
Lousberglauf 2017

Our group participated in this year’s traditional Lousberglauf. 14 runners started for our associated i11Freunde e.V.. Mr. Stefan Schake was the first of our group reaching the finish line in only 23:14,5 minutes. The others followed him up and down the wavy course with a length of 5555 meters. The Chair of Computer Science 11 congratulates every participant.


Thomas Gerlitz received his doctor's degree

We are congratulating our colleague Thomas Gerlitz on receiving his doctor's degree at our department! The examination took place on May 29th 2017 and the topic was Incremental Integration and Static Analysis of Model-Based Automotive Software Artifacts.

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Winterkolloquium 2017

From 25.3. through 1.4.2017 the Embedded Software Laboratoty's annual winter colloquium took place. Located in the picturesque Kleinwalsertal, current research results were presented by scientific staff members. Additionally, strategic and administrative issues concerning both teaching and internal processes were discussed.

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RWTH Aachen University - Chair of Computer Science 11 - Ahornstr. 55 - 52074 Aachen - Germany