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forschung:applying_formal_methods_for_qos_provisioning_in_mobile_architectures [2009/09/24 12:37]
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forschung:applying_formal_methods_for_qos_provisioning_in_mobile_architectures [2009/09/24 12:38]
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-  <​h1><​span lang=EN-US style='​font-size:​22.0pt'>​Applying Formal Methods for QoS +
-  Provisioning in Mobile Architectures<​o:​p></​o:​p></​span></​h1>​ +
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-  <p class=MsoNormal style='​margin-bottom:​6.0pt;​text-align:​justify'><​span +
-  lang=EN-US style='​font-size:​10.0pt;​font-family:"​Arial","​sans-serif"'>​This project +
-  focuses on the application of formal methods to model and manage QoS for +
-  Network Mobility. The field of network mobility is gaining ground in +
-  telecommunications because of the evolution of broadband technologies and the +
-  increasing applications that demand broadband access, e.g. connectivity in +
-  public transportation and IMS. Network Mobility is the field that considers +
-  sets of mobile devices moving together as one entity with one or more access +
-  points which are called mobile routers. These networks are standardized under +
-  the IETF-RFC3963 specification also known as NEMO Basic Support, while QoS +
-  challenges are described in IETF-RFC4980. NEMO BS is an extension to MIPv6 +
-  described under IETF-RFC3775. Mobile routers can possess multiple Radio +
-  Access Technologies (RATs) and have to perform real-time operations, e.g. +
-  handover, managing binding updates, merging/​splitting mobile networks and +
-  managing QoS. The intelligent management of mobility, data streams of +
-  different QoS requirements and the available RATs makes the formalization of +
-  this problem a necessity due to its complexity. The importance of this study +
-  comes from the industry focus on network operator’s IP services, especially +
-  IMS. NEMO BS provides a solution for this system and at the same time +
-  requires investment in research to improve QoS.<​o:​p></​o:​p></​span></​p>​ +
-  </​td>​ +
- </​tr>​ +
- <​tr style='​mso-yfti-irow:​1'>​ +
-  <td width="​100%"​ colspan=3 valign=top style='​width:​100.0%;​padding:​0cm 2.0cm 0cm 2.0cm'>​ +
-  <h2 style='​margin-bottom:​6.0pt;​text-align:​justify'><​span lang=EN-US +
-  style='​font-family:"​Arial","​sans-serif";​mso-ansi-language:​EN-US'>​Work Plan<​o:​p></​o:​p></​span></​h2>​ +
-  <p class=MsoNormal style='​margin-bottom:​6.0pt;​text-align:​justify'><​span +
-  lang=EN-US style='​font-size:​10.0pt;​font-family:"​Arial","​sans-serif"'>​This +
-  work consists of two main parts; building the formal model and simulating the +
-  NEMO protocol. These parts are to be run in parallel to achieve +
-  interdependability. This means that simulation measurements will be used to +
-  support theoretic hypothesis made by the formalized description of the QoS +
-  problem. On the other hand, formal tools have to<span style='​mso-no-proof:​ +
-  yes'>​ </​span><​span style='​mso-spacerun:​yes'>​ </​span>​be implemented in order +
-  to be able to incorporate extensions which in turn will allow making +
-  predictions of the behavior of the modeled system in a similar way to +
-  simulations. This means that these tools will be designed to be able to +
-  generate quantitative as well as qualitative conclusions.<​o:​p></​o:​p></​span></​p>​ +
- +
-  </​td>​ +
- </​tr>​ +
- <​tr style='​mso-yfti-irow:​2'>​ +
-  <td width="​100%"​ colspan=3 valign=top style='​width:​100.0%;​padding:​0cm 2.0cm 0cm 2.0cm'>​ +
-  <h2 style='​margin-bottom:​6.0pt;​text-align:​justify'><​span lang=EN-US +
-  style='​font-family:"​Arial","​sans-serif";​mso-ansi-language:​EN-US'>​The Formal +
-  Model<​o:​p></​o:​p></​span></​h2>​ +
-  <p class=MsoNormal style='​margin-bottom:​6.0pt;​text-align:​justify'><​span +
-  lang=EN-US style='​font-size:​10.0pt;​font-family:"​Arial","​sans-serif"'><​o:​p>&​nbsp;</​o:​p></​span></​p>​ +
-  <p class=MsoNormal align=center style='​margin-bottom:​6.0pt;​text-align:​center'><​span +
-  lang=EN-US style='​font-size:​100.0pt;​font-family:"​Bradley Hand ITC";​ +
-  mso-bidi-font-family:​Arial;​color:#​0070C0'>&#​960;</​span><​b><​span lang=EN-US +
-  style='​font-size:​28.0pt;​font-family:"​Script MT Bold";​mso-bidi-font-family:​ +
-  Arial'>​Calculus</​span></​b><​span lang=EN-US style='​font-size:​72.0pt;​ +
-  font-family:"​Bradley Hand ITC";​mso-bidi-font-family:​Arial'><​o:​p></​o:​p></​span></​p>​ +
-  </​td>​ +
- +
- </​tr>​ +
- <​tr style='​mso-yfti-irow:​3'>​ +
-  <td width="​100%"​ colspan=3 valign=top style='​width:​100.0%;​padding:​0cm 2.0cm 0cm 2.0cm'>​ +
-  <p class=MsoNormal style='​margin-bottom:​6.0pt;​text-align:​justify'><​span +
-  lang=EN-US style='​font-size:​10.0pt;​font-family:"​Arial","​sans-serif"'>&#​928;​-Calculus +
-  is a modeling formality that focuses on communicating processes. It offers +
-  firm representation of connectivity and messaging using math-like +
-  expressions. &#​928;​-Calculus had initially a monadic syntax where single +
-  arguments are passed through channels. Later on, polyadic &#​960;​-Calculus was +
-  introduced to allow pushing sets of arguments at once over the communication +
-  channels. Process replication was also introduced. In the higher order +
-  &#​960;​-Calculus,​ process names can be exchanged through the channels too. +
-  Some research uses available syntax to express problems like QoS while others +
-  ground their own flavor of it by introducing modifications to the syntax like +
-  spi-Calculus which is specifically suitable for cryptology. One more example +
-  is Ambient-Calculus which concerns itself with defining computation domains +
-  or ambiences where communication between local processes happens within its +
-  boundary, ambiences can move and communication crossing the border is +
-  analogous to crossing firewalls. The extensibility,​ expressiveness,​ +
-  flexibility and firm formality of &#​960;​-Calculus make it the most suitable +
-  tool for modeling communication protocols and prototypes of enhancements. +
-  This work aims to make further contributions to &#​960;​-Calculus in order to +
-  achieve the following:</​span><​span lang=EN-US style='​font-size:​10.0pt;​ +
-  font-family:"​Arial","​sans-serif";​mso-fareast-language:​DE;​mso-no-proof:​yes'>​ <​o:​p></​o:​p></​span></​p>​ +
-  <p class=MsoNormal style='​margin-bottom:​6.0pt;​text-align:​justify'><​span +
-  lang=EN-US style='​font-size:​10.0pt;​font-family:"​Arial","​sans-serif"'><​o:​p>&​nbsp;</​o:​p></​span></​p>​ +
- +
-  <p class=MsoNormal style='​margin-top:​0cm;​margin-right:​0cm;​margin-bottom:​6.0pt;​ +
-  margin-left:​17.85pt;​text-align:​justify;​text-indent:​-17.85pt;​mso-list:​l1 level1 lfo2'><​![if !supportLists]><​span +
-  lang=EN-US style='​font-size:​10.0pt;​font-family:​Symbol;​mso-fareast-font-family:​ +
-  Symbol;​mso-bidi-font-family:​Symbol'><​span style='​mso-list:​Ignore'>​·<​span +
-  style='​font:​7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;​ +
-  </​span></​span></​span><​![endif]><​span dir=LTR></​span><​span lang=EN-US +
-  style='​font-size:​10.0pt;​font-family:"​Arial","​sans-serif"'>&#​928;​-Calculus is +
-  founded on the principle of state automata. Consequently,​ processes in +
-  &#​960;​-Calculus interact and switch their states upon reception of messages +
-  over communication channels, which means that message reception among +
-  processes triggers the interaction and causes the system to evolve. However, +
-  modeling real-world systems needs more than that. The notion of time is +
-  currently unavailable in the syntax of &#​960;​-Calculus,​ which makes it +
-  unsuitable for performing simulations in which particular events take place +
-  at certain points of time, e.g. time-out events. In this work we aim to +
-  introduce a new component in the syntax of &#​960;​-Calculus to enable it to +
-  model timed events.<​o:​p></​o:​p></​span></​p>​ +
-  <p class=MsoNormal style='​margin-top:​0cm;​margin-right:​0cm;​margin-bottom:​6.0pt;​ +
-  margin-left:​17.85pt;​text-align:​justify;​text-indent:​-17.85pt;​mso-list:​l1 level1 lfo2'><​![if !supportLists]><​span +
-  lang=EN-US style='​font-size:​10.0pt;​font-family:​Symbol;​mso-fareast-font-family:​ +
-  Symbol;​mso-bidi-font-family:​Symbol'><​span style='​mso-list:​Ignore'>​·<​span +
-  style='​font:​7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;​ +
-  </​span></​span></​span><​![endif]><​span dir=LTR></​span><​span lang=EN-US +
-  style='​font-size:​10.0pt;​font-family:"​Arial","​sans-serif"'>&#​928;​-Calculus is +
-  suitable for deducing qualitative conclusions about processes’ interaction +
-  and states. However, more meaningful verification results can be made when +
-  quantitative conclusions are made from the &#​960;​-Calculus model such as +
-  bandwidth utilization and power consumption. This can be done if the notion +
-  of time was present in the model. Available tools for &#​960;​-Calculus have +
-  limitations to be covered, e.g. polyadic &#​960;​-Calculus has to be supported +
-  in order to be able to model process replication. Otherwise, polyadic systems +
-  have to be downgraded to monadic syntax which is unrealistic for complex +
-  systems.<​o:​p></​o:​p></​span></​p>​ +
- +
-  <p class=MsoNormal style='​margin-top:​0cm;​margin-right:​0cm;​margin-bottom:​6.0pt;​ +
-  margin-left:​17.85pt;​text-align:​justify;​text-indent:​-17.85pt;​mso-list:​l1 level1 lfo2'><​![if !supportLists]><​span +
-  lang=EN-US style='​font-size:​10.0pt;​font-family:​Symbol;​mso-fareast-font-family:​ +
-  Symbol;​mso-bidi-font-family:​Symbol'><​span style='​mso-list:​Ignore'>​·<​span +
-  style='​font:​7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;​ +
-  </​span></​span></​span><​![endif]><​span dir=LTR></​span><​span lang=EN-US +
-  style='​font-size:​10.0pt;​font-family:"​Arial","​sans-serif"'>​There have been +
-  models suggested about using &#​960;​-Calculus to model QoS supervision in +
-  telecommunication networks. As our work touches the foundations of +
-  &#​960;​-Calculus,​ we would like to see how these changes will affect the +
-  suggested models and how we can improve them.<​o:​p></​o:​p></​span></​p>​ +
-  <p class=MsoNormal style='​margin-top:​0cm;​margin-right:​0cm;​margin-bottom:​6.0pt;​ +
-  margin-left:​17.85pt;​text-align:​justify;​text-indent:​-17.85pt;​mso-list:​l1 level1 lfo2'><​![if !supportLists]><​span +
-  lang=EN-US style='​font-size:​10.0pt;​font-family:​Symbol;​mso-fareast-font-family:​ +
-  Symbol;​mso-bidi-font-family:​Symbol'><​span style='​mso-list:​Ignore'>​·<​span +
-  style='​font:​7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;​ +
-  </​span></​span></​span><​![endif]><​span dir=LTR></​span><​span lang=EN-US +
-  style='​font-size:​10.0pt;​font-family:"​Arial","​sans-serif"'>​A &#​960;​-Calculus +
-  model for NEMO BS has to be built as described in RFC3963. Software +
-  development of the protocol under the simulation tool and QoS enhancements +
-  should be based on this model. This is important to ensure strong analogy +
-  interrelationships between simulation measurements and the qualitative +
-  deductions made from the formal model.<​span style='​mso-spacerun:​yes'>​  +
-  </​span><​o:​p></​o:​p></​span></​p>​ +
-  <p class=MsoNormal style='​margin-top:​0cm;​margin-right:​0cm;​margin-bottom:​6.0pt;​ +
-  margin-left:​17.85pt;​text-align:​justify;​text-indent:​-17.85pt;​mso-list:​l1 level1 lfo2'><​![if !supportLists]><​span +
-  lang=EN-US style='​font-size:​10.0pt;​font-family:​Symbol;​mso-fareast-font-family:​ +
-  Symbol;​mso-bidi-font-family:​Symbol'><​span style='​mso-list:​Ignore'>​·<​span +
-  style='​font:​7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;​ +
- +
-  </​span></​span></​span><​![endif]><​span dir=LTR></​span><​span lang=EN-US +
-  style='​font-size:​10.0pt;​font-family:"​Arial","​sans-serif"'>​Depending on the +
-  interdependency between simulation and formal model verification results +
-  further studies can evolve to explain observed phenomena and try to set rules +
-  to make this relation deterministic.<​o:​p></​o:​p></​span></​p>​ +
-  <p class=MsoNormal style='​margin-bottom:​6.0pt;​text-align:​justify'><​span +
-  lang=EN-US style='​font-size:​10.0pt;​font-family:"​Arial","​sans-serif"'><​o:​p>&​nbsp;</​o:​p></​span></​p>​ +
-  <p class=MsoNormal style='​margin-bottom:​6.0pt;​text-align:​justify'><​span +
-  lang=EN-US style='​font-size:​10.0pt;​font-family:"​Arial","​sans-serif"'>​The +
-  ability to make realistic assessments of modeled systems before the +
-  implementation phase using formal model checking techniques has several +
-  advantages:<​o:​p></​o:​p></​span></​p>​ +
-  <p class=MsoNormal style='​margin-top:​0cm;​margin-right:​0cm;​margin-bottom:​6.0pt;​ +
-  margin-left:​17.85pt;​text-align:​justify;​text-indent:​-17.85pt;​mso-list:​l0 level1 lfo4'><​![if !supportLists]><​span +
-  lang=EN-US style='​font-size:​10.0pt;​font-family:​Symbol;​mso-fareast-font-family:​ +
-  Symbol;​mso-bidi-font-family:​Symbol'><​span style='​mso-list:​Ignore'>​·<​span +
-  style='​font:​7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;​ +
-  </​span></​span></​span><​![endif]><​span dir=LTR></​span><​span lang=EN-US +
-  style='​font-size:​10.0pt;​font-family:"​Arial","​sans-serif"'>​It will be possible +
-  on basis of the qualitative attributes of the suggested model to judge +
-  whether it answers the requirements it is meant to satisfy.<​o:​p></​o:​p></​span></​p>​ +
-  <p class=MsoNormal style='​margin-top:​0cm;​margin-right:​0cm;​margin-bottom:​6.0pt;​ +
-  margin-left:​17.85pt;​text-align:​justify;​text-indent:​-17.85pt;​mso-list:​l0 level1 lfo4'><​![if !supportLists]><​span +
-  lang=EN-US style='​font-size:​10.0pt;​font-family:​Symbol;​mso-fareast-font-family:​ +
-  Symbol;​mso-bidi-font-family:​Symbol'><​span style='​mso-list:​Ignore'>​·<​span +
-  style='​font:​7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;​ +
- +
-  </​span></​span></​span><​![endif]><​span dir=LTR></​span><​span lang=EN-US +
-  style='​font-size:​10.0pt;​font-family:"​Arial","​sans-serif"'>​It allows +
-  quantitatively comparing formal models and making early choices about +
-  modifications and improvements.<​o:​p></​o:​p></​span></​p>​ +
-  <p class=MsoNormal style='​margin-top:​0cm;​margin-right:​0cm;​margin-bottom:​6.0pt;​ +
-  margin-left:​17.85pt;​text-align:​justify;​text-indent:​-17.85pt;​mso-list:​l0 level1 lfo4'><​![if !supportLists]><​span +
-  lang=EN-US style='​font-size:​10.0pt;​font-family:​Symbol;​mso-fareast-font-family:​ +
-  Symbol;​mso-bidi-font-family:​Symbol'><​span style='​mso-list:​Ignore'>​·<​span +
-  style='​font:​7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;​ +
-  </​span></​span></​span><​![endif]><​span dir=LTR></​span><​span lang=EN-US +
-  style='​font-size:​10.0pt;​font-family:"​Arial","​sans-serif"'>​It shortens the +
-  software development cycle by limiting the need to go back to the model and +
-  make modifications for issues discovered after implementation.<​o:​p></​o:​p></​span></​p>​ +
-  <p class=MsoNormal style='​margin-bottom:​6.0pt;​text-align:​justify'><​span +
-  lang=EN-US style='​font-size:​10.0pt;​font-family:"​Arial","​sans-serif"'><​o:​p>&​nbsp;</​o:​p></​span></​p>​ +
-  <p class=MsoNormal style='​margin-bottom:​6.0pt;​text-align:​justify'><​span +
-  lang=EN-US style='​font-size:​10.0pt;​font-family:"​Arial","​sans-serif"'><​o:​p>&​nbsp;</​o:​p></​span></​p>​ +
-  </​td>​ +
- </​tr>​ +
- +
- <​tr style='​mso-yfti-irow:​4'>​ +
-  <td width="​100%"​ colspan=3 valign=top style='​width:​100.0%;​padding:​0cm 2.0cm 0cm 2.0cm'>​ +
-  <h2 style='​margin-bottom:​6.0pt;​text-align:​justify'><​span lang=EN-US +
-  style='​font-family:"​Arial","​sans-serif";​mso-ansi-language:​EN-US'>​Simulating +
-  the Protocol<​o:​p></​o:​p></​span></​h2>​ +
-  <p class=MsoNormal style='​margin-bottom:​6.0pt;​text-align:​justify'><​span +
-  lang=EN-US style='​font-size:​10.0pt;​font-family:"​Arial","​sans-serif"'><​o:​p>&​nbsp;</​o:​p></​span></​p>​ +
-  <p class=MsoNormal style='​margin-bottom:​6.0pt;​text-align:​justify'><​span +
-  lang=EN-US style='​font-size:​10.0pt;​font-family:"​Arial","​sans-serif"'><​o:​p>&​nbsp;</​o:​p></​span></​p>​ +
-  <p class=MsoNormal style='​margin-bottom:​6.0pt;​text-align:​justify'><​span +
-  lang=EN-US style='​font-size:​10.0pt;​font-family:"​Arial","​sans-serif"'><​o:​p>&​nbsp;</​o:​p></​span></​p>​ +
-  <p class=MsoNormal align=center style='​margin-bottom:​6.0pt;​text-align:​center'><​b><​span +
-  style='​font-size:​48.0pt;​font-family:"​Arial Black","​sans-serif";​mso-bidi-font-family:​ +
-  Aharoni;​mso-ansi-language:​DE;​mso-fareast-language:​DE;​mso-no-proof:​yes'><​!--[if gte vml 1]><​v:​shape +
-   ​id="​Bild_x0020_15"​ o:​spid="​_x0000_i1025"​ type="#​_x0000_t75"​ style='​width:​231pt;​ +
-   ​height:​45.75pt;​visibility:​visible;​mso-wrap-style:​square'>​ +
-   <​v:​imagedata src="​image008.png"​ o:​title=""/>​ +
-  </​v:​shape><​![endif]--><​![if !vml]><​img width=308 height=61 +
-  src="​image009.jpg"​ v:​shapes="​Bild_x0020_15"><​![endif]></​span></​b><​span +
-  lang=EN-US style='​font-size:​10.0pt;​font-family:"​Arial","​sans-serif"'><​o:​p></​o:​p></​span></​p>​ +
-  <h2 style='​margin-bottom:​6.0pt;​text-align:​justify'><​span lang=EN-US +
-  style='​font-size:​10.0pt;​line-height:​115%;​font-family:"​Arial","​sans-serif";​ +
-  mso-ansi-language:​EN-US'><​o:​p>&​nbsp;</​o:​p></​span></​h2>​ +
- +
-  </​td>​ +
- </​tr>​ +
- <​tr style='​mso-yfti-irow:​5'>​ +
-  <td width="​100%"​ colspan=3 valign=top style='​width:​100.0%;​padding:​0cm 2.0cm 0cm 2.0cm'>​ +
-  <p class=MsoNormal style='​margin-bottom:​6.0pt;​text-align:​justify'><​span +
-  lang=EN-US style='​font-size:​10.0pt;​font-family:"​Arial","​sans-serif"'>​For this +
-  purpose OPNET Modeler® is being used under university licensing. This +
-  simulator contains a huge library of standardized protocols and devices as +
-  well as commercial ones, e.g. MIPv6 and mobile routers. The hierarchical +
-  structure of components and their modular design shortens the time required +
-  to develop own devices and extend particular protocols. To complete the +
-  required infrastructure for performing simulations the following tasks are +
-  ahead:</​span><​span lang=EN-US style='​font-size:​1.0pt;​mso-fareast-font-family:​ +
-  "Times New Roman";​color:​black;​background:​black;​mso-ansi-language:​X-NONE;​ +
-  mso-fareast-language:​X-NONE;​mso-bidi-language:​X-NONE;​layout-grid-mode:​line'>​ </​span><​span +
-  style='​font-size:​1.0pt;​mso-fareast-font-family:"​Times New Roman";​color:​black;​ +
-  background:​black;​mso-ansi-language:​DE;​mso-fareast-language:​X-NONE;​mso-bidi-language:​ +
-  X-NONE;​layout-grid-mode:​line'><​o:​p></​o:​p></​span></​p>​ +
-  </​td>​ +
- </​tr>​ +
- <​tr style='​mso-yfti-irow:​6'>​ +
- +
-  <td width="​100%"​ colspan=3 valign=top style='​width:​100.0%;​padding:​0cm 2.0cm 0cm 2.0cm'>​ +
-  <h2 align=center style='​margin-bottom:​6.0pt;​text-align:​center;​mso-outline-level:​ +
-  2'><​!--[if gte vml 1]><​o:​wrapblock><​v:​shape id="​Bild_x0020_18"​ o:​spid="​_x0000_s1054"​ +
-    type="#​_x0000_t75"​ alt="​architecture_lrg"​ style='​position:​absolute;​left:​0;​ +
-    text-align:​left;​margin-left:​0;​margin-top:​-118.45pt;​width:​306pt;​height:​358.5pt;​ +
-    z-index:​1;​visibility:​visible;​mso-wrap-style:​square;​ +
-    mso-wrap-distance-left:​9pt;​mso-wrap-distance-top:​0;​ +
-    mso-wrap-distance-right:​9pt;​mso-wrap-distance-bottom:​0;​ +
-    mso-position-horizontal:​center;​mso-position-horizontal-relative:​text;​ +
-    mso-position-vertical:​absolute;​mso-position-vertical-relative:​text'>​ +
-    <​v:​imagedata src="​image010.gif"​ o:​title="​architecture_lrg"/>​ +
-    <w:wrap type="​topAndBottom"/>​ +
-   </​v:​shape><​![endif]--><​![if !vml]><​img width=408 height=478 +
-   ​src="​image011.jpg"​ alt="​architecture_lrg"​ v:​shapes="​Bild_x0020_18"><​![endif]><​!--[if gte vml 1]></​o:​wrapblock><​![endif]--><​br +
-  style='​mso-ignore:​vglayout'​ clear=ALL>​ +
-  <span lang=EN-US style='​font-size:​10.0pt;​line-height:​115%;​font-family:"​Arial","​sans-serif";​ +
-  mso-fareast-font-family:"​MS Mincho";​color:#​548DD4;​mso-themecolor:​text2;​ +
-  mso-themetint:​153;​mso-ansi-language:​EN-US;​mso-fareast-language:​JA;​font-weight:​ +
-  normal;​font-style:​normal'>​Copyright OPNET Technologies,​ Inc.®<​o:​p></​o:​p></​span></​h2>​ +
-  </​td>​ +
- </​tr>​ +
- <​tr style='​mso-yfti-irow:​7'>​ +
-  <td width="​100%"​ colspan=3 valign=top style='​width:​100.0%;​padding:​0cm 2.0cm 0cm 2.0cm'>​ +
-  <p class=MsoNormal style='​margin-bottom:​6.0pt;​text-align:​justify'><​span +
-  lang=EN-US style='​font-size:​1.0pt;​mso-fareast-font-family:"​Times New Roman";​ +
-  color:​black;​background:​black;​mso-fareast-language:​X-NONE;​mso-bidi-language:​ +
-  X-NONE;​layout-grid-mode:​line'><​o:​p>&​nbsp;</​o:​p></​span></​p>​ +
- +
-  <p class=MsoNormal style='​margin-bottom:​6.0pt;​text-align:​justify'><​span +
-  lang=EN-US style='​font-size:​10.0pt;​font-family:"​Arial","​sans-serif"'><​o:​p>&​nbsp;</​o:​p></​span></​p>​ +
-  <p class=MsoNormal style='​margin-top:​0cm;​margin-right:​0cm;​margin-bottom:​6.0pt;​ +
-  margin-left:​17.85pt;​text-align:​justify;​text-indent:​-17.85pt;​mso-list:​l2 level1 lfo6'><​![if !supportLists]><​span +
-  lang=EN-US style='​font-size:​10.0pt;​font-family:​Symbol;​mso-fareast-font-family:​ +
-  Symbol;​mso-bidi-font-family:​Symbol'><​span style='​mso-list:​Ignore'>​·<​span +
-  style='​font:​7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;​ +
-  </​span></​span></​span><​![endif]><​span dir=LTR></​span><​span lang=EN-US +
-  style='​font-size:​10.0pt;​font-family:"​Arial","​sans-serif"'>​Create a multi-RAT +
-  router on which the NEMO BS protocol is going to be run. Multiple RAT +
-  interfaces are necessary to study the effect of access technology switching +
-  on ongoing data sessions and to test possible QoS enhancements and +
-  strategies. This router shares its network layer between the different RATs +
-  by setting MIPv6 on top of Link Layer (LL) and Radio Resource Control (RRC) +
-  layers of available RATs. Each RAT will have its own physical, MAC, LL, Radio +
-  Link Control (RLC) and RRC of its own. On top of MIPv6 NEMO BS is going to be +
-  implemented. This structure allows for unified session management and QoS +
-  control. For this research, WiFi, WiMAX and UMTS are going to be the RATs of +
-  our mobile routers.<​o:​p></​o:​p></​span></​p>​ +
-  <p class=MsoNormal style='​margin-top:​0cm;​margin-right:​0cm;​margin-bottom:​6.0pt;​ +
-  margin-left:​17.85pt;​text-align:​justify;​text-indent:​-17.85pt;​mso-list:​l2 level1 lfo6'><​![if !supportLists]><​span +
-  lang=EN-US style='​font-size:​10.0pt;​font-family:​Symbol;​mso-fareast-font-family:​ +
-  Symbol;​mso-bidi-font-family:​Symbol'><​span style='​mso-list:​Ignore'>​·<​span +
-  style='​font:​7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;​ +
-  </​span></​span></​span><​![endif]><​span dir=LTR></​span><​span lang=EN-US +
-  style='​font-size:​10.0pt;​font-family:"​Arial","​sans-serif"'>​Create core-network +
-  components that will provide the required messaging to perform handover and +
-  domain administration. These components are described in 3GPP-23.401 and +
-  3GPP-23.402. These specifications describe network structure for different +
-  scenarios (homing or visiting) in addition to mobility management, network +
-  selection, network access strategies and QoS provisioning.<​o:​p></​o:​p></​span></​p>​ +
-  <p class=MsoNormal style='​margin-top:​0cm;​margin-right:​0cm;​margin-bottom:​6.0pt;​ +
-  margin-left:​17.85pt;​text-align:​justify;​text-indent:​-17.85pt;​mso-list:​l2 level1 lfo6'><​![if !supportLists]><​span +
-  lang=EN-US style='​font-size:​10.0pt;​font-family:​Symbol;​mso-fareast-font-family:​ +
-  Symbol;​mso-bidi-font-family:​Symbol'><​span style='​mso-list:​Ignore'>​·<​span +
-  style='​font:​7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;​ +
- +
-  </​span></​span></​span><​![endif]><​span dir=LTR></​span><​span lang=EN-US +
-  style='​font-size:​10.0pt;​font-family:"​Arial","​sans-serif"'>​NEMO BS has to be +
-  modeled using our extensions of &#​960;​-Calculus. Afterwards, the protocol can +
-  be implemented for simulation based on the prototyped model. This has to be +
-  done in this order because strong interdependency between simulation and +
-  formalization is required for further study purposes.<​o:​p></​o:​p></​span></​p>​ +
-  <p class=MsoNormal style='​margin-top:​0cm;​margin-right:​0cm;​margin-bottom:​6.0pt;​ +
-  margin-left:​17.85pt;​text-align:​justify;​text-indent:​-17.85pt;​mso-list:​l2 level1 lfo6'><​![if !supportLists]><​span +
-  lang=EN-US style='​font-size:​10.0pt;​font-family:​Symbol;​mso-fareast-font-family:​ +
-  Symbol;​mso-bidi-font-family:​Symbol'><​span style='​mso-list:​Ignore'>​·<​span +
-  style='​font:​7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;​ +
-  </​span></​span></​span><​![endif]><​span dir=LTR></​span><​span lang=EN-US +
-  style='​font-size:​10.0pt;​font-family:"​Arial","​sans-serif"'>​Extend MIPv6 to +
-  include NEMO BS as described in RFC3963 and according to the prototyped +
-  &#​960;​-Calculus model. To allow code-reuse NEMO BS will be written above an +
-  abstraction layer that will integrate it with OPNET.<​o:​p></​o:​p></​span></​p>​ +
-  <p class=MsoNormal style='​margin-top:​0cm;​margin-right:​0cm;​margin-bottom:​6.0pt;​ +
-  margin-left:​17.85pt;​text-align:​justify;​text-indent:​-17.85pt;​mso-list:​l2 level1 lfo6'><​![if !supportLists]><​span +
-  lang=EN-US style='​font-size:​10.0pt;​font-family:​Symbol;​mso-fareast-font-family:​ +
-  Symbol;​mso-bidi-font-family:​Symbol'><​span style='​mso-list:​Ignore'>​·<​span +
-  style='​font:​7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;​ +
-  </​span></​span></​span><​![endif]><​span dir=LTR></​span><​span lang=EN-US +
-  style='​font-size:​10.0pt;​font-family:"​Arial","​sans-serif"'>​Integrate the NEMO +
-  BS extension with OPNET. At this point, full functionality of NEMO BS should +
-  be available for testing.<​o:​p></​o:​p></​span></​p>​ +
- +
-  <p class=MsoNormal style='​margin-top:​0cm;​margin-right:​0cm;​margin-bottom:​6.0pt;​ +
-  margin-left:​17.85pt;​text-align:​justify;​text-indent:​-17.85pt;​mso-list:​l2 level1 lfo6'><​![if !supportLists]><​span +
-  lang=EN-US style='​font-size:​10.0pt;​font-family:​Symbol;​mso-fareast-font-family:​ +
-  Symbol;​mso-bidi-font-family:​Symbol'><​span style='​mso-list:​Ignore'>​·<​span +
-  style='​font:​7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;​ +
-  </​span></​span></​span><​![endif]><​span dir=LTR></​span><​span lang=EN-US +
-  style='​font-size:​10.0pt;​font-family:"​Arial","​sans-serif"'>​Create test +
-  scenarios for use with simulations. These scenarios will be based on the use +
-  cases described in 3GPP-22.259. This document describes use-cases for PANs in +
-  IMS for which NEMO BS represents a suitable solution. This particular +
-  approach has been chosen in order to keep a close to industry requirements.<​o:​p></​o:​p></​span></​p>​ +
-  <p class=MsoNormal style='​margin-top:​0cm;​margin-right:​0cm;​margin-bottom:​6.0pt;​ +
-  margin-left:​17.85pt;​text-align:​justify;​text-indent:​-17.85pt;​mso-list:​l2 level1 lfo6'><​![if !supportLists]><​span +
-  lang=EN-US style='​font-size:​10.0pt;​font-family:​Symbol;​mso-fareast-font-family:​ +
-  Symbol;​mso-bidi-font-family:​Symbol'><​span style='​mso-list:​Ignore'>​·<​span +
-  style='​font:​7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;​ +
-  </​span></​span></​span><​![endif]><​span dir=LTR></​span><​span lang=EN-US +
-  style='​font-size:​10.0pt;​font-family:"​Arial","​sans-serif"'>​Collect baseline +
-  measurements against which QoS improvements are going to be evaluated.<​o:​p></​o:​p></​span></​p>​ +
-  <p class=MsoNormal style='​margin-top:​0cm;​margin-right:​0cm;​margin-bottom:​6.0pt;​ +
-  margin-left:​17.85pt;​text-align:​justify;​text-indent:​-17.85pt;​mso-list:​l2 level1 lfo6'><​![if !supportLists]><​span +
-  lang=EN-US style='​font-size:​10.0pt;​font-family:​Symbol;​mso-fareast-font-family:​ +
-  Symbol;​mso-bidi-font-family:​Symbol'><​span style='​mso-list:​Ignore'>​·<​span +
-  style='​font:​7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;&​nbsp;​ +
-  </​span></​span></​span><​![endif]><​span dir=LTR></​span><​span lang=EN-US +
-  style='​font-size:​10.0pt;​font-family:"​Arial","​sans-serif"'>​Modify the +
-  implementation of NEMO BS to propagate the QoS improvements made using the &#​960;​-Calculus +
-  based model and collect simulation measurements. These measurements will be +
-  compared with the baseline results to assess the improvements. In addition, +
-  they will be semantically compared to the quantitative attributes of the QoS +
-  improved model to see how these results match or differ.<​o:​p></​o:​p></​span></​p>​ +
- +
-  <h2 style='​margin-bottom:​6.0pt;​text-align:​justify;​mso-outline-level:​2'><​span +
-  lang=EN-US style='​font-family:"​Arial","​sans-serif";​mso-ansi-language:​EN-US'><​o:​p>&​nbsp;</​o:​p></​span></​h2>​ +
-  <p class=MsoNormal><​span lang=EN-US style='​font-size:​11.0pt;​mso-fareast-language:​ +
-  EN-US'><​o:​p>&​nbsp;</​o:​p></​span></​p>​ +
-  </​td>​ +
- </​tr>​ +
- <​tr style='​mso-yfti-irow:​8'>​ +
-  <td width="​100%"​ colspan=3 valign=top style='​width:​100.0%;​padding:​0cm 2.0cm 0cm 2.0cm'>​ +
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-  <p class=MsoNormal align=center style='​text-align:​center'><​span lang=EN-US +
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