
Jörg Brauer graduated

We congratulate Jörg Brauer on his excellent graduation at our chair! His examination on the 25th of September was about Automatic Abstraction for Bit-Vectors using Decision Procedures.


award for the learning concept of i11

In the context of the Exploratory Teaching Space (ETS) contest, the developed learning concept “myLabExperiment@RWTH-Open innovation for technical projects” by our chair was accredited. This contest allows chairs of the RWTH Aachen to develop and establish innovative forms of teaching and studying.


In the following semester, the learning concept will be applied in the practical course system programming. Students are given the chance to introduce additional content to the teaching scope of the practical course. At the same time, the tutors will support the students with their individual experiments. Subsequently, the developed content can be elaborated by the other participants within the context of the last lab.

We give thanks to the ETS-selection committee for the chance to provide our students with an enhanced variety of their studies.


engineering certificate for Andreas Derks

Following the tradition of academic graduations, our electronics engineer Andreas Derks has lectured on his final project “construction and monitoring of modular measuring and surveillance systems of individual solar moduls”. He passed the subsequent exam successfully. Following traditions, Mr.Derks paraded to the town hall and, in a spontaneous speech, gave the citizens of Aachen an understanding of his project.

 Andreas Derks mit seinen "Prüfern"

We congratulate Mr. Derks to the aquisition of his title: state-certified engineer!

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RWTH Aachen University - Chair of Computer Science 11 - Ahornstr. 55 - 52074 Aachen - Germany