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lehre:wise0607:einfuehrung_in_eingebettete_systeme [2009/06/08 17:42]
lehre:wise0607:einfuehrung_in_eingebettete_systeme [2011/11/21 17:27]
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
-====== Einführung in eingebettete Systeme ====== 
-=== Content === 
-Basic introduction to technologies,​ functions and design of embedded systems: Typical requirements,​ examples of product and production automation, introduction to microcontrollers,​ introduction to logic control with PLCs, device technology, and according tools. 
-=== News === 
-|| **Date** 
-|| **News** 
-|| 03/14/2007 
-|| Grades are online. The inspection (Klausureinsicht) will be on wednesday march 21st, 1 pm in the room 2323 (exercise room). 
-|| 01/30/2007 
-|| Added hardware platform selection lecture. ​ 
-|| 01/23/2007 
-|| Added FPGAs in a nutshell lecture. ​ 
-|| 01/17/2007 
-|| Major update on lecture material. ​ 
-|| 01/09/2007 
-|| Exercise 5 added. ​ 
-|| 12/13/2006 
-|| Exercise 4 added. ​ 
-|| 11/29/2006 
-|| Exercise 3 added. ​ 
-|| 11/28/2006 
-|| Added literature links. ​ 
-|| 11/21/2006 
-|| Added exercise sheets. ​ 
-|| 11/06/2006 
-|| There will be no lecture tomorrow, Tuesday 7th, because of the "​Fachschaftsvollversammlung"​.  ​ 
-|| 10/24/2006 
-|| Preleminary group assignment is finished. English group starts on October 24., German group starts on November 8th.  ​ 
-|| 10/16/2006 
-|| As there will be no lecture this tuesday (17.10.), there will be no exercise this wednesday (18.10.) either. Btw: the exercise starts a little earlier (90 + 15 min.) as the time for setting up the microcontrollers has been added. ​ 
-=== Links === 
-  * [[http://​www-i11.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/​smf/​index.php?​board=10.0|Forum]] 
-  * [[http://​www.campus.rwth-aachen.de/​rwth/​all/​event.asp?​gguid=0x5D4E275B8947C448AF3848A93D36FCEA&​tguid=0x5C961A8BF520754488FFF860D2381637|Campus]] 
-  * [[http://​www-i11.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/​smf/​index.php?​board=19.0|Frequently asked questions MCU]] 
-  * [[http://​www.atmel.com/​dyn/​resources/​prod_documents/​doc2466.pdf|ATmega16 Description]] 
-  * [[http://​www-i11.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/​index.php?​id=faq|All FAQs including FPGA and VHDL issues]] 
-=== Lecture Material === 
-|| **Date** 
-|| **Topic** 
-|| **Documents** 
-|| 2006-10-31 
-|| Organisation 
-|| {{:​lehre:​wise0607:​00_20061014_ies_organisation.pdf|Slides}} 
-|| 2006-10-31 
-|| Introduction 
-|| {{:​lehre:​wise0607:​01_20061014_ies_introduction.pdf|Slides}} 
-|| 2007-01-17 
-|| Microcontroller 1 
-|| {{:​lehre:​wise0607:​part02_1.pdf|Slides}} 
-|| 2007-01-17 
-|| Microcontroller 2 
-|| {{:​lehre:​wise0607:​part02_2.pdf|Slides}} 
-|| 2007-01-10 
-|| ADC/DAC (continued) 
-|| {{:​lehre:​wise0607:​03continued_2006_ies_microcontrollers_adc.pdf|Slides}} 
-|| 2006-01-17 
-|| Microcontroller 3 
-|| {{:​lehre:​wise0607:​part02_3.pdf|Slides}} 
-|| 2006-01-17 
-|| Introduction to logic control 
-|| {{:​lehre:​wise0607:​part03.pdf|Slides}} 
-|| 2006-01-17 
-|| PLCs 1 
-|| {{:​lehre:​wise0607:​part04.pdf|Slides}} 
-|| 2006-01-17 
-|| PLCs 2 
-|| {{:​lehre:​wise0607:​part04_1.pdf|Slides}} 
-|| 2006-01-17 
-|| Function Block Diagrams 1 
-|| {{:​lehre:​wise0607:​part04_2.pdf|Slides}} 
-|| 2007-01-10 
-|| Function Block Diagrams 2 
-|| {{:​lehre:​wise0607:​04_2006_ies_standardfunctionblocks.pdf|Slides}} 
-|| 2006-01-17 
-|| Instruction List 
-|| {{:​lehre:​wise0607:​part04_3.pdf|Slides}} 
-|| 2006-01-17 
-|| Specification and Implementation 
-|| {{:​lehre:​wise0607:​part04_4.pdf|Slides}} 
-|| 2006-01-23 
-|| FPGAs in a nutshell 
-|| {{:​lehre:​wise0607:​20070123_fpgas_in_a_nutshell.pdf|Slides}} 
-|| 2007-01-09 
-|| Hardware Platform Selection 
-|| {{:​lehre:​wise0607:​20070130_hardwareplatforms.pdf|Slides}} 
-=== Exercise Material === 
-|| **Date** 
-|| **Topic** 
-|| **Documents** 
-|| 2007-01-09 
-|| PLC 2 
-|| {{:​lehre:​wise0607:​acid_dilution.zip|Template file: acid dilution}} 
-|| 2006-12-13 
-|| PLC 1 
-|| {{:​lehre:​wise0607:​flow_heater.zip|Template File: Gas Burner}} 
-|| 2006-11-29 
-|| ADC Programming 
-|| {{:​lehre:​wise0607:​lcd.h|lcd.h}} 
-|| 2006-11-29 
-|| ADC Programming 
-|| {{:​lehre:​wise0607:​lcd.c|lcd.c}} 
-|| 2006-11-29 
-|| ADC 
-|| {{:​lehre:​wise0607:​using_adc.pdf|Exercise 3}} 
-|| 2006-11-15 
-|| Timers 
-|| {{:​lehre:​wise0607:​using_timer.pdf|Exercise 2}} 
-|| 2006-11-15 
-|| Interrupts 
-|| {{:​lehre:​wise0607:​using_interrupts.pdf|Exercise 2}} 
-|| 2006-11-08 
-|| General MCU Introduction 
-|| {{:​lehre:​wise0607:​programming_microcontrollers_introes_extended.pdf|Exercise 1}} 
-=== Exercises === 
-|| **Date** 
-|| **Topic** 
-|| **Documents** 
-|| 2007-01-09 
-|| PLC 2 
-|| {{:​lehre:​wise0607:​exercise5.pdf|Exercise 5}} 
-|| 2006-12-13 
-|| PLC 1 
-|| {{:​lehre:​wise0607:​exercise4.pdf|Exercise 4}} 
-|| 2006-11-29 
-|| ADC Programming 
-|| {{:​lehre:​wise0607:​exercise3.pdf|Exercise 3}} 
-|| 2006-11-21 
-|| General introduction to ATMega16 
-|| {{:​lehre:​wise0607:​exercise1.pdf|Exercise 1}} 
-|| 2006-11-21 
-|| Interrupts and Timers 
-|| {{:​lehre:​wise0607:​exercise2.pdf|Exercise 2}} 
-=== Conditions for getting a certificate (Übungsschein) === 
-Participation in the exercises on a regular basis followed by an exam at the end of the semester. During the first half of the exercises, students will work with the ATMEL [[http://​www.atmel.com/​dyn/​products/​product_card.asp?​part_id=2010|ATmega16]] AVR microcontroller (8bit RISC). In the second half, students will learn about PLCs (Programmable Logic Controllers). 
-== Microcontroller Part == 
-  * The software we are using is Freeware. Since the Atmel Studio also offers a simulator (running in simulator mode as soon as no device is connected) you can experiment with it at home. 
-  * You need [[http://​sourceforge.net/​projects/​winavr|WINAVR]] and the [[http://​www.atmel.com/​dyn/​products/​tools_card.asp?​tool_id=2725|AVR studio 4]]. A local copy of the WIN AVR Studio used in the lab course can be found [[http://​www-i11.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/​fileadmin/​user_upload/​Redakteure/​Vorlesungen/​05winter/​EinfEingSyst/​WinAVR-20040720-install.exe|here]]. 
-  * Slides with a detailed step by step description of the design flow using WINAVR along with the AVR Studio can be found [[http://​www-i11.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/​fileadmin/​user_upload/​Redakteure/​Vorlesungen/​05winter/​EinfEingSyst/​Design%20steps%20%28Slides%29.pdf|here]] (501kB). 
-  * A short overview can be found [[http://​www-i11.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/​fileadmin/​user_upload/​Redakteure/​Vorlesungen/​05winter/​EinfEingSyst/​Design_with_WINAVR.pdf|here]] (10kB). 
-  * More information can be found on [[http://​www.atmel.com/​|atmel.com]] and in the according sections of Falk Salewski'​s Link List. 
-== Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Part == 
-  * [[http://​www.3s-software.com/​|CoDeSys]]:​ Softwaretool for programming & simulating PLC software ​ 
-=== Exercise Schedule === 
-|| **Topic** 
-|| **Engl. group** 
-|| **Germ. group** 
-|| Introduction 
-|| 25.10. 
-|| 08.11. 
-|| Timers/​Interrupts 
-|| 15.11. 
-|| 22.11. 
-|| ADC 
-|| 29.11. 
-|| 06.12. 
-|| PLC1 
-|| 13.12.  
-|| 20.12. 
-|| PLC2 
-|| 10.01. 
-|| 17.01. 
-|| FPGA or Quest. exam 
-|| 24.01. 
-|| 31.01 
-=== Literature === 
-  * Webpage TU Wien: [[http://​www.ecs.tuwien.ac.at/​lehre/​Microcontroller/​Docs/​Lecture/​IntroMicrocontrollers.pdf|Script]] (1.2M) and according [[http://​www.ecs.tuwien.ac.at/​lehre/​Microcontroller/​MCLab.shtml|webpage]] 
-  * Barr: Programming Embedded Systems in C and C++ 
-  * Pont: Embedded C 
-  * Lunze: Automatisierungstechnik,​ Oldenbourg, 2003. 
-  * Lewis: Programming industrial control systems using IEC 1131-3, IEE, 1998.