Lavinia Goldermann, M.Sc. RWTH


Research Assisstent

Tel. +49 241 80 - 21142
Fax +49 241 80 22150

Email: goldermann[at]embedded[dot]rwth-aachen[dot]de

Addresse: Ahornstr. 55, 52074 Aachen, Germany
Office: 2325


As part of my research work, I deal with the data quality of intensive care data. In particular, my focus is on intensive care data that is collected using unobtrusive measurement methods. With the help of AI methods and xAI methods, additional statements about data quality can be made.

Theses currently supervised

  • Bachelor thesis - Generation of annotated ICU data with AI-based methods
  • Bachelor thesis - Identification of anomaly classes in intensive care time series data by clustering-based analysis



Goldermann, L., Rakel, S., Buglowski, M., Mokhtarian, A., Kampmann, A., Janß, A., Yilmaz, O., Beger, F., Walter, M., Leonhardt, S., Kowalewski, S., and Stollenwerk, A., "Designing the user interface of a ventilator under the constraints of a pandemic", Automatisierungstechnik, vol. 72, iss. 5, pp. 484-495, 2024

Designing the user interface of a ventilator under the constraints of a pandemic

Bibtex entry :

@article {  GRB+24,
	author = { Goldermann, Lavinia and Rakel, Stefan and Buglowski, Mateusz
		and Mokhtarian, Armin and Kampmann, Alexandru and Jan{\ss},
		Armin and Yilmaz, Okan and Beger, Frank and Walter, Marian
		and Leonhardt, Steffen and Kowalewski, Stefan and
		Stollenwerk, André },
	title = { Designing the user interface of a ventilator under the
		constraints of a pandemic },
	journal = { Automatisierungstechnik },
	publisher = { De Gruyter },
	pages = { 484-495 },
	volume = { 72 },
	number = { 5 },
	year = { 2024 },
	address = { Berlin },
	issn = { 0178-2312 },
	doi = { 10.1515/auto-2023-0205 },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)16 },
	reportid = { RWTH-2024-04857 },
	cin = { 122810 / 611010 / 419410 / 120000 },
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RWTH Aachen University - Chair of Computer Science 11 - Ahornstr. 55 - 52074 Aachen - Germany