
Carnival in Aachen!

The Department of Embedded Software wishes a happy Carnival.


Chair of CS 11 at SPS IPC Drives 2014

The Chair of CS 11 presented its new research results of the topic SPS-regulation and analysis at the SPS IPC Drives from the 25th until the 27th of November 2014: RTAndroid and Twistturn enable to perform regulation issues with an usual computer tablet in real time. With Arcade.PLC SPS-programs can be analyzed and verified.


Small detours lead to a more efficient route

The Aachener Zeitung published an article about the eNav navigation system on June, 4th 2014. The article is published in german and describes how eNav works on an example route. We thank the publisher for allowing us to publish the article on our website.

Ein kleiner Umweg bringt ihn besser ans Ziel

For additional information please contact Dzenan Dzafic, M.Sc. RWTH or have a look at the eNav research.

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RWTH Aachen University - Chair of Computer Science 11 - Ahornstr. 55 - 52074 Aachen - Germany