
Educational Award for Computer Science 2013

We congratulate Igor Kalkov for winning the Educational Award for Computer Science 2013 in the category “Best Assistant Teaching. Besides him, Paul Hänsch and Volker Kamin were also proposed as candidates by students. Hence, half of all nominees were members of the Embedded Software Laboratory. We very happy to receive such positive feedback for our lectures and courses.

The Educational Award for Computer Science 2013 in the category “Best Independent Teaching” was awarded to Dirk Thißen, who is with the Chair of Communication and Distributed Systems. Congratulations!

The Educational Awards of the Computer Science Group is awarded yearly by a student commission. This is the third time a member of the Embedded Software Laboratory has been awarded.


Embedded Software Laboratory at SPS IPC Drives

From 19.11. - 21.1., the Embedded Software Laboratory presents its latest research results in the area of PLC control and analysis at the SPS IPC Drives in Nuremberg: RTAndroid and Twistturn allow for using standard tablet hardware for complex control tasks in real time. Arcade.PLC can analyse and verify PLC programs. In addition, it can detect typical programming errors automatically. Visit us at stand 510 in hall 11.

Mr Kalkov (left) and Mr Göbe at the Embedded Software Laboratory's stand.


10 years of Embedded Software Laboratory

The Embedded Software Laboratory marks it founding 10 years ago these days. Therefore we organized a November 8th a colloquium with an accompanying exhibition and adjoining get-together. We will present our recent research, but also talks from science and industry will be given.

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RWTH Aachen University - Chair of Computer Science 11 - Ahornstr. 55 - 52074 Aachen - Germany