
Guest: Thomas Reinbacher

From 09/01/2012 till 20/11/2012 we welcome our guest Thomas Reinbacher from the Vienna Technical University. There have been long-standing research cooperations between the Embedded Software Laboratory and Thomas, including work on topics such as binary code analysis and testing or runtime verification of embedded systems.

On the latter topic, Thomas will give a talk 19/01/2012, 12:30 till 13:15. The talk will take place in room 2002 on the ground floor. Everyone interested in this field is kindly invited to attend.


FMICS 2011: Best Paper Award

The paper Past Time LTL Runtime Verification for Microcontroller Binary Code, which was authored by Jörg Brauer and Stefan Kowalewski together with Thomas Reinbacher, Andreas Steininger (both from Vienna University of Technology) and Martin Horauer (University of Applied Sciences Vienna), received a best paper award at the 16th International Workshop on Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems (FMICS 2011). This award is annually given to the best software science paper presented at FMICS by the European Association of Software Science and Technology (EASST).


MULTIFORM reached all goals

Participants of the MULTIFORM General Meeting

The MULTIFORM project has been given best grades by the European Commission. Already on July 4 and 5, the project partners, who include the Chair of Computer Science 11, met in Sønderborg, Denmark for scientific and organizational exchange. One week later, the official review meeting took place in Brussels. The final rating was introduced by one reviewer saying that there is no fun in reviewing a project that has no flaws. Therefore, all project partners can wait calmly for the written project evaluation and concentrate on the final twelve month of the project.

Within the MULTIFORM project, the Chair of Computer Science 11 was granted a quarter of a million Euro.

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RWTH Aachen University - Chair of Computer Science 11 - Ahornstr. 55 - 52074 Aachen - Germany