of Artificial Organs}, year = {2009}, volume = {32}, pages = {428}, number = {7}, month = {September}, booktitle = {36. Annual Meeting European Society for Artificial Organs (ESAO09), Compiegne, France}, issn = {0391-3988}, organization = {ESAO}, i11projectkey = { SmartECLA }, url = {http://www.artificial-organs.com/public/ijao/Article.action?cmd=navigate&urlkey=Public_Details&uid=B21049FA-B9E6-4AF6-96BC-F3AAEB904F59&t=IJAO}, i11key = { journal } } @INPROCEEDINGS{SZR+09, author = {Schmitz, Dominik and Zhang, M. and Rose, Thomas and Jarke, Matthias and Polzer, Andreas and Palczynski, Jacob and Kowalewski, Stefan and Reke, Michael}, title = {Mapping Requirements Models to Mathematical Models in Control Systems Development}, booktitle = {Model Driven Architecture - Foundations and Applications, 5th European Conference, ECMDA-FA 2009}, year = {2009}, volume = {5562}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, pages = {253-264}, address = {Enschede, The Netherlands}, publisher = {Springer}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-02674-4_18}, optmonth = {June}, owner = {polzer}, timestamp = {2009.12.15}, i11key = { conference } } @ARTICLE{TBG+09, author = {Thomas, Wolfgang and Bollue, Kai and G{\"u}ckel, Dominique and Quiros, Gustavo and Slaats, Michaela and Ummels, Michael}, title = {DFG Research Training Group "Algorithmic Synthesis of Reactive and Discrete-Continuous Systems (AlgoSyn)"}, journal = {it - Information Technology}, year = {2009}, volume = {4}, pages = {222-230}, owner = {gueckel}, timestamp = {2009.05.25}, i11key = { journal } } @INPROCEEDINGS{WWK+09, author = {Walter, Marian and Wartzek, Tobias and Kopp, R{\"u}dger and Stollenwerk, Andr{\'e} and Kashefi, Ali and Leonhardt, Steffen}, title = {Automation of Long Term Extracorporeal Oxygenation Systems}, booktitle = {European Control Conference (ECC09), Budapest, Hungary}, year = {2009}, month = {August}, i11projectkey = { SmartECLA }, organization = {European Union Control Association}, i11key = { conference } } @INPROCEEDINGS{WWS+09, author = {Wartzek, Tobias and Walter, Marian and Stollenwerk, Andr{\'e} and Kopp, R{\"u}dger and Kashefi, Ali and Leonhardt, Steffen}, title = {Automatisierung der extrakorporalen Membranoxygenierung}, booktitle = {8. Workshop AUTOMED – Automatisierungstechnische Verfahren für die Medizin, Berlin, Germany}, year = {2009}, volume = {17}, number = {274}, pages = {25-26}, month = {März}, organization = {VDE/VDI}, publisher = {VDI-Verlag}, note = {Best Paper Award}, i11projectkey = { SmartECLA }, owner = {stollenwerk}, timestamp = {2009.09.01}, i11key = { conference } } @INPROCEEDINGS{WWS+09a, author = {Wartzek, Tobias and Walter, Marian and Schmitz-Rode, Thomas and Kowalewski, Stefan and Rossaint, Rolf and Leonhardt, Steffen}, title = {In Vivo Validation of an Automatic Controlled Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenator}, booktitle = {World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering}, year = {2009}, editor = {Olaf D{\"o}ssel and Wolfgang C. Schlegel}, volume = {25}, number = {7}, pages = {118-121}, month = {September}, i11projectkey = { SmartECLA }, publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-03885-3_34}, isbn = {978-3-642-03885-3}, issn = {1433-9277}, owner = {stollenwerk}, timestamp = {2010.02.08}, url = {http://www.springerlink.com/content/k350721703265080/fulltext.pdf}, i11key = { conference } } % 2008 @INPROCEEDINGS{ASK08a, author = {Armoush, Ashraf and Salewski, Falk and Kowalewski, Stefan}, title = {Effective Pattern Representation for Safety Critical Embedded Systems}, booktitle = {2008 International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering}, year = {2008}, volume = {4}, pages = {91--97}, month = {Dec.}, publisher = {IEEE CS}, doi = {10.1109/CSSE.2008.739}, isbn = {978-0-7695-3336-0}, owner = {Ashraf Armoush}, timestamp = {2009.01.12}, url = {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs_all.jsp?arnumber=4722571}, i11key = { conference } } @INPROCEEDINGS{ASK08b, author = {Armoush, Ashraf and Salewski, Falk and Kowalewski, Stefan}, title = {Recovery Block with Backup Voting: A New Pattern with Extended Representation for Safety Critical Embedded Systems}, booktitle = {11th International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT 2008)}, year = {2008}, pages = {232--237}, month = {Dec.}, publisher = {IEEE CS}, doi = {10.1109/ICIT.2008.60}, isbn = {978-0-7695-3513-5}, owner = {Ashraf Armoush}, timestamp = {2009.01.12}, url = {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs_all.jsp?arnumber=4731332}, i11key = { conference } } @INPROCEEDINGS{ASK08c, author = {Armoush, Ashraf and Salewski, Falk and Kowalewski, Stefan}, title = {A Hybrid Fault Tolerance Method for Recovery Block with a Weak Acceptance Test}, booktitle = {The 5th IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC 2008)}, year = {2008}, volume = {1}, pages = {484-491}, month = {Dec.}, publisher = {IEEE CS}, doi = {10.1109/EUC.2008.102}, isbn = {978-0-7695-3492-3}, owner = {Ashraf Armoush}, timestamp = {2009.01.20}, url = {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs_all.jsp?arnumber=4756378} } @inproceedings{BKKS08, Author = {Beckers, J{\"o}rg and Kl{\"u}nder, Daniel and Kowalewski, Stefan and Schlich, Bastian}, Booktitle = {Abstract State Machines, B and Z (ABZ 2008), London, UK}, Doi = {10.1007/978-3-540-87603-8_10}, Isbn = {978-3-540-87602-1}, Pages = {112--124}, Publisher = {Springer}, Series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, Title = {Direct Support for Model Checking of Abstract State Machines by Utilizing Simulation}, Volume = {5238}, Year = {2008}, i11key = { conference }} @inproceedings{DHH+08, author = {Drews, Peter and He{\ss}eler, Frank-Josef and Hoffmann, Kai and Abel, Dirk and Schmitz, Dominik and Polzer, Andreas and Kowalewski, Stefan}, title = {{E}ntwicklung einer {L}uftpfadregelung am {D}ieselmotor unter {B}er{\"u}cksichtigung nichtfunktionaler {A}nforderungen}, booktitle = {Steuerung und Regelung von Fahrzeugen und Motoren – AUTOREG 2008, Baden-Baden, Germany}, year = {2008}, pages = {91--102}, volume = {VDI-Berichte Nr. 2009}, publisher = {VDI-Verlag}, isbn={978-3-18-092009-2}, i11key = { conference } } @inproceedings{HFSB08, Author = {Huuck, Ralf and Fehnker, Ansgar and Seefried, Sean and Brauer, J{\"o}rg}, Bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}, Booktitle = {Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis (ATVA 2008), Seoul, Korea}, Doi = {10.1007/978-3-540-88387-6}, Ee = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-88387-6_17}, Isbn = {978-3-540-88386-9}, Pages = {216-221}, Publisher = {Springer}, Series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, Title = {Goanna: Syntactic Software Model Checking}, Volume = {5311}, Year = {2008}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-88387-6}, Url = {http://www.springerlink.com/content/7h567h368nt7v719/}, i11key = {conference}} @article{HNSW08, Author = {Herberich, Gerlind and Noll, Thomas and Schlich, Bastian and Weise, Carsten}, Doi = {10.1016/j.entcs.2008.06.046}, Issn = {1571-0661}, Journal = {Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science}, Note = {Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Systems Software Verification (SSV 2008)}, Pages = {133--150}, Publisher = {Elsevier}, Title = {Proving Correctness of an Efficient Abstraction for Interrupt Handling}, Volume = {217}, Year = {2008}, i11key = { journal }} @INPROCEEDINGS{KKK08, author = {Kl{\"u}nder, Daniel and Kameni, Dimitri and Kowalewski, Stefan}, title = {Nahtloser Entwurf sicherheitskritischer, eingebetteter Softwaresysteme mit abstrakten Zustandsmaschinen und Business Object Notation}, booktitle = {Entwurf komplexer Automatisierungssysteme (EKA 2008)}, year = {2008}, editor = {U. Jumar and E. Schnieder and C. Diedrich}, month = {April}, organization = {Institut f\"ur Automation und Kommunikation e. V. Magdeburg (ifak)}, isbn = {978-3-940961-01-3}, owner = {daniel.kluender}, timestamp = {2008.06.17}, i11key = { conference } } @INPROCEEDINGS{Klu08a, author = {Kl{\"u}nder, Daniel and Li, J. and Kowalewski, Stefan}, title = {Design-by-Contract for Embedded Systems}, booktitle = {International Symposium on Software Variability: a Programmers' Perspective (SVPP 2008)}, year = {2008}, owner = {daniel.kluender}, timestamp = {2008.07.11}, i11key = { conference } } @INPROCEEDINGS{Klu08b, author = {Kl{\"u}nder, Daniel}, title = {Modellierung und Analyse von Fahrzeugsoftware mit Abstract State Machines}, booktitle = {Modellierung 2008}, year = {2008}, editor = {T. K{\"u}hne and W. Reisig and F. Steinmann}, series = {Lecture Notes in Informatics}, pages = {225-228}, month = {March}, organization = {Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Informatik}, isbn = {978-3-88579-221-5}, issn = {1617-5468}, owner = {daniel.kluender}, timestamp = {2008.06.17}, i11key = { conference } } @inproceedings{NS08, Author = {Noll, Thomas and Schlich, Bastian}, Booktitle = {Hardware and Software: Verification and Testing (HVC 2007), Haifa, Israel}, Doi = {10.1007/978-3-540-77966-7_16}, Isbn = {978-3-540-77964-3}, Issn = {0302-9743}, Pages = {185--201}, Publisher = {Springer}, Series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, Title = {Delayed Nondeterminism in Model Checking Embedded Systems Assembly Code}, Volume = {4899}, Year = {2008}, i11key = { conference }} @inproceedings{RKHS08a, Author = {Reinbacher, Thomas and Kramer, Michael and Horauer, Martin and Schlich, Bastian}, Booktitle = {Industrial Embedded Systems (SIES 2008), Le Grande Motte, France}, Doi = {10.1109/SIES.2008.4577709}, Isbn = {978-1-4244-1994-4}, Pages = {245--248}, Publisher = {IEEE Computer Society Press}, Title = {Challenges in Embedded Model Checking --- A Simulator for the [mc]square Model Checker}, Year = {2008}, i11key = { conference }} @inproceedings{RKHS08b, Author = {Reinbacher, Thomas and Kramer, Michael and Horauer, Martin and Schlich, Bastian}, Booktitle = {Mechatronic and Embedded Systems and Applications (MESA08), Beijing, China}, Doi = {10.1109/MESA.2008.4735653}, Isbn = {978-1-4244-2367-5}, Pages = {546--551}, Publisher = {IEEE Computer Society Press}, Title = {Motivating Model Checking for Embedded Systems Software}, Year = {2008}, i11key = { conference }} @PHDTHESIS{Sal08, author = {Salewski, Falk}, title = {Empirical Evaluations of Safety-Critical Embedded Systems}, school = {Embedded Software Laboratory - RWTH Aachen University}, year = {2008}, note = {AIB-2008-18}, issn = {0935-3232}, owner = {Falk Salewski}, url = {http://aib.informatik.rwth-aachen.de}, i11key = { thesis} } @phdthesis{Sch08, Address = {Aachen, Germany}, Author = {Schlich, Bastian}, Issn = {0935-3232}, Month = {June}, School = {RWTH Aachen University}, Title = {Model Checking of Software for Microcontrollers}, Type = {Dissertation}, Url = {http://aib.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/2008/2008-14.pdf}, Year = {2008}, i11key = { thesis}} @inproceedings{SDH+08a, author = {Drews, Peter and He{\ss}eler, Frank and Schmitz, Dominik and Polzer, Andreas and Kowalewski, Stefan and Abel, Dirk}, title = {{E}ntwicklungsprozess f{\"u}r eine {L}uftpfadregelung am {D}ieselmotor unter {B}er{\"u}cksichtigung nichtfunktionaler {A}nforderungen}, booktitle = {Systeme von morgen - Technische Innovationen und Entwicklungstrends}, year = {2008}, pages = {167--179}, crossref = {DBLP:conf/se/2008}, publisher = {Haus der Technik}, isbn = {978-3-8169-2819-5}, i11key = { conference }} @inproceedings{SDH+08b, author = {Schmitz, Dominik and Drews, Peter and He{\ss}eler, Frank and Jarke, Matthias and Kowalewski, Stefan and Palczynski, Jacob and Polzer, Andreas and Reke, Michael and Rose, Thomas}, title = {{M}odellbasierte {A}nforderungserfassung f{\"u}r softwarebasierte {R}egelungen}, booktitle = {Software Engineering}, year = {2008}, pages = {257--271}, crossref = {DBLP:conf/se/2008}, publisher = {GI}, series = {LNI}, volume = {121}, year = {2008}, isbn = {978-3-88579-215-4}, i11key = { conference } } @inproceedings{SGK08, Address = {Budapest, Hungary}, Author = {Schlich, Bastian and G{\"u}ckel, Dominique and Kowalewski, Stefan}, Booktitle = {Formal Methods for Automation and Safety in Railway and Automotive Systems (FORMS/FORMAT 2008), Budapest, Hungary}, Editor = {Tarnai, G. and Schnieder, E.}, Isbn = {978-963-236-138-3}, Pages = {27--34}, Publisher = {L'Harmattan}, Title = {Modeling the Environment of Microcontrollers to Tackle the State-Explosion Problem in Model Checking}, Year = {2008}, i11key = { conference }} @inproceedings{SLK08, Author = {Schlich, Bastian and L{\"o}ll, Jann and Kowalewski, Stefan}, Booktitle = {Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems (FMICS 2007), Berlin, Germany}, Doi = {10.1007/978-3-540-79707-4_4}, Isbn = {978-3-540-79706-7}, Pages = {21--37}, Publisher = {Springer}, Series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, Title = {Application of Static Analyses for State Space Reduction to Microcontroller Assembly Code}, Volume = {4916}, Year = {2008}, i11key = { conference }} @INPROCEEDINGS{SK08a, author = {Salewski, Falk and Kowalewski, Stefan}, title = {The Effect of Real-Time Software Reuse in FPGAs and Microcontrollers with respect to Software Faults}, booktitle = {Industrial Embedded Systems (SIES'08)}, pages = {141-148}, publisher = {IEEE}, year = {2008}, isbn = {978-1-4244-1995-1}, owner = {Falk Salewski}, i11key = { conference } } @ARTICLE{SK08b, author = {Salewski, Falk and Kowalewski, Stefan}, title = {Hardware/Software Design Considerations for Automotive Embedded Systems}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics}, year = {2008}, volume = {4}, pages = {156 - 163}, number = {3}, month = {Aug}, issn = {1551-3203}, owner = {Falk Salewski}, i11key = { journal } } @INPROCEEDINGS{ST08, author = {Salewski, Falk and Taylor, Adam}, title = {Systematic Considerations for the Application of FPGAs in Industrial Applications}, booktitle = {Industrial Electronics 2008(ISIE'08)}, year = {2008}, isbn = {978-1-4244-1666-0}, owner = {Falk Salewski}, i11key = { conference } } @phdthesis{Wil08, author = "Dirk Wilking", title = "Empirical Studies for the Application of Agile Methods to Embedded Systems", institution = "RWTH Aachen University", school = {Embedded Software Laboratory - RWTH Aachen University}, year = "2008", number = "AIB-2008-19", month = dec, url = "http://aib.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/2008/2008-19.ps.gz", i11key = { thesis} } % 2007 @INPROCEEDINGS{CKSS07, author = {Chen, Xi and Salewski, Falk and Kowalewski, Stefan and Spisic, Kresimir}, title = {Concept and Prototyping of a Fault Management Framework for Automotive Safety Relevant Systems}, booktitle = {Moderne Elektronik im Kraftfahrzeug II}, year = {2007}, pages = {70-79}, publisher = {expert-verlag}, isbn = {978-3-8169-2668-9}, owner = {Falk Salewski}, i11key = { conference } } @CONFERENCE{KK07, author = {Kl{\"u}nder, Daniel and Kowalewski, Stefan}, title = {Scenario-Based Evaluation of Abstract State Machines}, booktitle = {The 14th International ASM Workshop (ASM'07)}, year = {2007}, editor = {Prinz, Andreas}, owner = {daniel.kluender}, timestamp = {2008.06.17}, url = {http://ikt.hia.no/asm07/}, i11key = { conference } } @INPROCEEDINGS{SK07a, author = {Salewski, Falk and Kowalewski, Stefan}, title = {Achieving Highly Reliable Embedded Software: An Empirical Evaluation of Different Approaches}, booktitle = {Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security (SAFECOMP'07)}, year = {2007}, editor = {Francesca Saglietti and Norbert Oster}, volume = {4680/2007}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, pages = {270-275}, month = {Sept.}, publisher = {Springer}, isbn = {978-3-540-75100-7}, issn = {0302-9743}, owner = {Falk Salewski}, i11key = { conference } } @INPROCEEDINGS{SK07b, author = {Salewski, Falk and Kowalewski, Stefan}, title = {Hardware Platform Design Decisions In Embedded Systems - A Systematic Teaching Approach}, booktitle = {Special Issue on the Second Workshop on Embedded System Education (WESE'06)}, year = {2007}, volume = {4}, number = {1}, pages = {27-35}, month = {Jan.}, organization = {SIGBED Review}, publisher = {ACM}, issn = {1551-3688}, owner = {Falk Salewski}, i11key = { conference } } @INPROCEEDINGS{SK07d, author = {Salewski, Falk and Kowalewski, Stefan}, title = {The Effect of Hardware Platform Selection on Safety-Critical Software in Embedded Systems: Empirical Evaluations}, booktitle = {IEEE Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems (SIES'07)}, year = {2007}, pages = {78-85}, month = {July}, publisher = {IEEE}, isbn = {1-4244-0840-7}, owner = {Falk Salewski}, i11key = { conference } } @INPROCEEDINGS{SK07e, author = {Salewski, Falk and Kowalewski, Stefan}, title = {Testing Issues in Empirical Reliability Evaluation of Embedded Real-Time Systems}, booktitle = {IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium, WiP session (RTAS'07)}, year = {2007}, volume = {Technical Report WUCSE-2007-17}, pages = {48-51}, month = {March}, publisher = {Washington University in St. Louis}, owner = {Falk Salewski}, url = {http://cse.wustl.edu/Research/Lists/Technical%20Reports/Attachments/792/proceedings.pdf#page=54}, i11key = { conference } } @inproceedings{SK07f, Address = {Braunschweig, Germany}, Author = {Schlich, Bastian and Kowalewski, Stefan}, Booktitle = {Formal Methods for Automation and Safety in Railway and Automotive Systems (FORMS/FORMAT 2007), Braunschweig, Germany}, Editor = {Schnieder, E. and Tarnai, G.}, Isbn = {978-3-937655-09-3}, Pages = {202--212}, Publisher = {GZVB}, Title = {An Extendable Architecture for Model Checking Hardware-Specific Automotive Microcontroller Code}, Year = {2007}, i11key = { conference }} @inproceedings{SSK07, Author = {Schlich, , Bastian and Salewski, Falk and Kowalewski, Stefan}, Booktitle = {Industrial Embedded Systems (SIES'07), Lisbon, Portugal}, Doi = {10.1109/SIES.2007.4297337}, Isbn = {1-4244-0840-7}, Pages = {209--216}, Publisher = {IEEE Computer Society Press}, Title = {Applying Model Checking to an Automotive Microcontroller Application}, Year = {2007}, i11key = { conference }} @INPROCEEDINGS{ST07, author = {Salewski, Falk and Taylor, Adam}, title = {Fault Handling in {FPGAs} and Microcontrollers in Safety-Critical Embedded Applications: A Comparative Survey}, booktitle = {10th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD'07)}, year = {2007}, editor = {Hana Kubatova}, pages = {124-131}, month = {Aug.}, publisher = {IEEE}, isbn = {0-7695-2978-X}, owner = {Falk Salewski}, i11key = { conference } } @INPROCEEDINGS{WK07, author = {Wilking, Dirk and Kowalewski, Stefan}, title = {Analyzing Software Engineering Processes on Source Code Level}, booktitle = {New trends in software methodologies, tools and techniques (SOMET'2007)}, pages = {305-314}, publisher = {IOS Press}, series = {Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications}, year = {2007}, editor = {Hamido Fujita and Domenico M. Pisanelli}, owner = {dirk.wilking}, timestamp = {2007.09.05}, i11key = { conference } } @ARTICLE{WKK07, author = {Wilking, Dirk and Khan, Umar Farooq and Kowalewski, Stefan}, title = {An Empirical Evaluation of Refactoring}, journal = {Software Development Theory, Practice and Experimentation}, year = {2007}, volume = {1}, pages = {28--44}, number = {1}, month = {February}, owner = {dirk.wilking}, timestamp = {2006.12.19}, i11key = { journal } } @INPROCEEDINGS{WSK07, author = {Wilking, Dirk and Schili, David and Kowalewski, Stefan}, title = {Measuring the Human Factor with the Rasch Model}, booktitle = {Balancing Agility and Formalism in Software Engineering (CEE-SET 2007)}, year = {2007}, editor = {Bertrand Meyer and J.R. Nawrocki and Bartosz Walter}, volume = {5082}, series = {LNCS}, pages = {157-168}, publisher = {Springer}, isbn = {978-3-540-85278-0}, issn = {0302-9743}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-85279-7_13}, owner = {dirk.wilking}, timestamp = {2007.09.05}, i11key = { conference } } % 2006 @INPROCEEDINGS{Klu06a, author = {Kl{\"u}nder, Daniel}, title = {TRIZ for Software Architecture}, booktitle = {Creativity, Quality and Efficiency - Building an Innovation Culture (TRIZ Future 2006)}, year = {2006}, editor = {Joost R. Duflou and Joris D'hondt and Tom Devoldere and Simon Dewulf and Nele Dekeyser}, volume = {1: Scientific Contributions}, pages = {93-98}, isbn = {90-77071-05-9}, owner = {daniel.kluender}, timestamp = {2006.12.19}, i11key = { conference } } @INPROCEEDINGS{Klu06b, author = {Kl{\"u}nder, Daniel}, title = {An Approach to Resolving Contradictions in Software Architecture Design}, booktitle = {Perspectives in Software Architecture Quality (QoSA 2006)}, year = {2006}, editor = {Christine Hofmeister and Ivica Crnkovic and Ralf Reussner and Steffen Becker}, pages = {59-63}, month = {June 27-29}, publisher = {Universit\"at Karlsruhe, Fakult\"at f\"ur Informatik}, issn = {1432 - 7864}, owner = {daniel.kluender}, timestamp = {2006.12.19}, url = {http://www.ubka.uni-karlsruhe.de/cgi-bin/psview?document=ira/2006/10}, i11key = { conference } } @INPROCEEDINGS{MK06, author = {Ben Makhlouf, Ibtissem and Kowalewski, Stefan}, title = {An Evaluation of Two Recent Reachability Analysis Tools for Hybrid Systems}, booktitle = {2nd IFAC Conference on Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems}, year = {2006}, month = { }, abstract = {The hybrid systems community is still struggling to provide practically applicable verification tools. Recently, two new tools, PHAVer and Hsolver, were introduced which promise to be a further step in this direction. We evaluate and compare both tools with the help of several benchmark examples. The results show that both have their strengths and weaknesses, and that there still is no all-purpose reachability analysis tool for hybrid systems.}, file = {:Q\:\\Papiere\\2006_ADHS_Alghero\\20060422_Final\\Latex\\MakhKowa_ADHS1.pdf:PDF}, owner = {IBM}, timestamp = {2008.09.15}, url = {http://www.ifac-papersonline.net/cgi-bin/links/page.cgi?g=Detailed/30190.html;d=1}, i11key = { conference } } @inproceedings { MK06a, author = { Mitsching, Ralf and Kowalewski, Stefan }, title = { Coping with the Variability of Hybrid Models for Automotive Software }, booktitle = { HYCON & CEmACS Workshop on Automotive Systems and Control, Lund }, year = { 2006 }, pages = { 31--38 }, publisher = { University Lund, Dept. Automatic Control }, i11key = { conference } } @inproceedings{PSK06, Author = {Palczynski, Jacob and Schlich, Bastian and Kowalewski, Stefan}, Booktitle = {Informatik 2006: Informatik f{\"u}r Menschen (INFORMATIK 2006), Dresden, Germany}, Isbn = {978-3-88579-187-4}, Issn = {1617-5468}, Number = {P-93}, Pages = {751--755}, Publisher = {Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Informatik e.V.}, Series = {Lecture Notes in Informatics}, Title = {{Eine Evaluationssuite zur schnellen Bewertung von Matlab/Simulink-Modelcheckern}}, Volume = {1}, Year = {2006}, i11key = { conference }} @INPROCEEDINGS{SK06a, author = {Salewski, Falk and Kowalewski, Stefan}, title = {Exploring the Differences of FPGAs and Microcontrollers for their Use in Safety-Critical Embedded Applications}, booktitle = {IEEE Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems (IES'06)}, year = {2006}, pages = {1-4}, month = {Oct.}, publisher = {IEEE}, isbn = {1-4244-0777-X}, owner = {Falk Salewski}, i11key = { conference } } @inproceedings{SK06b, Author = {Schlich, Bastian and Kowalewski, Stefan}, Booktitle = {Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation (ISoLA 2006), Paphos, Cyprus}, Doi = {10.1109/ISoLA.2006.62}, Isbn = {978-0-7695-3071-0}, Pages = {466--473}, Publisher = {IEEE Computer Society Press}, Title = {[mc]square: A model checker for microcontroller code}, Year = {2006}, i11key = { conference }} @techreport{SRWK06, Address = {Aachen, Germany}, Author = {Schlich, Bastian and Rohrbach, Michael and Weber, Michael and Kowalewski, Stefan}, Institution = {RWTH Aachen University}, Issn = {0935-3232}, Number = {AIB-2006-11}, Title = {Model Checking Software for Microcontrollers}, Url = {http://aib.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/2006/2006-11.pdf}, Year = {2006}} @INPROCEEDINGS{SWK06, author = {Salewski, Falk and Wilking, Dirk and Kowalewski, Stefan}, title = {The effect of diverse hardware platforms on {N-version programming} in embedded systems - an empirical evaluation}, booktitle = {Proc. of the 3rd. Workshop on Dependable Embedded Sytems (WDES'06)}, year = {2006}, volume = {TR 105/2006}, pages = {61-66}, month = {Nov.}, publisher = {Vienna University of Technology}, institution = {Vienna University of Technology}, owner = {Falk Salewski}, type = {Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Dependable Embedded Sytems}, i11key = { conference } } % 2005 @INPROCEEDINGS{SWK05, author = {Salewski, Falk and Wilking, Dirk and Kowalewski, Stefan}, title = {Diverse hardware platforms in embedded systems lab courses: A way to teach the differences}, booktitle = {Special Issue: The First Workshop on Embedded System Education (WESE)}, year = {2005}, volume = {2}, number = {4}, pages = {70-74}, month = {Oct.}, organization = {SIGBED Review}, publisher = {ACM}, issn = {1551-3688}, url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1121812.1121825}, doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1121812.1121825}, owner = {Falk Salewski}, i11key = { conference } } @INPROCEEDINGS{SK05b, author = {Salewski, Falk and Kowalewski, Stefan}, title = {{Z}uverl\"assigkeitsmechanismen f\"ur {E}ingebettete {S}ysteme}, booktitle = {Workshop on Zuverl\"assigkeit in eingebetteten Systemen - Ada Deutschland Tagung}, year = {2005}, pages = {39-51}, publisher = {Shaker Verlag}, isbn = {3-8322-4522-7}, issn = {1433-9986}, owner = {Falk Salewski}, i11key = { conference } } @ARTICLE{SK05c, author = {Salewski, Falk and Kowalewski, Stefan}, title = {Zuverl{\"a}ssigkeitsmechanismen f\"ur Eingebettete Systeme}, journal = {GI Softwaretechnik-Trends}, year = {2005}, volume = {25}, pages = {7-8}, number = {4}, issn = {0720-8928}, owner = {Falk Salewski}, i11key = { journal } } @inproceedings{SK05, Address = {Maryland, USA}, Author = {Schlich, Bastian and Kowalewski, Stefan}, Booktitle = {IEEE/NASA Workshop on Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification, and Validation (ISoLA 2005), Columbia, Maryland, USA}, Month = {September}, Note = {NASA/CP-2005-212788}, Pages = {65--77}, Publisher = {NASA}, Title = {Model Checking {C} Source Code for Embedded Systems}, Year = {2005}, i11key = { conference }} @INPROCEEDINGS{WK05, author = {Wilking, Dirk and Kowalewski, Stefan}, title = {Agile Methods for Embedded Systems}, booktitle = {Extreme Programming and Agile Processes in Software Engineering (XP 2005)}, year = {2005}, editor = {Hubert Baumeister and Michele Marchesi and Mike Holcombe}, volume = {3556/2005}, pages = {319-320}, publisher = {Springer}, isbn = {978-3-540-26277-0}, issn = {0302-9743}, owner = {dirk.wilking}, timestamp = {2006.12.19}, i11key = { conference } } % 2004 @techreport{SK04, Address = {Aachen, Germany}, Author = {Schlich, Bastian and Kowalewski, Stefan}, Institution = {Embedded Software Laboratory, RWTH Aachen University}, Number = {RWTH-I11-2004-1}, Title = {{C Model Checker: Eine {\"U}bersicht}}, Year = {2004}}