
Winter colloquium 2014

From 07.02.2014 through 14.02.2014 the Embedded Software Laboratoty's annual winter colloquium takes place. Located in the picturesque Kleinwalsertal, current research results are presented by scientific staff members. Additionally, strategic and administrative issues concerning both teaching and internal processes are discussed.


Dzenan Dzafic proves himself

A computer scientist who made up his mind cannot be stopped, not even by his own body. Dzenan Dzafic proves impressively that even seemingly insurmountable obstacles can be crushed.

We thank the Aachener Nachrichten for letting us publish this article (available in German only).

+++ Update +++

Daniel Merschen proceeds

We congratulate Daniel Merschen on taking his doctoral degree at our chair! The exam took place on 07.01.2014. The title of his thesis is Integration and Analysis of Design Artefacts in Model-Based Development of Embedded Software.

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RWTH Aachen University - Chair of Computer Science 11 - Ahornstr. 55 - 52074 Aachen - Germany