
Tim Valder completed his apprenticeship

Mr. Tim Valder completed his apprenticeship to the “Fachinformatiker Fachrichtung Systemintegration” on June 25th with a practical test. On June 30th, he received his certificate together with 62 other apprentices at the Gästehaus of the RWTH Aachen. We wish him the very best for his future.


Verification and flying spheres at the Automation

For the first time, the i11 this year presented their work at the Automation in Baden-Baden, together with the PLT. The exhibition comprised our projects Arcade.PLC and RTAndroid. The real-time capability of RTAndroid was demonstrated with our brand-new sphere sorting machine, which recognizes colored spheres in fre fall and sorts them via air blasts - an eye catcher that invited the interested visitors of the trade fair for a stop at our booth. The PLT enthused with their modular plant design.

The i11 also had the honor to present recent work from our areas Arcade and medical engineering at the Conference:

Automatic Test Case Generation for PLC Programs using Line Coverage

Hold by: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Kowalewski

Pulsatile Ansteuerung einer Diagonalblutpumpe

Hold by: Jan Kühn

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i11 at the Infocup 2015

This year's soccer tournament “Informatik Cup” took place this weekend. The i11 has been assigned to difficult counterparties and made only the 7th place in the overall score.

We thank the chair of Communication and Distributed Systems for hosting the Informatik Cup. Next year, the winning team of INFORM will host the games and we are looking forward to it.

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RWTH Aachen University - Chair of Computer Science 11 - Ahornstr. 55 - 52074 Aachen - Germany