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Medizintechnik Gruppe



Bei unserer Forschung im Feld der Medizintechnik fokussieren wir uns auf die interdisziplinäre Schnittstelle von Intensivmedizin, Datenanalyse, Maschinellem Lernen, Regelungstechnik und eingebetteter Software. Hierbei sind wir besonders an datenbasierter Früherkennung von Krankheitsbildern und Gerätestörungen, sowie modellbasierter Regelung von Organunterstützenden Systemen interessiert.



Innerhalb des SMITH-Projektes werden innovative IT-Lösungen zur Verbesserung der medizinischen Patientenversorgung entwickelt. Mit Hilfe von Datenintegrationszentren (DIZ) und einem im Projekt entwickelten Marketplace wird die interoperable Nutzung von Daten und der patientenorientierten Forschung ermöglicht. Anhand von drei Anwendungsfällen soll der Mehrwert dieser Dateninteroperabilität gezeigt werden. Im ersten methodischen Use-Case „Phenotype pipeline“ (PheP) werden innovative datenanalytische Methoden und Werkzeuge entwickelt, welche medizinische Daten erschließbar machen.

Mit Hilfe zweier klinischer Anwendungsfälle soll die dem Hauptziel zugrunde liegende Vorgehensweise belegt werden.
Im Use-Case ASIC (Algorithmic Surveillance of ICU Patients) werden die auf Intensivstationen anfallenden Daten kontinuierlich ausgewertet, um den Zustand der Patientinnen und Patienten automatisiert zu überwachen, um ein schnelles therapeutisches Eingreifen zu ermöglichen. Hierbei wird sich vor allem auf die Krankheit „Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrom“ (ARDS) - also akutes Lungenversagen - fokussiert. Dieses weist eine sehr hohe Mortalität auf, was vor allem auf die oftmals zu späte Erkennung der Krankheit zurückzuführen ist. Mit Hilfe der automatisierten Überwachung soll ein frühzeitiger Befund ermöglicht und folglich die Patientenbehandlung verbessert werden.

Der klinische Use-Case HELP fokussiert sich auf den zielgerichteten Einsatz von Antibiotika zur frühzeitigen Bekämpfung bakterieller Infektionen. Mit Hilfe von innovativen Technologien soll die Infektiologie auf Normal- und Intensivstationen unterstützt werden.

Die Arbeiten am Informatik 11 finden im Rahmen des Use-Cases ASIC statt. Auf dieser Basis forschen wir vor allem an der Datenplausibilität und der Klassifikation von ARDS in Sekundärdaten.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier.

Ansprechpartner: Simon Fonck, M.Sc. RWTH, Alexander Kruschewsky, M.Sc. RWTH


Im Rahmen des vom BMBF geförderten Projektes Nanni (Neonatologiebeatmungsgerät mit adaptiver Anwenderunterstützung) haben sich die Partner Löwenstein Medical, das Universitätsklinikum Aachen und für die RWTH Aachen der Lehrstuhl Informatik 11 zusammengeschlossen. In diesem Vorhaben wird der Prototyp einer neuen Generation Früh- und Neugeborenenbeatmungsgeräte entwickelt. Auf dieser Basis forschen wir vor allem an der Regelung des arteriellen CO₂-Partialdrucks und der Erkennung von Problemen bei der künstlichen Beatmung von Neugeborenen.

Ansprechpartner: Mateusz Buglowski, M.Sc. RWTH, Camelia Oprea, M.Sc. RWTH,
Valerie Pfannschmidt, M.Sc. RWTH


Im Rahmen des BMBF-Projekts AutoMock wird ein automatisierter Mockloop zur Langzeituntersuchung und Optimierung der Organperfusion unter verschiedensten Umständen entwickelt. Auf dieser Basis wird der Einfluss von Perfusionsparametern und pharmazeutischer Einflussnahme untersucht. Weiterhin ist der Teststand auch zum Testen von perfundierten Medizinprodukten geeignet.

Ansprechpartner: Marc Wiartalla, M.Sc. RWTH


Im Rahmen des DFG-Projekts SmartLungControl wird ein Konzept für eine bedarfsadaptierte Steuerung und Sicherheitsüberwachung einer Langzeit-Kunstlunge außerhalb der Intensivstation erforscht. In einem ersten Schritt erfolgt eine Analyse bereits vorhandener retrospektiver Patienten- und Tierversuchsdaten, gefolgt von einer systematischen Expertenbefragung nach dem Delphi Verfahren. Im zweiten Schritt wird ein Sicherheitskonzept und ein Regelungsentwurf der Kunstlunge erarbeitet. Dazu werden u. a. auch neue Sensorkonzepte sowohl für die Zuverlässigkeitsmaßnahmen als auch für die bedarfsgerechte Adaption untersucht. Abschließend wird das entwickelte Pilotkonzept unter verschiedenen Rahmenbedingungen und in definierten kritischen Betriebszuständen in-silico, in-vitro und in-vivo im Tierversuch validiert und getestet.

Ansprechpartner: Michael Lamberti, M.Sc. RWTH


Die aktuell ausgeschriebenen Abschlussarbeiten findet Ihr hier.

Solltet ihr ein allgemeines Interesse an einer Abschlussarbeit im Bereich der Medizintechnik haben und könnt euch auf keines der genannten Themen festlegen, könnt ihr eure Bewerbung auch gerne an die gesamte Medizintechnikgruppe verschicken: med-wm@embedded.rwth-aachen.de


Buglowski, M., Pfannschmidt, V., Stollenwerk, A., Schoberer, M., Huong Nguyen, T. B., Becker, S., and Braun, O., "Beatmungsgerät und Verfahren zur Atemgasversorgung", 2024.

Beatmungsgerät und Verfahren zur Atemgasversorgung

Bibtex entry :

@techreport {  BPS+24,
	author = { Buglowski, Mateusz and Pfannschmidt, Valerie and
		Stollenwerk, André and Schoberer, Mark and Huong Nguyen,
		Thi Bich and Becker, Sabine and Braun, Oliver },
	title = { Beatmungsger{\"a}t und Verfahren zur Atemgasversorgung },
	pages = { 29 Seiten : Illustrationen },
	year = { 2024 },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)23 },
	reportid = { RWTH-2024-00553 },
	cin = { 122810 / 120000537500-5 ; 537500-2 ; 933410 },
	url = { https://worldwide.espacenet.com/patent/search/family/087245644/publication/DE102022117141A1?q=WO202408785 },
Goldermann, L., Rakel, S., Buglowski, M., Mokhtarian, A., Kampmann, A., Janß, A., Yilmaz, O., Beger, F., Walter, M., Leonhardt, S., Kowalewski, S., and Stollenwerk, A., "Designing the user interface of a ventilator under the constraints of a pandemic", Automatisierungstechnik, vol. 72, iss. 5, pp. 484-495, 2024

Designing the user interface of a ventilator under the constraints of a pandemic

Bibtex entry :

@article {  GRB+24,
	author = { Goldermann, Lavinia and Rakel, Stefan and Buglowski, Mateusz
		and Mokhtarian, Armin and Kampmann, Alexandru and Jan{\ss},
		Armin and Yilmaz, Okan and Beger, Frank and Walter, Marian
		and Leonhardt, Steffen and Kowalewski, Stefan and
		Stollenwerk, André },
	title = { Designing the user interface of a ventilator under the
		constraints of a pandemic },
	journal = { Automatisierungstechnik },
	publisher = { De Gruyter },
	pages = { 484-495 },
	volume = { 72 },
	number = { 5 },
	year = { 2024 },
	address = { Berlin },
	issn = { 0178-2312 },
	doi = { 10.1515/auto-2023-0205 },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)16 },
	reportid = { RWTH-2024-04857 },
	cin = { 122810 / 611010 / 419410 / 120000 },
Pfannschmidt, V., Stollenwerk, A., and Kowalewski, S., "Physiologische Regelung der künstlichen Beatmung Frühgeborener", in Proc. Downloads zum 58. Regelungstechnischen Kolloquium vom 21. bis 23. Februar 2024: Kurzfassungen der Vorträge, 2024.

Physiologische Regelung der künstlichen Beatmung Frühgeborener

Bibtex entry :

@inproceedings {  PSK24,
	author = { Pfannschmidt, Valerie and Stollenwerk, André and
		Kowalewski, Stefan },
	title = { Physiologische Regelung der k{\"u}nstlichen Beatmung
		Fr{\"u}hgeborener },
	booktitle = { Downloads zum 58. Regelungstechnischen Kolloquium vom 21.
		bis 23. Februar 2024: Kurzfassungen der Vortr{\"a}ge },
	year = { 2024 },
	organization = { 58. Regelungstechnisches Kolloquium, Boppard (Germany) },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)1 },
	reportid = { RWTH-2024-02444 },
	cin = { 122810 / 120000 },
	url = { https://www.iosb.fraunhofer.de/de/veranstaltungen/regelungstechnisches-kolloquium-boppard.html },
Berg, F. J., Wiartalla, M. O., Hüllmann, M., Derks, A., Kowalewski, S., and Stollenwerk, A., "ASMO: a decentralized and verifiable interoperability platform in intensive care", Proceedings on automation in medical engineering, vol. 2, iss. 1, p. 2, 2023

ASMO: a decentralized and verifiable interoperability platform in intensive care

Bibtex entry :

@article {  BWH+23,
	author = { Berg, Frederik Julius and Wiartalla, Marc Oliver and
		H{\"u}llmann, Moritz and Derks, Andreas and Kowalewski,
		Stefan and Stollenwerk, André },
	title = { ASMO: a decentralized and verifiable interoperability
		platform in intensive care },
	journal = { Proceedings on automation in medical engineering },
	publisher = { Infinite Science GmbH },
	pages = { 2 Seiten },
	volume = { 2 },
	number = { 1 },
	year = { 2023 },
	address = { L{\"u}beck },
	organization = { 16. Interdisziplin{\"a}res Symposium AUTOMED -
		Automatisierungstechnische Verfahren f{\"u}r die
		Medizintechnik, Gie{\ss}en (Germany), 2023-03-30 -
		2023-03-31 },
	doi = { 10.18154/RWTH-2023-03716 },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)16 },
	reportid = { RWTH-2023-03716 },
	cin = { 122810 / 120000 },
	url = { https://doi.org/10.18416/AUTOMED.2023 },
Fonck, S. A. M., Fritsch, S., Nottenkämper, G., and Stollenwerk, A., "Implementation of ResNet-50 for the Detection of ARDS in Chest X-Rays using transfer-learning", Proceedings on automation in medical engineering, vol. 2, iss. 1, p. 2, 2023

Implementation of ResNet-50 for the Detection of ARDS in Chest X-Rays using transfer-learning

Bibtex entry :

@article {  FFN+23,
	author = { Fonck, Simon Ansgar Martin and Fritsch, Sebastian and
		Nottenk{\"a}mper, Gina and Stollenwerk, André },
	title = { Implementation of ResNet-50 for the Detection of ARDS in
		Chest X-Rays using transfer-learning },
	journal = { Proceedings on automation in medical engineering },
	publisher = { Infinite Science GmbH },
	pages = { 2 Seiten },
	volume = { 2 },
	number = { 1 },
	year = { 2023 },
	address = { L{\"u}beck },
	organization = { 16. Interdisziplin{\"a}res Symposium AUTOMED -
		Automatisierungstechnische Verfahren f{\"u}r die
		Medizintechnik, Gie{\ss}en (Germany), 2023-03-30 -
		2023-03-31 },
	doi = { 10.18154/RWTH-2023-03291 },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)16 },
	reportid = { RWTH-2023-03291 },
	cin = { 122810 / 120000533000-3 / 931210 },
	url = { https://doi.org/10.18416/AUTOMED.2023 },
Fischbach, A., Lamberti, M., Simons, J. A., Wrede, E., Theißen, A., Winnersbach, P., Rossaint, R., Stollenwerk, A., and Bleilevens, C., "Early Blood Clot Detection Using Forward Scattering Light Measurements Is Not Superior to Delta Pressure Measurements", Biosensors : open access journal, vol. 13, iss. 12, p. [1]-13, 2023

Early Blood Clot Detection Using Forward Scattering Light Measurements Is Not Superior to Delta Pressure Measurements

Bibtex entry :

@article {  FLS+23,
	author = { Fischbach, Anna and Lamberti, Michael and Simons, Julia
		Alexandra and Wrede, Erik and Thei{\ss}en, Alexander and
		Winnersbach, Patrick and Rossaint, Rolf and Stollenwerk,
		André and Bleilevens, Christian },
	title = { Early Blood Clot Detection Using Forward Scattering Light
		Measurements Is Not Superior to Delta Pressure Measurements },
	journal = { Biosensors : open access journal },
	publisher = { MDPI },
	pages = { [1]-13 },
	volume = { 13 },
	number = { 12 },
	year = { 2023 },
	address = { Basel },
	issn = { 2079-6374 },
	doi = { 10.3390/bios13121012 },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)16 },
	reportid = { RWTH-2023-11293 },
	cin = { 122810 / 120000 },
	url = { http://publications.rwth-aachen.de/record/974400/files/974400.pdf },
	i11key = { Sicherheits- und Automatisierungskonzepte f{\"u}r
		k{\"u}nstliche implantierbare Lungen - SmartLungControl
		(447729163) },
Wiartalla, M. O., Berg, F. J., Kühn, J., Buglowski, M., Bleilevens, C., Kowalewski, S., and Stollenwerk, A., "A fully automated normothermic machine perfusion system for kidney grafts supporting physiological motivated flow profiles", Current directions in biomedical engineering, vol. 9, iss. 1, pp. 323-326, 2023

A fully automated normothermic machine perfusion system for kidney grafts supporting physiological motivated flow profiles

Bibtex entry :

@article {  WBK+23,
	author = { Wiartalla, Marc Oliver and Berg, Frederik Julius and
		K{\"u}hn, Jan and Buglowski, Mateusz and Bleilevens,
		Christian and Kowalewski, Stefan and Stollenwerk, André },
	title = { A fully automated normothermic machine perfusion system for
		kidney grafts supporting physiological motivated flow
		profiles },
	journal = { Current directions in biomedical engineering },
	publisher = { De Gruyter },
	pages = { 323-326 },
	volume = { 9 },
	number = { 1 },
	year = { 2023 },
	address = { Berlin },
	issn = { 2364-5504 },
	organization = { 57. DGBMT Annual Conference on Biomedical Engineering,
		Duisburg (Germany), 2023-09-26 - 2023-09-28 },
	doi = { 10.1515/cdbme-2023-1081 },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)16 },
	reportid = { RWTH-2023-09613 },
	cin = { 122810 / 120000 / 931210 },
	i11key = { BMBF 031L0134B - Alternativmethoden - Verbund: AutoMock -
		Entwicklung eines vollautomatisierten in vitro Teststands
		(Mock Loop) - Ein k{\"u}nstlicher Kreislauf als
		Ersatzmethode zur Biokompatibilit{\"a}tstestung von
		Membranoxygenatoren und zur Transplantationssimulation
		(BMBF-031L0134B) },
Wiartalla, M. O., Berg, F. J., Ottersbach, F., Kühn, J., Buglowski, M., Kowalewski, S., and Stollenwerk, A., "A modular and verifiable software architecture for interconnected medical systems in intensive care", Annals of computer science and information systems, vol. 37, pp. 345-351, 2023

A modular and verifiable software architecture for interconnected medical systems in intensive care

Bibtex entry :

@article {  WBO+23a,
	author = { Wiartalla, Marc Oliver and Berg, Frederik Julius and
		Ottersbach, Florian and K{\"u}hn, Jan and Buglowski, Mateusz
		and Kowalewski, Stefan and Stollenwerk, André },
	title = { A modular and verifiable software architecture for
		interconnected medical systems in intensive care },
	journal = { Annals of computer science and information systems },
	publisher = { Polish Information Processing Society },
	pages = { 345-351 },
	volume = { 37 },
	year = { 2023 },
	address = { Warsaw },
	issn = { 2300-5963 },
	isbn = { 978-83-969601-3-9 },
	organization = { 18. Conference on Computer Science and Intelligence Systems,
		Warsaw (Poland), 2023-09-17 - 2023-09-20 },
	doi = { 10.15439/2023F6208 },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)16 },
	reportid = { RWTH-2023-09964 },
	cin = { 122810 / 120000 },
	url = { http://publications.rwth-aachen.de/record/971996 },
	i11key = { BMBF 031L0134B - Alternativmethoden - Verbund: AutoMock -
		Entwicklung eines vollautomatisierten in vitro Teststands
		(Mock Loop) - Ein k{\"u}nstlicher Kreislauf als
		Ersatzmethode zur Biokompatibilit{\"a}tstestung von
		Membranoxygenatoren und zur Transplantationssimulation
		(BMBF-031L0134B) },
Becker, S., Olivier, L., Pfannschmidt, V., Buglowski, M., Hütten, M., Wienhold, M., Orlikowsky, T., Stollenwerk, A., and Schoberer, M., "Closed-Loop Kontrolle des endtidalen CO2 im Frühgeborenen Lämmer-Modell", in Proc. Abstracts 48. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Neonatologie und Pädiatrische Intensivmedizin / Gesellschaft für Neonatologie und Pädiatrische Intensivmedizin e. V = 1, 1, 1, Jena : Conventus Congressmanagement & Marketing GmbH, 2022,, Jena, 2022, Conventus Congressmanagement & Marketing GmbH, p. 92.

Closed-Loop Kontrolle des endtidalen CO2 im Frühgeborenen Lämmer-Modell

Bibtex entry :

@inproceedings {  BOP+22,
	author = { Becker, Sabine and Olivier, Lena and Pfannschmidt, Valerie
		and Buglowski, Mateusz and H{\"u}tten, Matthias and
		Wienhold, Marie and Orlikowsky, Thorsten and Stollenwerk,
		André and Schoberer, Mark },
	title = { Closed-Loop Kontrolle des endtidalen CO2 im
		Fr{\"u}hgeborenen L{\"a}mmer-Modell },
	booktitle = { Abstracts 48. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft f{\"u}r
		Neonatologie und P{\"a}diatrische Intensivmedizin /
		Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Neonatologie und P{\"a}diatrische
		Intensivmedizin e. V = 1, 1, 1, Jena : Conventus
		Congressmanagement & Marketing GmbH, 2022, },
	publisher = { Conventus Congressmanagement & Marketing GmbH },
	pages = { 92 },
	year = { 2022 },
	address = { Jena },
	organization = { 48. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Neonatologie und
		P{\"a}diatrische Intensivmedizin / Gesellschaft f{\"u}r
		Neonatologie und P{\"a}diatrische Intensivmedizin e. V. },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)1 },
	reportid = { RWTH-2024-02440 },
	cin = { 537500-5 ; 537500-2 ; 933410 / 122810 / 120000 },
	url = { http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:101:1-2022050914325390522965 },
	i11key = { BMBF 13GW0292C - Innovatives Neonatologiebeatmungsger{\"a}t
		mit adaptiver Anwenderunterst{\"u}tzung (NANNI) -
		Teilvorhaben: Erforschung neuer Modelle zur Diagnose von
		Fehlerzust{\"a}nden (BMBF-13GW0292C) },
Buglowski, M., Pfannschmidt, V., Becker, S., Braun, O., Hutten, M., Ophelders, D., Oprea, C., Pattai, S., Schoberer, M., and Stollenwerk, A., "Closed-Loop Control of Arterial CO2 in Mechanical Ventilation of Neonates", in Proc. 44th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC) / pre-conference workshops & social events: Monday, July 11, 2022, conference dates: Tuesday, July 12-Friday, July 15, 2022 / conference chair: Christopher James (University of Warwick), conference co-chair: James Patton (University of Chicago) ; programm chair: Ron Summers (Collegium Basilea), [Piscataway, NJ], 2022, IEEE, pp. 4991-4995.

Closed-Loop Control of Arterial CO2 in Mechanical Ventilation of Neonates

Bibtex entry :

@inproceedings {  BPB+22,
	author = { Buglowski, Mateusz and Pfannschmidt, Valerie and Becker,
		Sabine and Braun, Oliver and Hutten, Matthias and Ophelders,
		Daan and Oprea, Camelia and Pattai, Steffen and Schoberer,
		Mark and Stollenwerk, André },
	title = { Closed-Loop Control of Arterial CO2 in Mechanical
		Ventilation of Neonates },
	booktitle = { 44th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering
		in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC) / pre-conference
		workshops & social events: Monday, July 11, 2022, conference
		dates: Tuesday, July 12-Friday, July 15, 2022 / conference
		chair: Christopher James (University of Warwick), conference
		co-chair: James Patton (University of Chicago) ; programm
		chair: Ron Summers (Collegium Basilea) },
	publisher = { IEEE },
	pages = { 4991-4995 },
	year = { 2022 },
	address = { [Piscataway, NJ] },
	organization = { 44. Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering
		in Medicine & Biology Society, Glasgow (UK), 2022-07-11 -
		2022-07-15 },
	doi = { 10.1109/EMBC48229.2022.9871185 },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)7 },
	reportid = { RWTH-2023-00482 },
	cin = { 122810 / 120000537500-5 },
	url = { http://publications.rwth-aachen.de/record/862362 },
	i11key = { BMBF-13GW0292C - Innovatives Neonatologiebeatmungsger{\"a}t
		mit adaptiver Anwenderunterst{\"u}tzung (NANNI) -
		Teilvorhaben: Erforschung neuer Modelle zur Diagnose von
		Fehlerzust{\"a}nden (BMBF-13GW0292C) },
Janisch, T., Stollenwerk, A., Siekmann, U., and Kopp, R., "Treatment of children with Hyperbaric Oxygenation (HBOT) : an Europe-wide survey", Minerva pediatrics, vol. 74, iss. 2, pp. 116-120, 2022

Treatment of children with Hyperbaric Oxygenation (HBOT) : an Europe-wide survey

Bibtex entry :

@article {  JSS+22,
	author = { Janisch, Thorsten and Stollenwerk, André and Siekmann,
		Ulrich and Kopp, R{\"u}dger },
	title = { Treatment of children with Hyperbaric Oxygenation (HBOT) :
		an Europe-wide survey },
	journal = { Minerva pediatrics },
	publisher = { Edizioni Minerva Medica },
	pages = { 116-120 },
	volume = { 74 },
	number = { 2 },
	year = { 2022 },
	address = { Torino },
	issn = { 1827-1715 },
	doi = { 10.23736/S2724-5276.20.05741-2 },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)16 },
	reportid = { RWTH-2020-04222 },
	cin = { 122810533000-3533000-2 / 120000533000-2 },
	url = { http://publications.rwth-aachen.de/record/787714/files/787714.pdf },
Olivier, L., Buglowski, M., Sabine, B., Hütten, M., Olikowsky, T., Stollenwerk, A., and Schoberer, M., "Work in progress: Detektion einer intensivierten invasiven Beatmung bei Neonaten mithilfeeines Fuzzylogik-Modells", in Proc. Abstracts 48. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Neonatologie und Pädiatrische Intensivmedizin / Gesellschaft für Neonatologie und Pädiatrische Intensivmedizin e. V., Jena, 2022, Conventus Congressmanagement & Marketing GmbH, p. 93.

Work in progress: Detektion einer intensivierten invasiven Beatmung bei Neonaten mithilfeeines Fuzzylogik-Modells

Bibtex entry :

@inproceedings {  OBS+22,
	author = { Olivier, Lena and Buglowski, Mateusz and Sabine, Becker and
		H{\"u}tten, Matthias and Olikowsky, Thorsten and
		Stollenwerk, André and Schoberer, Mark },
	title = { Work in progress: Detektion einer intensivierten invasiven
		Beatmung bei Neonaten mithilfeeines Fuzzylogik-Modells },
	booktitle = { Abstracts 48. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft f{\"u}r
		Neonatologie und P{\"a}diatrische Intensivmedizin /
		Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Neonatologie und P{\"a}diatrische
		Intensivmedizin e. V. },
	publisher = { Conventus Congressmanagement & Marketing GmbH },
	pages = { 93 },
	year = { 2022 },
	address = { Jena },
	organization = { 48. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Neonatologie und
		P{\"a}diatrische Intensivmedizin / Gesellschaft f{\"u}r
		Neonatologie und P{\"a}diatrische Intensivmedizin e. V. },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)1 },
	reportid = { RWTH-2024-02442 },
	cin = { 122810537500-5 ; 537500-2 ; 933410 / 120000 },
	url = { http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:101:1-2022050914325390522965 },
	i11key = { BMBF 13GW0292C - Innovatives Neonatologiebeatmungsger{\"a}t
		mit adaptiver Anwenderunterst{\"u}tzung (NANNI) -
		Teilvorhaben: Erforschung neuer Modelle zur Diagnose von
		Fehlerzust{\"a}nden (BMBF-13GW0292C) },
Walter, M., Stollenwerk, A., Eckstein, L., Kowalewski, S., and Leonhardt, S., "PV1000 – Interdisziplinäre Entwicklung eines Pandemie-Beatmungsgerätes", in Proc. MT-2022 Tagungsband, 2022, p. 169.

PV1000 – Interdisziplinäre Entwicklung eines Pandemie-Beatmungsgerätes

Bibtex entry :

@inproceedings {  WSE+22,
	author = { Walter, Marian and Stollenwerk, André and Eckstein, Lutz
		and Kowalewski, Stefan and Leonhardt, Steffen },
	title = { PV1000 – Interdisziplin{\"a}re Entwicklung eines
		Pandemie-Beatmungsger{\"a}tes },
	booktitle = { MT-2022 Tagungsband },
	pages = { 169 },
	year = { 2022 },
	organization = { Fachtagung MECHATRONIK 2022, Darmstadt (Germany), 2022-03-23
		- 2022-03-24 },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)8 },
	reportid = { RWTH-2023-00203 },
	cin = { 611010 / 122810 / 414110 / 120000 },
	url = { https://www.vdi-mechatroniktagung.de/images/programm/MT2022_Tagungsband.pdf },
Fonck, S., Fritsch, S. J., Kowalewski, S., Hensen, R., and Stollenwerk, A., "Algorithmic distinction of ARDS and Heart Failure in ICU data from medical embedded systems by using a computer model", IFAC-PapersOnLine, vol. 54, iss. 4, pp. 135-140, 2021

Algorithmic distinction of ARDS and Heart Failure in ICU data from medical embedded systems by using a computer model

Bibtex entry :

@article {  FFK+21,
	author = { Fonck, Simon and Fritsch, Sebastian Johannes and Kowalewski,
		Stefan and Hensen, Raimund and Stollenwerk, André },
	title = { Algorithmic distinction of ARDS and Heart Failure in ICU
		data from medical embedded systems by using a computer model },
	journal = { IFAC-PapersOnLine },
	publisher = { Elsevier },
	pages = { 135-140 },
	volume = { 54 },
	number = { 4 },
	year = { 2021 },
	address = { Frankfurt ; M{\"u}nchen [u.a.] },
	issn = { 2405-8963 },
	organization = { 4. IFAC Conference on Embedded Systems, Computational
		Intelligence and Telematics in Control, Valenciennes
		(France), 2021-07-05 - 2021-07-07 },
	doi = { 10.1016/j.ifacol.2021.10.023 },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)16 },
	reportid = { RWTH-2021-10204 },
	cin = { 122810 / 120000533000-2533000-2 },
	url = { http://publications.rwth-aachen.de/record/834987/files/834987.pdf },
	i11key = { SMITH - Medizininformatik-Konsortium (BMBF-01ZZ1803K) },
Lamberti, M., Kopp, R., Lübke, C., Leonhardt, S., Walter, M., and Stollenwerk, A., "Safety and Automation Concepts for Artificial Impantable Lungs - SmartLungControl", Biomedical engineering, vol. 66, iss. s1, 2021

Safety and Automation Concepts for Artificial Impantable Lungs - SmartLungControl

Bibtex entry :

@article {  LKL+21,
	author = { Lamberti, Michael and Kopp, R{\"u}diger and L{\"u}bke, Cavan
		and Leonhardt, Steffen and Walter, Marian and Stollenwerk,
		André },
	title = { Safety and Automation Concepts for Artificial Impantable
		Lungs - SmartLungControl },
	journal = { Biomedical engineering },
	publisher = { de Gruyter },
	volume = { 66 },
	number = { s1 },
	year = { 2021 },
	address = { Berlin [u.a.] },
	issn = { 0013-5585 },
	organization = { 55. DGBMT Annual Conference on Biomedical Engineering,
		Hannover (Germany), 2021-10-05 - 2021-10-07 },
	doi = { 10.1515/bmt-2021-6028 },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)1 },
	reportid = { RWTH-2022-00769 },
	cin = { 611010 / 122810533000-3 / 120000 },
	url = { https://doi.org/10.1515/bmt-2021-6028 },
Marx, G., Bickenbach, J., Fritsch, S. J., Kunze, J. B., Maassen, O., Deffge, S., Kistermann, J., Haferkamp, S. D., Lutz, I., Voellm, N. K., Lowitsch, V., Polzin, R., Sharafutdinov, K., Mayer, H., Kuepfer, L., Burghaus, R., Schmitt, W., Lippert, J., Riedel, M., Barakat, C., Stollenwerk, A., Fonck, S., Putensen, C., Zenker, S., Erdfelder, F., Grigutsch, D., Kram, R., Beyer, S., Kampe, K., Gewehr, J. E., Salman, F., Juers, P., Kluge, S., Tiller, D., Wisotzki, E., Gross, S., Homeister, L., Bloos, F., Scherag, A., Ammon, D., Mueller, S., Palm, J., Simon, P., Jahn, N., Loeffler, M., Wendt, T., Schuerholz, T., Groeber, P., and Schuppert, A., "Algorithmic surveillance of ICU patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ASIC) : protocol for a multicentre stepped-wedge cluster randomised quality improvement strategy", BMJ open, vol. 11, iss. 4, pp. 1-7, 2021

Algorithmic surveillance of ICU patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ASIC) : protocol for a multicentre stepped-wedge cluster randomised quality improvement strategy

Bibtex entry :

@article {  MBF+21,
	author = { Marx, Gernot and Bickenbach, Johannes and Fritsch, Sebastian
		Johannes and Kunze, Julian Benedict and Maassen, Oliver and
		Deffge, Saskia and Kistermann, Jennifer and Haferkamp, Silke
		Dorothee and Lutz, Irina and Voellm, Nora Kristiana and
		Lowitsch, Volker and Polzin, Richard and Sharafutdinov,
		Konstantin and Mayer, Hannah and Kuepfer, Lars and Burghaus,
		Rolf and Schmitt, Walter and Lippert, Joerg and Riedel,
		Morris and Barakat, Chadi and Stollenwerk, André and Fonck,
		Simon and Putensen, Christian and Zenker, Sven and
		Erdfelder, Felix and Grigutsch, Daniel and Kram, Rainer and
		Beyer, Susanne and Kampe, Knut and Gewehr, Jan Erik and
		Salman, Friederike and Juers, Patrick and Kluge, Stefan and
		Tiller, Daniel and Wisotzki, Emilia and Gross, Sebastian and
		Homeister, Lorenz and Bloos, Frank and Scherag, André and
		Ammon, Danny and Mueller, Susanne and Palm, Julia and Simon,
		Philipp and Jahn, Nora and Loeffler, Markus and Wendt,
		Thomas and Schuerholz, Tobias and Groeber, Petra and
		Schuppert, Andreas },
	title = { Algorithmic surveillance of ICU patients with acute
		respiratory distress syndrome (ASIC) : protocol for a
		multicentre stepped-wedge cluster randomised quality
		improvement strategy },
	journal = { BMJ open },
	publisher = { BMJ Publishing Group },
	pages = { 1-7 },
	volume = { 11 },
	number = { 4 },
	year = { 2021 },
	address = { London },
	issn = { 2044-6055 },
	doi = { 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-045589 },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)16 },
	reportid = { RWTH-2021-03718 },
	cin = { 122810 / 120000533000-39600108-1530000-4530000-7533000-2 },
	url = { http://publications.rwth-aachen.de/record/817136/files/817136.pdf },
	i11key = { SMITH - Medizininformatik-Konsortium (BMBF-01ZZ1803K) },
Preuss, R., Smieschek, M., Stollenwerk, A., Kowalewski, S., and Heinrichs, T., "Behälterreinigungsmaschine", 2021.


Bibtex entry :

@techreport {  PSS+21,
	author = { Preuss, R{\"u}diger and Smieschek, Manfred and Stollenwerk,
		André and Kowalewski, Stefan and Heinrichs, Timo },
	title = { Beh{\"a}lterreinigungsmaschine },
	pages = { 19 Seiten : Illustrationen },
	year = { 2021 },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)23 },
	reportid = { RWTH-2022-07169 },
	cin = { 122810 / 120000 },
	url = { https://worldwide.espacenet.com/patent/search/family/066998405/publication/DE102018120081B4?q=DE102018120081 },
Buglowski, M., Bleilevens, C., Fabry, G., Kowalewski, S., and Stollenwerk, A., "Flussgesteuerte pH-Regulierung in einem automatisierten Nierenperfusionssystem", Proceedings on automation in medical engineering, vol. 1, iss. 1, 2020

Flussgesteuerte pH-Regulierung in einem automatisierten Nierenperfusionssystem

Bibtex entry :

@article {  BBF+20,
	author = { Buglowski, Mateusz and Bleilevens, Christian and Fabry,
		Gregor and Kowalewski, Stefan and Stollenwerk, André },
	title = { Flussgesteuerte pH-Regulierung in einem automatisierten
		Nierenperfusionssystem },
	journal = { Proceedings on automation in medical engineering },
	publisher = { Infinite Science },
	volume = { 1 },
	number = { 1 },
	year = { 2020 },
	address = { L{\"u}beck },
	organization = { Automation in Medical Engineering, L{\"u}beck (Germany),
		2020-03-02 - 2020-03-03 },
	doi = { 10.18154/RWTH-2020-02624 },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)16 },
	reportid = { RWTH-2020-02624 },
	cin = { 122810 / 120000533000-3533000-2 },
	url = { https://doi.org/10.18416/AUTOMED.2020 },
	i11key = { BMBF-031L0134B - Alternativmethoden - Verbund: AutoMock -
		Entwicklung eines vollautomatisierten in vitro Teststands
		(Mock Loop) - Ein k{\"u}nstlicher Kreislauf als
		Ersatzmethode zur Biokompatibilit{\"a}tstestung von
		Membranoxygenatoren und zur Transplantationssimulation
		(BMBF-031L0134B) },
König, G., Grochowski, M., Eckert, M., Jakobczak, F., Stollenwerk, J., Kowalewski, S., and Loosen, P., "Apparat zur automatisierten Justage optischer Systeme", DGaO-Proceedings, vol. 2020, 2020

Apparat zur automatisierten Justage optischer Systeme

Bibtex entry :

@article {  KGE+20,
	author = { K{\"o}nig, Georg and Grochowski, Marco and Eckert, Marvin
		and Jakobczak, F. and Stollenwerk, Jochen and Kowalewski, S.
		and Loosen, Peter },
	title = { Apparat zur automatisierten Justage optischer Systeme },
	journal = { DGaO-Proceedings },
	volume = { 2020 },
	year = { 2020 },
	address = { Erlangen-N{\"u}rnberg: Dt. Gesellschaft f{\"u}r angewandte
		Optik },
	issn = { 1614-8436 },
	organization = { 121. Jahrestagung der deutschen Gesellschaft f{\"u}r
		angewandte Optik, Bremen (Germany), 2020-06-02 - 2020-06-06 },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)16 },
	reportid = { RWTH-2020-08983 },
	cin = { 418910 / 080067 / 122810 / 120000 },
	url = { http://www.dgao-proceedings.de },
	i11key = { WS-C.II - Enablers and Tools (X080067-WS-C.II) },
Smieschek, M., Rakel, S., Thönnessen, D., Derks, A., Stollenwerk, A., and Kowalewski, S., "A Remote Test Environment for a Large-Scale Microcontroller Laboratory Course", in Proc. Cyber physical systems : model-based design : 9th international workshop, CyPhy 2019 and 15th international workshop, WESE 2019, New York City, NY, USA, October 17-18, 2019 : revised selected papers / Roger Chamberlain, Martin Edin Grimheden, Walid Taha (eds.), Cham, 2020 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, pp. 231-246.

A Remote Test Environment for a Large-Scale Microcontroller Laboratory Course

Bibtex entry :

@inproceedings {  SRT+20,
	author = { Smieschek, Manfred and Rakel, Stefan and Th{\"o}nnessen,
		David and Derks, Andreas and Stollenwerk, André and
		Kowalewski, Stefan },
	title = { A Remote Test Environment for a Large-Scale Microcontroller
		Laboratory Course },
	booktitle = { Cyber physical systems : model-based design : 9th
		international workshop, CyPhy 2019 and 15th international
		workshop, WESE 2019, New York City, NY, USA, October 17-18,
		2019 : revised selected papers / Roger Chamberlain, Martin
		Edin Grimheden, Walid Taha (eds.) },
	publisher = { Springer },
	pages = { 231-246 },
	series = { Lecture Notes in Computer Science },
	year = { 2020 },
	address = { Cham },
	organization = { Workshop on Embedded Systems and Cyber-Physical Systems
		Education, New York (USA), 2019-10-17 - 2019-10-18 },
	doi = { 10.1007/978-3-030-41131-2_11 },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)7 },
	reportid = { RWTH-2020-02344 },
	cin = { 122810 / 120000 },
	url = { http://publications.rwth-aachen.de/record/783169/files/Remote%20Pool%20Final.pdf },
Stollenwerk, A. and Smieschek, M., "Eingabe und Übertragung von Instandhaltungsinformationen für das Condition Monitoring - Digitalisierung von Offline-Informationen", , Düsseldorf / Berlin, VDI/VDE 3711, 2020.

Eingabe und Übertragung von Instandhaltungsinformationen für das Condition Monitoring - Digitalisierung von Offline-Informationen

Bibtex entry :

@techreport {  SS20,
	author = { Stollenwerk, André and Smieschek, Manfred },
	title = { Eingabe und {\"U}bertragung von Instandhaltungsinformationen
		f{\"u}r das Condition Monitoring - Digitalisierung von
		Offline-Informationen },
	publisher = { VDI / Beuth },
	volume = { VDI/VDE 3711 },
	number = { VDI/VDE 3711 },
	series = { VDI-Richtlinien },
	year = { 2020 },
	address = { D{\"u}sseldorf / Berlin },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)29 },
	reportid = { RWTH-2020-09299 },
	cin = { 122810 / 120000 },
	url = { https://www.vdi.de/richtlinien/details/vdivde-3711-eingabe-und-uebertragung-von-instandhaltungsinformationen-fuer-das-condition-monitoring-digitalisierung-von-offline-informationen },
	i11key = { BMWi-03TNF001B - Industrie-4.0-Testbeds - Umsetzung von
		Demonstratoren in realen Umgebungen und Evaluation mit Fokus
		auf Standardisierung (I40Demo); Teilvorhaben: 'Use Case 2:
		Plug&Produce - Feldger{\"a}tetausch im Betrieb' und 'Use
		Case 4: Predictive Maintenance' (BMWi-03TNF001B) },
Stollenwerk, A., "An Embedded Graduate Lab Course with Spirit", in Proc. Cyber physical systems : model-based design : 9th international workshop, CyPhy 2019 and 15th international workshop, WESE 2019, New York City, NY, USA, October 17-18, 2019 : revised selected papers / Roger Chamberlain, Martin Edin Grimheden, Walid Taha (eds.), Cham, 2020 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, pp. 247-263.

An Embedded Graduate Lab Course with Spirit

Bibtex entry :

@inproceedings {  Sto20,
	author = { Stollenwerk, André },
	title = { An Embedded Graduate Lab Course with Spirit },
	booktitle = { Cyber physical systems : model-based design : 9th
		international workshop, CyPhy 2019 and 15th international
		workshop, WESE 2019, New York City, NY, USA, October 17-18,
		2019 : revised selected papers / Roger Chamberlain, Martin
		Edin Grimheden, Walid Taha (eds.) },
	publisher = { Springer },
	pages = { 247-263 },
	series = { Lecture Notes in Computer Science },
	year = { 2020 },
	address = { Cham },
	organization = { Workshop on Embedded Systems and Cyber-Physical Systems
		Education, New York (USA), 2019-10-17 - 2019-10-18 },
	doi = { 10.1007/978-3-030-41131-2_12 },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)7 },
	reportid = { RWTH-2020-02343 },
	cin = { 122810 / 120000 },
	url = { http://publications.rwth-aachen.de/record/783168/files/783168.pdf },
Fabry, G., Doorschodt, B. M., Grzanna, T., Boor, P., Elliott, A. R., Stollenwerk, A., Tolba, R. H., Rossaint, R., and Bleilevens, C., "Cold Preflush of Porcine Kidney Grafts Prior to Normothermic Machine Perfusion Aggravates Ischemia Reperfusion Injury", Scientific reports, vol. 9, p. 9, 2019

Cold Preflush of Porcine Kidney Grafts Prior to Normothermic Machine Perfusion Aggravates Ischemia Reperfusion Injury

Bibtex entry :

@article {  FDG+19,
	author = { Fabry, Gregor and Doorschodt, Benedict M. and Grzanna, Tim
		and Boor, Peter and Elliott, Aaron Rainer and Stollenwerk,
		André and Tolba, René H. and Rossaint, Rolf and
		Bleilevens, Christian },
	title = { Cold Preflush of Porcine Kidney Grafts Prior to Normothermic
		Machine Perfusion Aggravates Ischemia Reperfusion Injury },
	journal = { Scientific reports },
	publisher = { Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature },
	pages = { 9 Seiten },
	volume = { 9 },
	year = { 2019 },
	address = { [London] },
	issn = { 2045-2322 },
	doi = { 10.18154/RWTH-2019-08778 },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)16 },
	reportid = { RWTH-2019-08778 },
	cin = { 122810 / 120000531020-3533000-3533000-2533540-2 / 9770208 /
		9790209527000-2 },
	url = { http://publications.rwth-aachen.de/record/767376/files/767376.pdf },
	i11key = { BMBF-031L0134B - Alternativmethoden - Verbund: AutoMock -
		Entwicklung eines vollautomatisierten in vitro Teststands
		(Mock Loop) - Ein k{\"u}nstlicher Kreislauf als
		Ersatzmethode zur Biokompatibilit{\"a}tstestung von
		Membranoxygenatoren und zur Transplantationssimulation
		(BMBF-031L0134B) },
Kühn, J., Buglowski, M., Stollenwerk, A., Kowalewski, S., Walter, M., Leonhardt, S., Petran, J., Kopp, R., Rossaint, R., and Janisch, T., "Fault Identification in a Blood Pump Using Neural Networks", in Proc. World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering 2018 : June 3-8, 2018, Prague, Czech Republic (Vol.2) / edited by Lenka Lhotska, Lucie Sukupova, Igor Lacković, Geoffrey S. Ibbott, Singapore, 2019 in IFMBE Proceedings, Springer Singapore, pp. 27-32.

Fault Identification in a Blood Pump Using Neural Networks

Bibtex entry :

@inproceedings {  KBS+19,
	author = { K{\"u}hn, Jan and Buglowski, Mateusz and Stollenwerk, André
		and Kowalewski, Stefan and Walter, Marian and Leonhardt,
		Steffen and Petran, Jan and Kopp, R{\"u}dger and Rossaint,
		Rolf and Janisch, Thorsten },
	title = { Fault Identification in a Blood Pump Using Neural Networks },
	booktitle = { World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering
		2018 : June 3-8, 2018, Prague, Czech Republic (Vol.2) /
		edited by Lenka Lhotska, Lucie Sukupova, Igor Lacković,
		Geoffrey S. Ibbott },
	publisher = { Springer Singapore },
	pages = { 27-32 },
	series = { IFMBE Proceedings },
	year = { 2019 },
	address = { Singapore },
	organization = { IUPESM World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical
		Engineering, Prague (Czech Republic), 2018-06-03 -
		2018-06-08 },
	doi = { 10.1007/978-981-10-9038-7_6 },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)7 },
	reportid = { RWTH-2018-231048 },
	cin = { 533000-2 / 122810 / 120000 / 611010 },
	url = { http://publications.rwth-aachen.de/record/751048 },
	i11key = { BMBF-031L0134B - Alternativmethoden - Verbund: AutoMock -
		Entwicklung eines vollautomatisierten in vitro Teststands
		(Mock Loop) - Ein k{\"u}nstlicher Kreislauf als
		Ersatzmethode zur Biokompatibilit{\"a}tstestung von
		Membranoxygenatoren und zur Transplantationssimulation
		(BMBF-031L0134B) },
Pomprapa, A., Ahmed, W., Stollenwerk, A., Kowalewski, S., and Leonhardt, S., "Deep Learning of Arrhythmia Analysis Based on Convolutional Neural Network", International journal of bioelectromagnetism : IJBEM, vol. 21, iss. 1, pp. 48-58, 2019

Deep Learning of Arrhythmia Analysis Based on Convolutional Neural Network

Bibtex entry :

@article {  PAS+19,
	author = { Pomprapa, Anake and Ahmed, Waqar and Stollenwerk, André and
		Kowalewski, Stefan and Leonhardt, Steffen },
	title = { Deep Learning of Arrhythmia Analysis Based on Convolutional
		Neural Network },
	journal = { International journal of bioelectromagnetism : IJBEM },
	publisher = { International Society for Bioelectromagnetism },
	pages = { 48-58 },
	volume = { 21 },
	number = { 1 },
	year = { 2019 },
	address = { Tampere },
	issn = { 1456-7857 },
	doi = { 10.18154/RWTH-2019-03336 },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)16 },
	reportid = { RWTH-2019-03336 },
	cin = { 611010 / 122810 / 120000 },
	url = { http://www.ijbem.org/volume21/number1/48-58.pdf },
Smieschek, M., Kobsik, G., Stollenwerk, A., Kowalewski, S., Orlikowsky, T., and Schoberer, M., "Aided Hand Detection in Thermal Imaging Using RGB Stereo Vision", in Proc. Biomedical engineering ranging from wellness to intensive care : 2019 41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC) : 41st EMB Conference : July 23-27, Berlin / IEEE, EMB ; conference editorial board chair: Riccardo Barbieri, Milan, Italy, Piscataway, NJ, 2019, IEEE, pp. 6314-6317.

Aided Hand Detection in Thermal Imaging Using RGB Stereo Vision

Bibtex entry :

@inproceedings {  SKS+19,
	author = { Smieschek, Manfred and Kobsik, Gregor and Stollenwerk,
		André and Kowalewski, Stefan and Orlikowsky, Thorsten and
		Schoberer, Mark },
	title = { Aided Hand Detection in Thermal Imaging Using RGB Stereo
		Vision },
	booktitle = { Biomedical engineering ranging from wellness to intensive
		care : 2019 41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE
		Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC) : 41st
		EMB Conference : July 23-27, Berlin / IEEE, EMB ; conference
		editorial board chair: Riccardo Barbieri, Milan, Italy },
	publisher = { IEEE },
	pages = { 6314-6317 },
	year = { 2019 },
	address = { Piscataway, NJ },
	organization = { 41. Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering
		in Medicine & Biology Society, Berlin (Germany), 2019-07-23
		- 2019-07-27 },
	doi = { 10.1109/EMBC.2019.8856990 },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)7 },
	reportid = { RWTH-2019-09705 },
	cin = { 122810 / 120000537500-3 },
	url = { http://publications.rwth-aachen.de/record/770752 },
Kühn, J., Stollenwerk, A., Kowalewski, S., Fabry, G., Grzanna, T., Doorschodt, B., Tolba, R. H., Rossaint, R., and Bleilevens, C., "A long-term setup for kidney perfusion"." 2018.

A long-term setup for kidney perfusion

Bibtex entry :

@inproceedings {  KSK+18,
	author = { K{\"u}hn, Jan and Stollenwerk, André and Kowalewski, Stefan
		and Fabry, Gregor and Grzanna, Tim and Doorschodt, Benedict
		and Tolba, René H. and Rossaint, Rolf and Bleilevens,
		Christian },
	title = { A long-term setup for kidney perfusion },
	year = { 2018 },
	organization = { 52. Annual Conference of the German Society for Biomedical
		Engineering, Aachen (Germany), 2018-09-26 - 2018-09-28 },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)6 },
	reportid = { RWTH-CONV-236288 },
	cin = { 122810 / 120000527000-2 / 9210105 },
	url = { http://publications.rwth-aachen.de/record/752261 },
	i11key = { BMBF-031L0134B - Alternativmethoden - Verbund: AutoMock -
		Entwicklung eines vollautomatisierten in vitro Teststands
		(Mock Loop) - Ein k{\"u}nstlicher Kreislauf als
		Ersatzmethode zur Biokompatibilit{\"a}tstestung von
		Membranoxygenatoren und zur Transplantationssimulation
		(BMBF-031L0134B) },
Pomprapa, A., Ahmed, W., Stollenwerk, A., Kowalewski, S., Uguz, D. U., and Leonhardt, S., "Arrhythmia Analysis in a Non-contact cECG Chair using Convolutional Neural Network", in Proc. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Bioelectromagnetism : 23-25 May 2018, Aachen, Germany / Organizing Committee for ICBEM 2018 in Aachen: Prof. Steffen Leonhardt, RWTH Aachen University, Germany, Prof. Jaakko Malmivuo, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany, Dr. Marian Walter, RWTH Aachen University, Germany, Benjamin Hentze, RWTH Aachen University, Germany Markus Lüken, RWTH Aachen University, Germany ; Scientific Committee for ICBEM 2018 in Aachen: Prof. Catherine Disselhorst-Klug, RWTH Aachen University, Germany [und 27 weitere], Aachen, 2018, p. 4.

Arrhythmia Analysis in a Non-contact cECG Chair using Convolutional Neural Network

Bibtex entry :

@inproceedings {  PAS+18,
	author = { Pomprapa, Anake and Ahmed, Waqar and Stollenwerk, André and
		Kowalewski, Stefan and Uguz, Durmus Umutcan and Leonhardt,
		Steffen },
	title = { Arrhythmia Analysis in a Non-contact cECG Chair using
		Convolutional Neural Network },
	booktitle = { Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on
		Bioelectromagnetism : 23-25 May 2018, Aachen, Germany /
		Organizing Committee for ICBEM 2018 in Aachen: Prof. Steffen
		Leonhardt, RWTH Aachen University, Germany, Prof. Jaakko
		Malmivuo, Technische Universit{\"a}t Berlin, Germany, Dr.
		Marian Walter, RWTH Aachen University, Germany, Benjamin
		Hentze, RWTH Aachen University, Germany Markus L{\"u}ken,
		RWTH Aachen University, Germany ; Scientific Committee for
		ICBEM 2018 in Aachen: Prof. Catherine Disselhorst-Klug, RWTH
		Aachen University, Germany [und 27 weitere] },
	pages = { 4 Seiten },
	year = { 2018 },
	address = { Aachen },
	organization = { 11. International Conference on Bioelectromagnetism, Aachen
		(Germany), 2018-05-23 - 2018-05-25 },
	doi = { 10.18154/RWTH-CONV-224903 },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)8 },
	reportid = { RWTH-CONV-224903 },
	cin = { 611010 / 122810 / 120000 },
	url = { http://publications.rwth-aachen.de/record/723536/files/723536.pdf },
Pomprapa, A., Ahmed, W., Sayani, M. S., Stollenwerk, A., Kowalewski, S., and Leonhardt, S., "Classification of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Using Machine Learning", American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine, vol. 197, iss. Abstract Issue, p. 1, 2018

Classification of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Using Machine Learning

Bibtex entry :

@article {  PAS+18a,
	author = { Pomprapa, Anake and Ahmed, W. and Sayani, M. S. and
		Stollenwerk, André and Kowalewski, Stefan and Leonhardt,
		Steffen },
	title = { Classification of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Using Machine
		Learning },
	journal = { American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine },
	publisher = { American Thoracic Society },
	pages = { 1 Seite },
	volume = { 197 },
	number = { Abstract Issue },
	year = { 2018 },
	address = { New York, NY },
	issn = { 0003-0805 },
	organization = { International Conference of the American-Thoracic-Society,
		San Diego, CA (USA), 2018-05-18 - 2018-05-23 },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)1 },
	reportid = { RWTH-2018-231113 },
	cin = { 611010 / 122810 / 120000 },
	url = { https://www.atsjournals.org/doi/abs/10.1164/ajrccm-conference.2018.197.1_MeetingAbstracts.A7449 },
Pomprapa, A., Ahmed, W., Stollenwerk, A., Kowalewski, S., Uguz, D. U., and Leonhardt, S., "Arrhythmia Analysis in a Non-contact cECG Chair using Convolutional Neural Network", International journal of bioelectromagnetism : IJBEM, vol. 20, iss. 1, pp. 47-50, 2018

Arrhythmia Analysis in a Non-contact cECG Chair using Convolutional Neural Network

Bibtex entry :

@article {  PAS+18b,
	author = { Pomprapa, Anake and Ahmed, Waqar and Stollenwerk, André and
		Kowalewski, Stefan and Uguz, Durmus Umutcan and Leonhardt,
		Steffen },
	title = { Arrhythmia Analysis in a Non-contact cECG Chair using
		Convolutional Neural Network },
	journal = { International journal of bioelectromagnetism : IJBEM },
	publisher = { International Society for Bioelectromagnetism },
	pages = { 47-50 },
	volume = { 20 },
	number = { 1 },
	year = { 2018 },
	address = { Tampere },
	issn = { 1456-7865 },
	organization = { 11. International Conference on Bioelectromagnetism, Aachen
		(Germany), 2018-05-23 - 2018-05-25 },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)16 },
	reportid = { RWTH-2019-10694 },
	cin = { 611010 / 122810 / 120000 },
	url = { http://www.ijbem.org/volume20/number1/47-50.pdf },
Pomprapa, A., Sayani, M. S., Anwar, T., Stollenwerk, A., Kowalewski, S., von Platen, P. H., and Leonhardt, S., "Apnea Detection in a Contactless Multisensor System using Deep Learning Algorithm", in Proc. [13th Russian-German Conference on Biomedical Engineering (RGC), RGC, 2018-05-23 - 2018-05-25, Aachen, Germany], 2018.

Apnea Detection in a Contactless Multisensor System using Deep Learning Algorithm

Bibtex entry :

@inproceedings {  PSA+18,
	author = { Pomprapa, Anake and Sayani, Mohammad Salman and Anwar, Toni
		and Stollenwerk, André and Kowalewski, Stefan and von
		Platen, Philip Henning and Leonhardt, Steffen },
	title = { Apnea Detection in a Contactless Multisensor System using
		Deep Learning Algorithm },
	booktitle = { [13th Russian-German Conference on Biomedical Engineering
		(RGC), RGC, 2018-05-23 - 2018-05-25, Aachen, Germany] },
	year = { 2018 },
	organization = { 13. Russian-German Conference on Biomedical Engineering
		(RGC), Aachen (Germany), 2018-05-23 - 2018-05-25 },
	doi = { 10.18154/RWTH-CONV-224907 },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)8 },
	reportid = { RWTH-CONV-224907 },
	cin = { 611010 / 122810 / 120000 },
	url = { http://publications.rwth-aachen.de/record/723540/files/723540.pdf },
Stollenwerk, A., Buglowski, M., and Kühn, J., "Mock loop for bubble generation in a centrifugal blood pump for fault simulation", Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering, vol. 4, iss. 1, pp. 33-36, 2018

Mock loop for bubble generation in a centrifugal blood pump for fault simulation

Bibtex entry :

@article {  SBK18,
	author = { Stollenwerk, André and Buglowski, Mateusz and K{\"u}hn, Jan },
	title = { Mock loop for bubble generation in a centrifugal blood pump
		for fault simulation },
	journal = { Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering },
	publisher = { de Gruyter },
	pages = { 33-36 },
	volume = { 4 },
	number = { 1 },
	year = { 2018 },
	address = { Berlin },
	issn = { 2364-5504 },
	doi = { 10.1515/cdbme-2018-0009 },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)16 },
	reportid = { RWTH-CONV-236285 },
	cin = { 122810 / 120000 },
	url = { http://publications.rwth-aachen.de/record/752262/files/752262.pdf },
Smieschek, M., Hinrichs, T., Stollenwerk, A., Kowalewski, S., and Preuß, R., "A New Condition Indicator for Slow-Rotating Roller Chains based on the Angle and Torque of the Driving Motor", in Proc. 2018 IEEE 14th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE) : 20-24 Aug. 2018 / general chair: Birgit Vogel-Heuser (Technical University of Munich) ; publisher: IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 2018, IEEE, pp. 642-644.

A New Condition Indicator for Slow-Rotating Roller Chains based on the Angle and Torque of the Driving Motor

Bibtex entry :

@inproceedings {  SHS+18,
	author = { Smieschek, Manfred and Hinrichs, Timo and Stollenwerk,
		André and Kowalewski, Stefan and Preu{\ss}, R{\"u}diger },
	title = { A New Condition Indicator for Slow-Rotating Roller Chains
		based on the Angle and Torque of the Driving Motor },
	booktitle = { 2018 IEEE 14th International Conference on Automation
		Science and Engineering (CASE) : 20-24 Aug. 2018 / general
		chair: Birgit Vogel-Heuser (Technical University of Munich)
		; publisher: IEEE },
	publisher = { IEEE },
	pages = { 642-644 },
	year = { 2018 },
	address = { Piscataway, NJ },
	organization = { IEEE 14. International Conference on Automation Science and
		Engineering, Munich (Germany), 2018-08-20 - 2018-08-24 },
	doi = { 10.1109/COASE.2018.8560542 },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)7 },
	reportid = { RWTH-CONV-236282 },
	cin = { 122810 / 120000 },
	url = { http://publications.rwth-aachen.de/record/752188 },
	i11key = { 140DEMO - Industrie-4.0-Testbeds - Umsetzung von
		Demonstratoren in realen Umgebungen und Evaluation mit Fokus
		auf Standardisierung (I40Demo); Teilvorhaben: 'Use Case 2:
		Plug&Produce - Feldger{\"a}tetausch im Betrieb' und 'Use
		Case 4: Predictive Maintenance' },
Winter, A., Stäubert, S., Ammon, D., Aiche, S., Beyan, O. D., Bischoff, V., Daumke, P., Decker, S. J., Funkat, G., Gewehr, J. E., de Greiff, A., Haferkamp, S. D., Hahn, U., Henkel, A., Kirsten, T., Klöss, T., Lippert, J., Löbe, M., Lowitsch, V., Maassen, O., Maschmann, J., Meister, S., Mikolajczyk, R., Nüchter, M., Pletz, M. W., Rahm, E., Riedel, M., Saleh, K., Schuppert, A., Smers, S., Stollenwerk, A., Uhlig, S., Wendt, T., Zenker, S., Fleig, W., Marx, G., Scherag, A., and Löffler, M., "Smart Medical Information Technology for Healthcare (SMITH) : Data Integration based on Interoperability Standards", Methods of information in medicine, vol. 57, iss. S 01, p. e92-e105, 2018

Smart Medical Information Technology for Healthcare (SMITH) : Data Integration based on Interoperability Standards

Bibtex entry :

@article {  WSA+18,
	author = { Winter, Alfred and St{\"a}ubert, Sebastian and Ammon, Danny
		and Aiche, Stephan and Beyan, Oya Deniz and Bischoff, Verena
		and Daumke, Philipp and Decker, Stefan Josef and Funkat,
		Gert and Gewehr, Jan E. and de Greiff, Armin and Haferkamp,
		Silke Dorothee and Hahn, Udo and Henkel, Andreas and
		Kirsten, Toralf and Kl{\"o}ss, Thomas and Lippert, J{\"o}rg
		and L{\"o}be, Matthias and Lowitsch, Volker and Maassen,
		Oliver and Maschmann, Jens and Meister, Sven and
		Mikolajczyk, Rafael and N{\"u}chter, Matthias and Pletz,
		Mathias W. and Rahm, Erhard and Riedel, Morris and Saleh,
		Kutaiba and Schuppert, Andreas and Smers, Stefan and
		Stollenwerk, André and Uhlig, Stefan and Wendt, Thomas and
		Zenker, Sven and Fleig, Wolfgang and Marx, Gernot and
		Scherag, André and L{\"o}ffler, Markus },
	title = { Smart Medical Information Technology for Healthcare (SMITH)
		: Data Integration based on Interoperability Standards },
	journal = { Methods of information in medicine },
	publisher = { Thieme },
	pages = { e92-e105 },
	volume = { 57 },
	number = { S 01 },
	year = { 2018 },
	address = { Stuttgart },
	issn = { 2511-705X },
	doi = { 10.18154/RWTH-CONV-237913 },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)16 },
	reportid = { RWTH-CONV-237913 },
	cin = { 528500-2533000-2 / 122810 / 120000 / 121810 },
	url = { http://publications.rwth-aachen.de/record/757852/files/757852.pdf },
	i11key = { SMITH - Medizininformatik-Konsortium (BMBF-01ZZ1803K) },
Brendle, C., Hackmack, K. -F., Kühn, J., Wardeh, M. N., Janisch, T., Kopp, R., Rossaint, R., Stollenwerk, A., Kowalewski, S., Leonhardt, S., Walter, M., and Misgeld, B. J. E., "Closed-loop control of extracorporeal oxygen and carbon dioxide gas transfer", Control engineering practice, vol. 59, pp. 173-182, 2017

Closed-loop control of extracorporeal oxygen and carbon dioxide gas transfer

Bibtex entry :

@article {  BHK+17,
	author = { Brendle, Christian and Hackmack, K.-F. and K{\"u}hn, Jan and
		Wardeh, M. N. and Janisch, T. and Kopp, R{\"u}dger and
		Rossaint, Rolf and Stollenwerk, André and Kowalewski,
		Stefan and Leonhardt, Steffen and Walter, Marian and
		Misgeld, Berno Johannes Engelbert },
	title = { Closed-loop control of extracorporeal oxygen and carbon
		dioxide gas transfer },
	journal = { Control engineering practice },
	publisher = { Elsevier Science },
	pages = { 173-182 },
	volume = { 59 },
	year = { 2017 },
	address = { Amsterdam [u.a.] },
	issn = { 0967-0661 },
	doi = { 10.1016/j.conengprac.2016.09.016 },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)16 },
	reportid = { RWTH-2016-10175 },
	cin = { 611010 / 122810 / 120000533000-2 / 9210120 },
	url = { http://publications.rwth-aachen.de/record/678130 },
	i11key = { DFG project 224967929 - Kooperierende Regelung von
		extrakorporaler Lungenunterst{\"u}tzung und Beatmung f{\"u}r
		die Therapie des Lungenversagens (ECLA-VENT) (224967929) },
Brendle, C., Mülders, T., Kühn, J., Janisch, T., Kopp, R., Rossaint, R., Stollenwerk, A., Kowalewski, S., Misgeld, B. J. E., Leonhardt, S., and Walter, M., "Physiological closed-loop control of mechanical ventilation and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation", Biomedical engineering = Biomedizinische Technik, vol. 62, iss. 2, pp. 199-212, 2017

Physiological closed-loop control of mechanical ventilation and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation

Bibtex entry :

@article {  BMK+17,
	author = { Brendle, Christian and M{\"u}lders, Thorsten and K{\"u}hn,
		Jan and Janisch, Thorsten and Kopp, R{\"u}dger and Rossaint,
		Rolf and Stollenwerk, André and Kowalewski, Stefan and
		Misgeld, Berno Johannes Engelbert and Leonhardt, Steffen and
		Walter, Marian },
	title = { Physiological closed-loop control of mechanical ventilation
		and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation },
	journal = { Biomedical engineering = Biomedizinische Technik },
	publisher = { de Gruyter },
	pages = { 199-212 },
	volume = { 62 },
	number = { 2 },
	year = { 2017 },
	address = { Berlin [u.a.] },
	issn = { 1862-278X },
	doi = { 10.1515/bmt-2016-0077 },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)16 },
	reportid = { RWTH-2017-09475 },
	cin = { 611010 / 122810533000-2 / 120000 },
	url = { http://publications.rwth-aachen.de/record/707843 },
Kühn, J., Brendle, C., Stollenwerk, A., Schweigler, M., Kowalewski, S., Janisch, T., Rossaint, R., Leonhardt, S., Walter, M., and Kopp, R., "Decentralized safety concept for closed-loop controlled intensive care : Supervision of a blood pump during extracorporeal circulation", Biomedical engineering = Biomedizinische Technik, vol. 62, iss. 2, pp. 213-224, 2017

Decentralized safety concept for closed-loop controlled intensive care : Supervision of a blood pump during extracorporeal circulation

Bibtex entry :

@article {  KBS+17,
	author = { K{\"u}hn, Jan and Brendle, Christian and Stollenwerk, André
		and Schweigler, Martin and Kowalewski, Stefan and Janisch,
		Thorsten and Rossaint, Rolf and Leonhardt, Steffen and
		Walter, Marian and Kopp, R{\"u}dger },
	title = { Decentralized safety concept for closed-loop controlled
		intensive care : Supervision of a blood pump during
		extracorporeal circulation },
	journal = { Biomedical engineering = Biomedizinische Technik },
	publisher = { de Gruyter },
	pages = { 213-224 },
	volume = { 62 },
	number = { 2 },
	year = { 2017 },
	address = { Berlin [u.a.] },
	issn = { 1862-278X },
	doi = { 10.1515/bmt-2016-0087 },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)16 },
	reportid = { RWTH-2017-09486 },
	cin = { 611010 / 122810533000-2533000-3 / 120000533000-3533000-2 },
	url = { http://publications.rwth-aachen.de/record/707857 },
Stollenwerk, A., Kopp, R., Sehl, F., and Janisch, T., "Tauchcomputerunterstützung durch vernetzte Smart Wearables", Caisson : Mitteilungen der GTÜM e.V., vol. 32, iss. 4, 2017

Tauchcomputerunterstützung durch vernetzte Smart Wearables

Bibtex entry :

@article {  SKS+17,
	author = { Stollenwerk, André and Kopp, R{\"u}dger and Sehl, Florian
		and Janisch, Thorsten },
	title = { Tauchcomputerunterst{\"u}tzung durch vernetzte Smart
		Wearables },
	journal = { Caisson : Mitteilungen der GT{\"U}M e.V. },
	publisher = { GT{\"U}M },
	volume = { 32 },
	number = { 4 },
	year = { 2017 },
	address = { Murnau },
	issn = { 0933-3991 },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)16 },
	reportid = { RWTH-2018-00117 },
	cin = { 122810 / 9210120 / 120000533000-3 },
	url = { https://www.publications.embedded.rwth-aachen.de/file/79 },
Smieschek, M., Stollenwerk, A., Kowalewski, S., Orlikowsky, T., and Schoberer, M., "Unterstützte Handerkennung in Thermographiebildern zur Validierung der hygienischen Händedesinfektion", in Proc. Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2017 : Algorithmen - Systeme - Anwendungen : Proceedings des Workshops vom 12. bis 14. März 2017 in Heidelberg / Klaus Hermann Maier-Hein, Thomas M. Deserno, Heinz Handels, Thomas Tolxdorff (Herausgeber), Berlin, Heidelberg, 2017 in Informatik aktuell, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 147-152.

Unterstützte Handerkennung in Thermographiebildern zur Validierung der hygienischen Händedesinfektion

Bibtex entry :

@inproceedings {  SSK+17,
	author = { Smieschek, Manfred and Stollenwerk, André and Kowalewski,
		Stefan and Orlikowsky, Thorsten and Schoberer, Mark },
	title = { Unterst{\"u}tzte Handerkennung in Thermographiebildern zur
		Validierung der hygienischen H{\"a}ndedesinfektion },
	booktitle = { Bildverarbeitung f{\"u}r die Medizin 2017 : Algorithmen -
		Systeme - Anwendungen : Proceedings des Workshops vom 12.
		bis 14. M{\"a}rz 2017 in Heidelberg / Klaus Hermann
		Maier-Hein, Thomas M. Deserno, Heinz Handels, Thomas
		Tolxdorff (Herausgeber) },
	publisher = { Springer Berlin Heidelberg },
	pages = { 147-152 },
	series = { Informatik aktuell },
	year = { 2017 },
	address = { Berlin, Heidelberg },
	organization = { Bildverarbeitung f{\"u}r die Medizin 2017 : Algorithmen -
		Systeme - Anwendungen, Heidelberg (Germany), 2017-03-12 -
		2017-03-14 },
	doi = { 10.1007/978-3-662-54345-0_35 },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)7 },
	reportid = { RWTH-CONV-236348 },
	cin = { 122810 / 120000537500-3 },
	url = { http://publications.rwth-aachen.de/record/752321 },
Stollenwerk, A., Sehl, F., Marx, G., Kowalewski, S., and Janisch, T., "Enrichment of a diving computer with body sensor network data", in Proc. 2017 IEEE 14th International Conference on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks (BSN) : 9-12 May 2017 / sponsors: IEEE, EMB, Piscataway, NJ, 2017, IEEE, pp. 169-172.

Enrichment of a diving computer with body sensor network data

Bibtex entry :

@inproceedings {  SSM+17,
	author = { Stollenwerk, André and Sehl, Florian and Marx, Gernot and
		Kowalewski, Stefan and Janisch, Thorsten },
	title = { Enrichment of a diving computer with body sensor network
		data },
	booktitle = { 2017 IEEE 14th International Conference on Wearable and
		Implantable Body Sensor Networks (BSN) : 9-12 May 2017 /
		sponsors: IEEE, EMB },
	publisher = { IEEE },
	pages = { 169-172 },
	year = { 2017 },
	address = { Piscataway, NJ },
	organization = { IEEE 14. International Conference on Wearable and
		Implantable Body Sensor Networks, Eindhoven (Netherlands),
		2017-05-09 - 2017-05-12 },
	doi = { 10.1109/BSN.2017.7936034 },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)7 },
	reportid = { RWTH-2018-221262 },
	cin = { 122810 / 120000533000-3 },
	url = { http://publications.rwth-aachen.de/record/717241 },
Brendle, C., Hackmack, K. -F., Kühn, J., Wardeh, M. N., Janisch, T., Kopp, R., Rossaint, R., Stollenwerk, A., Kowalewski, S., Misgeld, B. J. E., Leonhardt, S., and Walter, M., "Continuous gas transfer monitoring during extracorporeal membrane oxygenation", Biomedical signal processing and control, vol. 31, pp. 321-330, 2016

Continuous gas transfer monitoring during extracorporeal membrane oxygenation

Bibtex entry :

@article {  BHK+16,
	author = { Brendle, Christian and Hackmack, K.-F. and K{\"u}hn, Jan and
		Wardeh, M. N. and Janisch, T. and Kopp, R{\"u}dger and
		Rossaint, Rolf and Stollenwerk, André and Kowalewski,
		Stefan and Misgeld, Berno Johannes Engelbert and Leonhardt,
		Steffen and Walter, Marian },
	title = { Continuous gas transfer monitoring during extracorporeal
		membrane oxygenation },
	journal = { Biomedical signal processing and control },
	publisher = { Elsevier },
	pages = { 321-330 },
	volume = { 31 },
	year = { 2016 },
	address = { Amsterdam [u.a.] },
	issn = { 1746-8094 },
	doi = { 10.1016/j.bspc.2016.08.023 },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)16 },
	reportid = { RWTH-2016-10177 },
	cin = { 611010 / 122810 / 120000533000-2 },
	url = { http://publications.rwth-aachen.de/record/678132 },
Kopp, R., Bensberg, R., Stollenwerk, A., Arens, J., Grottke, O., Walter, M., and Rossaint, R., "Automatic Control of Veno-Venous Extracorporeal Lung Assist : Presented in part at the 13th Congress of DIVI held December 4-6, 2013 in Leipzig, Germany", Artificial organs, vol. 40, iss. 10, pp. 992-998, 2016

Automatic Control of Veno-Venous Extracorporeal Lung Assist : Presented in part at the 13th Congress of DIVI held December 4-6, 2013 in Leipzig, Germany

Bibtex entry :

@article {  KBS+16,
	author = { Kopp, R{\"u}dger and Bensberg, Ralf and Stollenwerk, André
		and Arens, Jutta and Grottke, Oliver and Walter, Marian and
		Rossaint, Rolf },
	title = { Automatic Control of Veno-Venous Extracorporeal Lung Assist
		: Presented in part at the 13th Congress of DIVI held
		December 4-6, 2013 in Leipzig, Germany },
	journal = { Artificial organs },
	publisher = { Wiley-Blackwell },
	pages = { 992-998 },
	volume = { 40 },
	number = { 10 },
	year = { 2016 },
	address = { Oxford [u.a.] },
	issn = { 0160-564X },
	doi = { 10.1111/aor.12664 },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)16 },
	reportid = { RWTH-2016-01084 },
	cin = { 611010533000-2533000-3 / 122810811001-1 / 120000811001-4 },
	url = { http://publications.rwth-aachen.de/record/567958 },
Kühn, J., Stollenwerk, A., Brendle, C., Janisch, T., Walter, M., Rossaint, R., Leonhardt, S., Kowalewski, S., and Kopp, R., "Sensor Supervision and Control Value Limitations in Networked Intensive Care", in Proc. [Gemeinsamer Tagungsband der Workshops der Tagung Software Engineering 2016 (SE-WS 2016), Wien, 23.-26. Februar 2016 / Edited by: Wolf Zimmermann, Lukas Alperowitz, Bernd Brügge, Jörn Fahsel, Andrea Herrmann, Anne Hoffmann, Andreas Krall, Dieter Landes, Horst Lichter, Dirk Riehle, Ina Schaefer, Constantin Scheuermann, Alexander Schlaefer, Sibylle Schupp, Andreas Seitz, Andreas Steffens, André Stollenwerk, Rüdiger Weißbach], Aachen, Germany, 2016 in CEUR Workshop Proceedings, RWTH Aachen, pp. 187-194.

Sensor Supervision and Control Value Limitations in Networked Intensive Care

Bibtex entry :

@inproceedings {  KSB+16,
	author = { K{\"u}hn, Jan and Stollenwerk, André and Brendle, Christian
		and Janisch, Thorsten and Walter, Marian and Rossaint, Rolf
		and Leonhardt, Steffen and Kowalewski, Stefan and Kopp,
		R{\"u}dger },
	title = { Sensor Supervision and Control Value Limitations in
		Networked Intensive Care },
	booktitle = { [Gemeinsamer Tagungsband der Workshops der Tagung Software
		Engineering 2016 (SE-WS 2016), Wien, 23.-26. Februar 2016 /
		Edited by: Wolf Zimmermann, Lukas Alperowitz, Bernd
		Br{\"u}gge, J{\"o}rn Fahsel, Andrea Herrmann, Anne Hoffmann,
		Andreas Krall, Dieter Landes, Horst Lichter, Dirk Riehle,
		Ina Schaefer, Constantin Scheuermann, Alexander Schlaefer,
		Sibylle Schupp, Andreas Seitz, Andreas Steffens, André
		Stollenwerk, R{\"u}diger Wei{\ss}bach] },
	publisher = { RWTH Aachen },
	pages = { 187-194 },
	series = { CEUR Workshop Proceedings },
	year = { 2016 },
	address = { Aachen, Germany },
	organization = { 2. Workshop on Fail Safety in Medical Cyber-Physical
		Systems, Wien (Austria), 2016-02-26 - 2016-02-26 },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)8 },
	reportid = { RWTH-CONV-207901 },
	cin = { 122810 / 120000 / 611010 / 9210120533000-2 },
	url = { http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1559/paper25.pdf },
	i11key = { DFG project 224967929 - Kooperierende Regelung von
		extrakorporaler Lungenunterst{\"u}tzung und Beatmung f{\"u}r
		die Therapie des Lungenversagens (ECLA-VENT) (224967929) },
Kühn, J., Vaitl, L., Stollenwerk, A., Brendle, C., Walter, M., Leonhardt, S., Kowalewski, S., Rossaint, R., Kopp, R., and Janisch, T., "Eingebettete Rezirkulationsmessung für eine ECLA-Therapie", in Proc. AUTOMED 2016 : Workshop : Wismar, 22.-23. September 2016 / DGBMT - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Biomedizinische Technik im VDE ; Editoren: Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Olaf Simanski, Dr. Olaf Hagendorf, Jörg Zucknik, Wismar, 2016, Hochschule Wismar, Fakultät für Ingenieurwissenschaften, Fachgebiet Automaisierungstechnik/Mechatronik, p. 2.

Eingebettete Rezirkulationsmessung für eine ECLA-Therapie

Bibtex entry :

@inproceedings {  KVS+16,
	author = { K{\"u}hn, Jan and Vaitl, Lorenz and Stollenwerk, André and
		Brendle, Christian and Walter, Marian and Leonhardt, Steffen
		and Kowalewski, Stefan and Rossaint, Rolf and Kopp,
		R{\"u}dger and Janisch, Thorsten },
	title = { Eingebettete Rezirkulationsmessung f{\"u}r eine
		ECLA-Therapie },
	booktitle = { AUTOMED 2016 : Workshop : Wismar, 22.-23. September 2016 /
		DGBMT - Deutsche Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Biomedizinische
		Technik im VDE ; Editoren: Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Olaf
		Simanski, Dr. Olaf Hagendorf, J{\"o}rg Zucknik },
	publisher = { Hochschule Wismar, Fakult{\"a}t f{\"u}r
		Ingenieurwissenschaften, Fachgebiet
		Automaisierungstechnik/Mechatronik },
	pages = { 2 Seiten },
	year = { 2016 },
	address = { Wismar },
	organization = { Automatisierungsverfahren f{\"u}r die Medizin 2016, Wismar
		(Germany), 2016-09-22 - 2016-09-23 },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)7 },
	reportid = { RWTH-2017-00655 },
	cin = { 611010 / 122810533000-2 / 120000533000-3 },
	url = { http://automed2016.hs-wismar.de/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Kuehn_Informatik11_RWTHAachen.pdf },
	i11key = { DFG project 224967929 - Kooperierende Regelung von
		extrakorporaler Lungenunterst{\"u}tzung und Beatmung f{\"u}r
		die Therapie des Lungenversagens (ECLA-VENT) (224967929) },
Smieschek, M., Stollenwerk, A., Jüptner, J. P., Kowalewski, S., Orlikowsky, T., and Schoberer, M., "Evaluating Hand Disinfection with Alcohol-Based Hand Sanitizers Using Thermal Imaging", in Proc. [Gemeinsamer Tagungsband der Workshops der Tagung Software Engineering 2016 (SE-WS 2016), Wien, 23.-26. Februar 2016 / Edited by: Wolf Zimmermann, Lukas Alperowitz, Bernd Brügge, Jörn Fahsel, Andrea Herrmann, Anne Hoffmann, Andreas Krall, Dieter Landes, Horst Lichter, Dirk Riehle, Ina Schaefer, Constantin Scheuermann, Alexander Schlaefer, Sibylle Schupp, Andreas Seitz, Andreas Steffens, André Stollenwerk, Rüdiger Weißbach], Aachen, Germany, 2016 in CEUR Workshop Proceedings, RWTH Aachen, pp. 174-181.

Evaluating Hand Disinfection with Alcohol-Based Hand Sanitizers Using Thermal Imaging

Bibtex entry :

@inproceedings {  SSJ+16,
	author = { Smieschek, Manfred and Stollenwerk, André and J{\"u}ptner,
		Johann Patrick and Kowalewski, Stefan and Orlikowsky,
		Thorsten and Schoberer, Mark },
	title = { Evaluating Hand Disinfection with Alcohol-Based Hand
		Sanitizers Using Thermal Imaging },
	booktitle = { [Gemeinsamer Tagungsband der Workshops der Tagung Software
		Engineering 2016 (SE-WS 2016), Wien, 23.-26. Februar 2016 /
		Edited by: Wolf Zimmermann, Lukas Alperowitz, Bernd
		Br{\"u}gge, J{\"o}rn Fahsel, Andrea Herrmann, Anne Hoffmann,
		Andreas Krall, Dieter Landes, Horst Lichter, Dirk Riehle,
		Ina Schaefer, Constantin Scheuermann, Alexander Schlaefer,
		Sibylle Schupp, Andreas Seitz, Andreas Steffens, André
		Stollenwerk, R{\"u}diger Wei{\ss}bach] },
	publisher = { RWTH Aachen },
	pages = { 174-181 },
	series = { CEUR Workshop Proceedings },
	year = { 2016 },
	address = { Aachen, Germany },
	organization = { 2. Workshop on Fail Safety in Medical Cyber-Physical
		Systems, Wien (Austria), 2016-02-26 - 2016-02-26 },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)8 },
	reportid = { RWTH-CONV-207900 },
	cin = { 122810 / 120000537500-3 },
	url = { http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1559/paper23.pdf },
Schlaefer, A., Schupp, S., and Stollenwerk, A., "FS-MCPS: 2nd Workshop on Fail Safety in Medical Cyber-Physical Systems", in Proc. Software Engineering 2016 : 23. - 26. Februar 2016, Wien, Österreich / Jens Knoop ; Uwe Zdun (Hrsg.), Bonn, 2016 in GI-Edition : lecture notes in informatics, Gesellschaft für Informatik, pp. 127-128.

FS-MCPS: 2nd Workshop on Fail Safety in Medical Cyber-Physical Systems

Bibtex entry :

@inproceedings {  SSS16,
	author = { Schlaefer, Alexander and Schupp, Sibylle and Stollenwerk,
		André },
	title = { FS-MCPS: 2nd Workshop on Fail Safety in Medical
		Cyber-Physical Systems },
	booktitle = { Software Engineering 2016 : 23. - 26. Februar 2016, Wien,
		{\"O}sterreich / Jens Knoop ; Uwe Zdun (Hrsg.) },
	publisher = { Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Informatik },
	pages = { 127-128 },
	series = { GI-Edition : lecture notes in informatics },
	year = { 2016 },
	address = { Bonn },
	organization = { Software Engineering 2016, Wien (Austria), 2016-02-23 -
		2016-02-26 },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)7 },
	reportid = { RWTH-CONV-207904 },
	cin = { 122810 / 120000 / 080017 },
	url = { http://publications.rwth-aachen.de/record/573824 },
Schlaefer, A., Schupp, S., and Stollenwerk, A., "2nd Workshop on Fail Safety in Medical Cyber-Physical Systems (FS-MCPS)", in Proc. Gemeinsamer Tagungsband der Workshops der Tagung Software Engineering 2016 (SE-WS 2016), Wien, 23.-26. Februar 2016 / Edited by: Wolf Zimmermann, Lukas Alperowitz, Bernd Brügge, Jörn Fahsel, Andrea Herrmann, Anne Hoffmann, Andreas Krall, Dieter Landes, Horst Lichter, Dirk Riehle, Ina Schaefer, Constantin Scheuermann, Alexander Schlaefer, Sibylle Schupp, Andreas Seitz, Andreas Steffens, André Stollenwerk, Rüdiger Weißbach, Aachen, Germany, 2016 in CEUR Workshop Proceedings, RWTH Aachen, pp. 172-173.

2nd Workshop on Fail Safety in Medical Cyber-Physical Systems (FS-MCPS)

Bibtex entry :

@inproceedings {  SSS16a,
	author = { Schlaefer, Alexander and Schupp, Sibylle and Stollenwerk,
		André },
	title = { 2nd Workshop on Fail Safety in Medical Cyber-Physical
		Systems (FS-MCPS) },
	booktitle = { Gemeinsamer Tagungsband der Workshops der Tagung Software
		Engineering 2016 (SE-WS 2016), Wien, 23.-26. Februar 2016 /
		Edited by: Wolf Zimmermann, Lukas Alperowitz, Bernd
		Br{\"u}gge, J{\"o}rn Fahsel, Andrea Herrmann, Anne Hoffmann,
		Andreas Krall, Dieter Landes, Horst Lichter, Dirk Riehle,
		Ina Schaefer, Constantin Scheuermann, Alexander Schlaefer,
		Sibylle Schupp, Andreas Seitz, Andreas Steffens, André
		Stollenwerk, R{\"u}diger Wei{\ss}bach },
	publisher = { RWTH Aachen },
	pages = { 172-173 },
	series = { CEUR Workshop Proceedings },
	year = { 2016 },
	address = { Aachen, Germany },
	organization = { 2. Workshop on Fail Safety in Medical Cyber-Physical
		Systems, Wien (Austria), 2016-02-23 - 2016-02-26 },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)7 },
	reportid = { RWTH-CONV-211642 },
	cin = { 122810 / 120000 / 080017 },
	url = { http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1559/paper22.pdf },
Walter, M., Brendle, C., Kühn, J., Janisch, T., Kopp, R., Stollenwerk, A., and Leonhardt, S., "Assistive Control of Extracorporeal Oxygenation Systems", in Proc. Proceedings of the 12th Russian-German Conference on Biomedical Engineering : 04-07 Jul 2016, Suzdal, Russia, Suzdal, 2016, Vladimir state univ. named after Alexandr and Nikolay Stoletovs, pp. 222-226.

Assistive Control of Extracorporeal Oxygenation Systems

Bibtex entry :

@inproceedings {  WBK+16,
	author = { Walter, Marian and Brendle, Christian and K{\"u}hn, Jan and
		Janisch, Thorsten and Kopp, R{\"u}dger and Stollenwerk,
		André and Leonhardt, Steffen },
	title = { Assistive Control of Extracorporeal Oxygenation Systems },
	booktitle = { Proceedings of the 12th Russian-German Conference on
		Biomedical Engineering : 04-07 Jul 2016, Suzdal, Russia },
	publisher = { Vladimir state univ. named after Alexandr and Nikolay
		Stoletovs },
	pages = { 222-226 },
	year = { 2016 },
	address = { Suzdal },
	organization = { 12. Russian-German Conference on Biomedical Engineering,
		Suzdal (Russia), 2016-07-04 - 2016-07-07 },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)7 },
	reportid = { RWTH-2017-00562 },
	cin = { 611010533000-2 / 122810 / 120000 },
	url = { http://bit.ly/2uN1hRR },
	i11key = { DFG project 224967929 - Kooperierende Regelung von
		extrakorporaler Lungenunterst{\"u}tzung und Beatmung f{\"u}r
		die Therapie des Lungenversagens (ECLA-VENT) (224967929) },
Zimmermann, W., Alperowitz, L., Brügge, B., Fahsel, J., Herrmann, A., Hoffmann, A., Krall, A., Landes, D., Lichter, H., Riehle, D., Schaefer, I., Scheuermann, C., Schlaefer, A., Schupp, S., Seitz, A., Steffens, A., Stollenwerk, A., and Weißbach, R., Eds., Gemeinsamer Tagungsband der Workshops der Tagung Software Engineering 2016 (SE-WS 2016), Wien, 23.-26. Februar 2016, Aachen, Germany: RWTH Aachen, 2016.

Gemeinsamer Tagungsband der Workshops der Tagung Software Engineering 2016 (SE-WS 2016), Wien, 23.-26. Februar 2016

Bibtex entry :

@proceedings {  ZAB+16,
	editor = { Zimmermann, Wolf and Alperowitz, Lukas and Br{\"u}gge, Bernd
		and Fahsel, J{\"o}rg and Herrmann, Andrea and Hoffmann, Anne
		and Krall, Andreas and Landes, Dieter and Lichter, Horst and
		Riehle, Dirk and Schaefer, Ina and Scheuermann, Constantin
		and Schlaefer, Alexander and Schupp, Sibylle and Seitz,
		Andreas and Steffens, Andreas and Stollenwerk, André and
		Wei{\ss}bach, R{\"u}diger },
	title = { Gemeinsamer Tagungsband der Workshops der Tagung Software
		Engineering 2016 (SE-WS 2016), Wien, 23.-26. Februar 2016 },
	publisher = { RWTH Aachen },
	pages = { 219 Seiten },
	volume = { 1559 },
	series = { CEUR workshop proceedings },
	year = { 2016 },
	address = { Aachen, Germany },
	organization = { Gemeinsamer Tagungsband der Workshops der Tagung Software
		Engineering 2016, Wien (Austria), 2016-02-23 - 2016-02-26 },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)26 },
	reportid = { RWTH-2016-03787 },
	cin = { 122810 / 120000 / 121620 },
	url = { http://publications.rwth-aachen.de/record/573915 },
Brendle, C., Hackmack, K., Kühn, J., Wardeh, M. N., Kopp, R., Rossaint, R., Stollenwerk, A., Kowalewski, S., Misgeld, B. J. E., Leonhardt, S., and Walter, M., "In silico evaluation of gas transfer estimation during extracorporeal membrane oxygenation", IFAC-PapersOnLine, vol. 48, iss. 20, pp. 499-504, 2015

In silico evaluation of gas transfer estimation during extracorporeal membrane oxygenation

Bibtex entry :

@article {  BHK+15,
	author = { Brendle, Christian and Hackmack, Kay-Florian and K{\"u}hn,
		Jan and Wardeh, Markus Nabil and Kopp, R{\"u}dger and
		Rossaint, Rolf and Stollenwerk, André and Kowalewski,
		Stefan and Misgeld, Berno Johannes Engelbert and Leonhardt,
		Steffen and Walter, Marian },
	title = { In silico evaluation of gas transfer estimation during
		extracorporeal membrane oxygenation },
	journal = { IFAC-PapersOnLine },
	publisher = { Elsevier },
	pages = { 499-504 },
	volume = { 48 },
	number = { 20 },
	year = { 2015 },
	address = { Laxenburg },
	issn = { 2405-8963 },
	organization = { 9. IFAC Symposium on Biological and Medical Systems, Berlin
		(Germany), 2015-08-31 - 2015-09-02 },
	doi = { 10.1016/j.ifacol.2015.10.190 },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)16 },
	reportid = { RWTH-CONV-207911 },
	cin = { 122810 / 120000 / 611010533000-2 },
	url = { http://publications.rwth-aachen.de/record/573832 },
	i11key = { DFG project 224967929 - Kooperierende Regelung von
		extrakorporaler Lungenunterst{\"u}tzung und Beatmung f{\"u}r
		die Therapie des Lungenversagens (ECLA-VENT) (224967929) },
de Brouwer, P., Mager, I., Kopp, R., Walter, M., Stollenwerk, A., Schmitz-Rode, T., Steinseifer, U., and Arens, J., "Dynamische Studie zum Einfluss von negativem Druck auf Hämolyse", Kardiotechnik, vol. 24, iss. 1, pp. 3-6, 2015

Dynamische Studie zum Einfluss von negativem Druck auf Hämolyse

Bibtex entry :

@article {  dMK+15,
	author = { de Brouwer, P. and Mager, Ilona and Kopp, R{\"u}dger and
		Walter, Marian and Stollenwerk, André and Schmitz-Rode,
		Thomas and Steinseifer, Ulrich and Arens, Jutta },
	title = { Dynamische Studie zum Einfluss von negativem Druck auf
		H{\"a}molyse },
	journal = { Kardiotechnik },
	publisher = { Deutsche Ges. f{\"u}r Kardiotechnik },
	pages = { 3-6 },
	volume = { 24 },
	number = { 1 },
	year = { 2015 },
	address = { [S.l.] },
	issn = { 0941-2670 },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)16 },
	reportid = { RWTH-2015-04718 },
	cin = { 611010811001-1533000-2 / 122810811001-4 / 120000 },
	url = { http://ezb.uni-regensburg.de/?2083549 },
Kühn, J., Stollenwerk, A., Brendle, C., Walter, M., Wardeh, M. N., Kopp, R., and Kowalewski, S., "Embedded Safety Measures for Extracorporeal Blood Circulation", in Proc. [Proceedings of the 11th German-Russian-Conference on Biomedical Engineering, GRC, 17.06.2015-19.06.2015, Aachen, Germany], 2015, pp. 169-170.

Embedded Safety Measures for Extracorporeal Blood Circulation

Bibtex entry :

@inproceedings {  KSB+15,
	author = { K{\"u}hn, Jan and Stollenwerk, André and Brendle, Christian
		and Walter, Marian and Wardeh, Markus Nabil and Kopp,
		R{\"u}dger and Kowalewski, Stefan },
	title = { Embedded Safety Measures for Extracorporeal Blood
		Circulation },
	booktitle = { [Proceedings of the 11th German-Russian-Conference on
		Biomedical Engineering, GRC, 17.06.2015-19.06.2015, Aachen,
		Germany] },
	pages = { 169-170 },
	year = { 2015 },
	organization = { 11. German-Russian-Conference on Biomedical Engineering,
		Aachen (Germany), 2015-06-17 - 2015-06-19 },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)8 },
	reportid = { RWTH-2015-07467 },
	cin = { 611010 / 122810 / 120000 },
	url = { http://publications.rwth-aachen.de/record/564784 },
Kühn, J., Stollenwerk, A., Kowalewski, S., Brendle, C., Walter, M., Leonhardt, S., Wardeh, M. N., Kopp, R., and Rossaint, R., "Pulsatile Ansteuerung einer Diagonalblutpumpe", Atp-Edition, vol. 57, iss. 10, pp. 52-59, 2015

Pulsatile Ansteuerung einer Diagonalblutpumpe

Bibtex entry :

@article {  KSK+15,
	author = { K{\"u}hn, Jan and Stollenwerk, André and Kowalewski, Stefan
		and Brendle, Christian and Walter, Marian and Leonhardt,
		Steffen and Wardeh, Markus Nabil and Kopp, R{\"u}dger and
		Rossaint, Rolf },
	title = { Pulsatile Ansteuerung einer Diagonalblutpumpe },
	journal = { Atp-Edition },
	publisher = { DIV Dt. Industrieverl. },
	pages = { 52-59 },
	volume = { 57 },
	number = { 10 },
	year = { 2015 },
	address = { M{\"u}nchen },
	issn = { 0178-2320 },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)16 },
	reportid = { RWTH-2015-05802 },
	cin = { 611010533000-2 / 122810 / 120000 },
	url = { https://www.di-verlag.de/de/Zeitschriften/atp-edition/2015/10/Pulsatile-Ansteuerung-einer-Diagonalblutpumpe },
	i11key = { DFG project 224967929 - Kooperierende Regelung von
		extrakorporaler Lungenunterst{\"u}tzung und Beatmung f{\"u}r
		die Therapie des Lungenversagens (ECLA-VENT) (224967929) },
Kühn, J., Schoonbrood, P., Stollenwerk, A., Brendle, C., Wardeh, M. N., Walter, M., Roissant, R., Leonhardt, S., Kowalewski, S., and Kopp, R., "Safety Conflict Analysis in Medical Cyber-Physical Systems Using an SMT-Solver", in Proc. SE-WS 2015, software engineering workshops 2015 : gemeinsamer Tagungsband der Workshops der Tagung Software Engineering 2015, Dresden, 17. - 18. März 2015 / hrsg. von Wolg Zimmermann ..., Aachen, Germany, 2015 in CEUR workshop proceedings, RWTH Aachen, pp. 19-23.

Safety Conflict Analysis in Medical Cyber-Physical Systems Using an SMT-Solver

Bibtex entry :

@inproceedings {  KSS+15,
	author = { K{\"u}hn, Jan and Schoonbrood, Pierre and Stollenwerk,
		André and Brendle, Christian and Wardeh, Markus Nabil and
		Walter, Marian and Roissant, Rolf and Leonhardt, Steffen and
		Kowalewski, Stefan and Kopp, R{\"u}dger },
	title = { Safety Conflict Analysis in Medical Cyber-Physical Systems
		Using an SMT-Solver },
	booktitle = { SE-WS 2015, software engineering workshops 2015 :
		gemeinsamer Tagungsband der Workshops der Tagung Software
		Engineering 2015, Dresden, 17. - 18. M{\"a}rz 2015 / hrsg.
		von Wolg Zimmermann ... },
	publisher = { RWTH Aachen },
	pages = { 19-23 },
	series = { CEUR workshop proceedings },
	year = { 2015 },
	address = { Aachen, Germany },
	organization = { Software Engineering 2015, Dresden (Germany), 2015-03-17 -
		2015-03-18 },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)8 },
	reportid = { RWTH-2015-01765 },
	cin = { 611010 / 122810533000-2 / 120000 },
	url = { http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:0074-1337-4 },
	i11key = { DFG project 224967929 - Kooperierende Regelung von
		extrakorporaler Lungenunterst{\"u}tzung und Beatmung f{\"u}r
		die Therapie des Lungenversagens (ECLA-VENT) (224967929) },
Kühn, J., Wübbels, N., Stollenwerk, A., Kowalewski, S., Brendle, C., Walter, M., Leonhardt, S., Wardeh, M., Kopp, R., and Roissant, R., "Pulsatile Ansteuerung einer Diagonalblutpumpe", in Proc. Automation 2015 : 16. Branchentreff der Mess- und Automatisierungstechnik, 11. und 12. Juni 2015, Baden-Baden / VDI/VDE-Gesellschaft Mess- und Automatisierungstechnik, Düsseldorf, 2015 in VDI-Berichte, VDI-Verl., pp. 325-339.

Pulsatile Ansteuerung einer Diagonalblutpumpe

Bibtex entry :

@inproceedings {  KWS+15,
	author = { K{\"u}hn, Jan and W{\"u}bbels, Nico and Stollenwerk, André
		and Kowalewski, Stefan and Brendle, Christian and Walter,
		Marian and Leonhardt, Steffen and Wardeh, Markus and Kopp,
		R{\"u}dger and Roissant, Rolf },
	title = { Pulsatile Ansteuerung einer Diagonalblutpumpe },
	booktitle = { Automation 2015 : 16. Branchentreff der Mess- und
		Automatisierungstechnik, 11. und 12. Juni 2015, Baden-Baden
		/ VDI/VDE-Gesellschaft Mess- und Automatisierungstechnik },
	publisher = { VDI-Verl. },
	pages = { 325-339 },
	series = { VDI-Berichte },
	year = { 2015 },
	address = { D{\"u}sseldorf },
	organization = { AUTOMATION 2015, Baden Baden (Germany), 2015-06-11 -
		2015-06-12 },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)7 },
	reportid = { RWTH-2015-05806 },
	cin = { 611010 / 122810 / 120000533000-2 },
	url = { http://publications.embedded.rwth-aachen.de/file/65 },
	i11key = { DFG project 224967929 - Kooperierende Regelung von
		extrakorporaler Lungenunterst{\"u}tzung und Beatmung f{\"u}r
		die Therapie des Lungenversagens (ECLA-VENT) (224967929) },
Stollenwerk, A., Kühn, J., Walter, M., Brendle, C., Wardeh, M. N., Rossaint, R., Leonhardt, S., Kowalewski, S., and Kopp, R., "Software-based Prediction of Cannula Occlusion during Extracorporeal Blood Circulation through Networked Medical Data", in Proc. SE-WS 2015, software engineering workshops 2015 : gemeinsamer Tagungsband der Workshops der Tagung Software Engineering 2015, Dresden, 17. - 18. März 2015 / hrsg. von Wolg Zimmermann ..., Aachen, Germany, 2015 in CEUR workshop proceedings, RWTH Aachen, pp. 1-6.

Software-based Prediction of Cannula Occlusion during Extracorporeal Blood Circulation through Networked Medical Data

Bibtex entry :

@inproceedings {  SKW+15,
	author = { Stollenwerk, André and K{\"u}hn, Jan and Walter, Marian and
		Brendle, Christian and Wardeh, Markus Nabil and Rossaint,
		Rolf and Leonhardt, Steffen and Kowalewski, Stefan and Kopp,
		R{\"u}dger },
	title = { Software-based Prediction of Cannula Occlusion during
		Extracorporeal Blood Circulation through Networked Medical
		Data },
	booktitle = { SE-WS 2015, software engineering workshops 2015 :
		gemeinsamer Tagungsband der Workshops der Tagung Software
		Engineering 2015, Dresden, 17. - 18. M{\"a}rz 2015 / hrsg.
		von Wolg Zimmermann ... },
	publisher = { RWTH Aachen },
	pages = { 1-6 },
	series = { CEUR workshop proceedings },
	year = { 2015 },
	address = { Aachen, Germany },
	organization = { Software Engineering 2015, Dresden (Germany), 2015-03-17 -
		2015-03-18 },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)8 },
	reportid = { RWTH-2015-01764 },
	cin = { 611010 / 122810533000-2 / 120000 },
	url = { http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:0074-1337-4 },
	i11key = { DFG project 224967929 - Kooperierende Regelung von
		extrakorporaler Lungenunterst{\"u}tzung und Beatmung f{\"u}r
		die Therapie des Lungenversagens (ECLA-VENT) (224967929) },
Stollenwerk, A., Leonhardt, S., Rossaint, R., and Kowalewski, S., "Advancing Intensive Care by Networked Medical Systems", in Proc. [Proceedings of the 11th German-Russian-Conference on Biomedical Engineering, GRC, 17.06.2015-19.06.2015, Aachen, Germany], 2015, pp. 211-213.

Advancing Intensive Care by Networked Medical Systems

Bibtex entry :

@inproceedings {  SLR+15,
	author = { Stollenwerk, André and Leonhardt, Steffen and Rossaint,
		Rolf and Kowalewski, Stefan },
	title = { Advancing Intensive Care by Networked Medical Systems },
	booktitle = { [Proceedings of the 11th German-Russian-Conference on
		Biomedical Engineering, GRC, 17.06.2015-19.06.2015, Aachen,
		Germany] },
	pages = { 211-213 },
	year = { 2015 },
	organization = { 11. German-Russian-Conference on Biomedical Engineering,
		Aachen (Germany), 2015-06-17 - 2015-06-19 },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)8 },
	reportid = { RWTH-2015-07470 },
	cin = { 611010533000-2 / 122810 / 120000 },
	url = { http://publications.rwth-aachen.de/record/564787 },
Stollenwerk, A., Kühn, J., Brendle, C., Walter, M., Arens, J., Wardeh, M. N., Kowalewski, S., and Kopp, R., "Model-based supervision of a blood pump", in Proc. Proceedings of the 19th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control, Cape Town, South Africa, 2014, 24-29 August 2014 : Promoting automatic control for the benefit of humankind, Laxenburg, 2014 in IFAC-PapersOnLine, IFAC, pp. 6593-6598.

Model-based supervision of a blood pump

Bibtex entry :

@inproceedings {  SKB+14,
	author = { Stollenwerk, André and K{\"u}hn, Jan and Brendle, Christian
		and Walter, Marian and Arens, Jutta and Wardeh, Markus Nabil
		and Kowalewski, Stefan and Kopp, R{\"u}dger },
	title = { Model-based supervision of a blood pump },
	booktitle = { Proceedings of the 19th World Congress of the International
		Federation of Automatic Control, Cape Town, South Africa,
		2014, 24-29 August 2014 : Promoting automatic control for
		the benefit of humankind },
	publisher = { IFAC },
	pages = { 6593-6598 },
	series = { IFAC-PapersOnLine },
	year = { 2014 },
	address = { Laxenburg },
	organization = { 19. World Congress of the
		International-Federation-of-Automatic-Control, Cape Town
		(South Africa), 2014-08-24 - 2014-08-29 },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)7 },
	reportid = { RWTH-CONV-205733 },
	cin = { 120000 / 122810 },
	url = { http://publications.embedded.rwth-aachen.de/file/5d },
	i11key = { DFG project 224967929 - Kooperierende Regelung von
		extrakorporaler Lungenunterst{\"u}tzung und Beatmung f{\"u}r
		die Therapie des Lungenversagens (ECLA-VENT) (224967929) },
Pomprapa, A., Misgeld, B., Sorgato, V., Stollenwerk, A., Walter, M., and Leonhardt, S., "Robust Control of End-Tidal CO2 using the H∞ Loop-Shaping Approach", Acta polytechnica = Journal of advanced engineering, vol. 53, pp. 895-900, 2013

Robust Control of End-Tidal CO2 using the H∞ Loop-Shaping Approach

Bibtex entry :

@article {  PMS+13,
	author = { Pomprapa, Anake and Misgeld, Berno and Sorgato, Veronica and
		Stollenwerk, André and Walter, Marian and Leonhardt,
		Steffen },
	title = { Robust Control of End-Tidal CO2 using the H∞ Loop-Shaping
		Approach },
	journal = { Acta polytechnica = Journal of advanced engineering },
	publisher = { Univ. },
	pages = { 895-900 },
	volume = { 53 },
	year = { 2013 },
	address = { Prague },
	issn = { 1210-2709 },
	doi = { 10.14311/AP.2013.53.0895 },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)16 },
	reportid = { RWTH-CONV-080795 },
	cin = { 120000 / 122810 },
	url = { http://publications.rwth-aachen.de/record/231825/files/231825.pdf },
Stollenwerk, A., "Ein modellbasiertes Sicherheitskonzept für die extrakorporale Lungenunterstützung", PhD Thesis, Aachen, 2013.

Ein modellbasiertes Sicherheitskonzept für die extrakorporale Lungenunterstützung

Bibtex entry :

@phdthesis {  Sto13,
	author = { Stollenwerk, André },
	othercontributors = { Kowalewski, Stefan },
	title = { Ein modellbasiertes Sicherheitskonzept f{\"u}r die
		extrakorporale Lungenunterst{\"u}tzung },
	publisher = { Shaker },
	pages = { XX, 183 S. : Ill., graph. Darst. },
	series = { Aachener Informatik-Berichte },
	year = { 2013 },
	address = { Aachen },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)11 },
	reportid = { RWTH-CONV-144193 },
	cin = { 120000 / 122810 },
	url = { http://publications.rwth-aachen.de/record/229222/files/4764.pdf },
Walter, M., Brendle, C., Stollenwerk, A., Kopp, R., Arens, J., Bensberg, R., and Leonhardt, S., "Patient oriented closed loop control of extracorporeal lung assist", in Proc. Journal of critical care, New York, NY, 2013, vol. 28, Elsevier, p. e8-e9.

Patient oriented closed loop control of extracorporeal lung assist

Bibtex entry :

@inproceedings {  WBS+13,
	author = { Walter, Marian and Brendle, Christian and Stollenwerk,
		André and Kopp, R{\"u}dger and Arens, Jutta and Bensberg,
		Ralf and Leonhardt, Steffen },
	title = { Patient oriented closed loop control of extracorporeal lung
		assist },
	booktitle = { Journal of critical care },
	publisher = { Elsevier },
	pages = { e8-e9 },
	volume = { 28 },
	number = { 1 },
	year = { 2013 },
	address = { New York, NY },
	issn = { 0883-9441 },
	organization = { SCAI Meeting },
	doi = { 10.1016/j.jcrc.2012.10.032 },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)16 },
	reportid = { RWTH-CONV-004950 },
	cin = { 120000811001-1533000-2 / 122810 / 611010 },
	url = { http://publications.rwth-aachen.de/record/211234 },
Walter, M., Stollenwerk, A., Bensberg, R., Kopp, R., and Leonhardt, S., "Smart ECLA—closed loop control of O2 and CO2 for management of extracorporeal lung assist", Journal of critical care, vol. 28, p. e41-e42, 2013

Smart ECLA—closed loop control of O2 and CO2 for management of extracorporeal lung assist

Bibtex entry :

@article {  WSB+13,
	author = { Walter, Marian and Stollenwerk, André and Bensberg, Ralf
		and Kopp, R{\"u}dger and Leonhardt, Steffen },
	title = { Smart ECLA—closed loop control of O2 and CO2 for
		management of extracorporeal lung assist },
	journal = { Journal of critical care },
	publisher = { Elsevier },
	pages = { e41-e42 },
	volume = { 28 },
	year = { 2013 },
	address = { New York, NY },
	issn = { 0883-9441 },
	doi = { 10.1016/j.jcrc.2013.07.038 },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)16 },
	reportid = { RWTH-CONV-080592 },
	cin = { 120000 / 122810 / 611010 },
	url = { http://publications.rwth-aachen.de/record/231618 },
Kowalewski, S., Rumpe, B., and Stollenwerk, A., "Cyber-Physical Systems - eine Herausforderung an die Automatisierungstechnik?", in Proc. Automation 2012 : der 13. Branchentreff der Mess- und Automatisierungstechnik / VDI/VDE-Gesellschaft Mess- und Automatisierungstechnik ; Kongress 'Automation 2012' ; 13 (Baden-Baden) ; 2011.06.13-14Branchentreff der Mess- und Automatisierungstechnik, Düsseldorf, 2012 in VDI-Berichte, VDI-Verl., pp. 113-116.

Cyber-Physical Systems - eine Herausforderung an die Automatisierungstechnik?

Bibtex entry :

@inproceedings {  KRS12,
	author = { Kowalewski, Stefan and Rumpe, Bernhard and Stollenwerk,
		André },
	title = { Cyber-Physical Systems - eine Herausforderung an die
		Automatisierungstechnik? },
	booktitle = { Automation 2012 : der 13. Branchentreff der Mess- und
		Automatisierungstechnik / VDI/VDE-Gesellschaft Mess- und
		Automatisierungstechnik ; Kongress 'Automation 2012' ; 13
		(Baden-Baden) ; 2011.06.13-14Branchentreff der Mess- und
		Automatisierungstechnik },
	publisher = { VDI-Verl. },
	pages = { 113-116 },
	series = { VDI-Berichte },
	year = { 2012 },
	address = { D{\"u}sseldorf },
	organization = { 13. Branchentreff der Mess- und Automatisierungstechnik,
		Baden-Baden (Germany), 2011-06-13 - 2011-06-14 },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)8 },
	reportid = { RWTH-CONV-194506 },
	cin = { 122810 / 120000 },
	url = { http://publications.rwth-aachen.de/record/123658 },
Walter, M., Brendle, C., Bensberg, R., Kopp, R., Arens, J., Stollenwerk, A., and Leonhardt, S., "Closed loop physiological ECMO control", in Proc. 5th European Conference of the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering : 14 - 18 September 2011, Budapest, Hungary ; [EMBEC] / Ákos Jobbágy (ed.), [Berlin], 2012 in IFMBE Proceedings, Springer, pp. 319-322.

Closed loop physiological ECMO control

Bibtex entry :

@inproceedings {  WBB+12,
	author = { Walter, Marian and Brendle, Christian and Bensberg, Ralf and
		Kopp, R{\"u}dger and Arens, Jutta and Stollenwerk, André
		and Leonhardt, Steffen },
	title = { Closed loop physiological ECMO control },
	booktitle = { 5th European Conference of the International Federation for
		Medical and Biological Engineering : 14 - 18 September 2011,
		Budapest, Hungary ; [EMBEC] / Ákos Jobbágy (ed.) },
	publisher = { Springer },
	pages = { 319-322 },
	series = { IFMBE Proceedings },
	year = { 2012 },
	address = { [Berlin] },
	organization = { 5. European Conference of the International Federation for
		Medical and Biological Engineering, Budapest (Hungary),
		2011-09-14 - 2011-09-18 },
	doi = { 10.1007/978-3-642-23508-5_83 },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)8 },
	reportid = { RWTH-CONV-191334 },
	cin = { 120000 / 122810 / 611010 },
	url = { http://publications.rwth-aachen.de/record/120299 },
Walter, M., Brendle, C., Stollenwerk, A., Kopp, R., Arens, J., Bensberg, R., and Leonhardt, S., "Patient oriented closed loop control of extracorporeal lung assist", in Proc. 11th International Conference on Complexity in Acute Illness (ICCAI), Ottawa, Canada, September 6 - 9, 2012, 2012, pp. 51-51.

Patient oriented closed loop control of extracorporeal lung assist

Bibtex entry :

@inproceedings {  WBS+12,
	author = { Walter, Marian and Brendle, Christian and Stollenwerk,
		André and Kopp, R{\"u}dger and Arens, Jutta and Bensberg,
		Ralf and Leonhardt, Steffen },
	title = { Patient oriented closed loop control of extracorporeal lung
		assist },
	booktitle = { 11th International Conference on Complexity in Acute Illness
		(ICCAI), Ottawa, Canada, September 6 - 9, 2012 },
	pages = { 51-51 },
	year = { 2012 },
	organization = { 11. International Conference on Complexity in Acute Illness,
		Ottawa (Canada), 2012-09-06 - 2012-09-09 },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)1 },
	reportid = { RWTH-CONV-004925 },
	cin = { 611010 / 122810 / 120000 },
	url = { http://www.scai-med.org/meetings/2012Iccai/2012iccaiprogram.pdf },
Beckschulze, E., Brauer, J., Stollenwerk, A., and Kowalewski, S., "Analyzing Embedded Systems Code for Mixed-Critical Systems Using Hybrid Memory Representations", in Proc. 2011 14th IEEE International Symposium on Object/Component/Service-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing workshops (ISORCW) : 28 - 31 March 2011, Newport Beach, California, USA ; proceedings, Piscataway, NJ, 2011, IEEE, pp. 33-40.

Analyzing Embedded Systems Code for Mixed-Critical Systems Using Hybrid Memory Representations

Bibtex entry :

@inproceedings {  BBS+11,
	author = { Beckschulze, Eva and Brauer, J{\"o}rg and Stollenwerk,
		André and Kowalewski, Stefan },
	title = { Analyzing Embedded Systems Code for Mixed-Critical Systems
		Using Hybrid Memory Representations },
	booktitle = { 2011 14th IEEE International Symposium on
		Object/Component/Service-Oriented Real-Time Distributed
		Computing workshops (ISORCW) : 28 - 31 March 2011, Newport
		Beach, California, USA ; proceedings },
	publisher = { IEEE },
	pages = { 33-40 },
	year = { 2011 },
	address = { Piscataway, NJ },
	organization = { 14. IEEE International Symposium on
		Object/Component/Service-Oriented Real-Time Distributed
		Computing, Newport Beach, CA (USA), 2011-03-28 - 2011-08-31 },
	doi = { 10.1109/ISORCW.2011.40 },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)7 },
	reportid = { RWTH-CONV-194737 },
	cin = { 122810 / 120000 },
	url = { http://publications.rwth-aachen.de/record/124002 },
Brendle, C., Bensberg, R., Stollenwerk, A., Arens, J., and Walter, M., "Patientenorientierte Automatisierung der Therapie mit der Extrakorporalen Membranoxygenierung (ECMO)", Biomedizinische Technik = Biomedical Engineering, vol. 56, iss. Suppl. 1, p. 4, 2011

Patientenorientierte Automatisierung der Therapie mit der Extrakorporalen Membranoxygenierung (ECMO)

Bibtex entry :

@article {  BBS+11a,
	author = { Brendle, Christian and Bensberg, Ralf and Stollenwerk,
		André and Arens, Jutta and Walter, Marian },
	title = { Patientenorientierte Automatisierung der Therapie mit der
		Extrakorporalen Membranoxygenierung (ECMO) },
	journal = { Biomedizinische Technik = Biomedical Engineering },
	publisher = { de Gruyter },
	pages = { 4 Seiten },
	volume = { 56 },
	number = { Suppl. 1 },
	year = { 2011 },
	address = { Berlin [u.a.] },
	issn = { 1862-278X },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)16 },
	reportid = { RWTH-CONV-224840 },
	cin = { 811001-4 / 611010 / 122810 / 120000 },
	url = { http://dx.doi.org/10.1515/BMT.2011.811 },
Brendle, C., Bensberg, R., Stollenwerk, A., Arens, J., and Walter, M., "Patient Orientated Automation of the Therapy with the Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO)", in Proc. 45. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Biomedizinische Technik, 2011, DGBMT.

Patient Orientated Automation of the Therapy with the Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO)

Bibtex entry :

@inproceedings {  BBS+11b,
	author = { Brendle, Christian and Bensberg, Ralf and Stollenwerk,
		André and Arens, Jutta and Walter, Marian },
	title = { Patient Orientated Automation of the Therapy with the
		Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) },
	booktitle = { 45. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f{\"u}r
		Biomedizinische Technik },
	publisher = { DGBMT },
	year = { 2011 },
	organization = { 45. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f{\"u}r
		Biomedizinische Technik },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)8 },
	reportid = { RWTH-CONV-236325 },
	cin = { 122810 / 120000 / 611010 },
	url = { http://publications.rwth-aachen.de/record/752308 },
Kopp, R., Bensberg, R., Walter, M., Arens, J., Rossaint, R., and Stollenwerk, A., "Automation of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation using a combined safety and control concept", in Proc. Intensive care medicine, Berlin [u.a.], 2011, vol. 37, Springer, pp. 230-230.

Automation of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation using a combined safety and control concept

Bibtex entry :

@inproceedings {  KBW+11,
	author = { Kopp, R{\"u}dger and Bensberg, Ralf and Walter, Marian and
		Arens, Jutta and Rossaint, Rolf and Stollenwerk, André },
	title = { Automation of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation using a
		combined safety and control concept },
	booktitle = { Intensive care medicine },
	publisher = { Springer },
	pages = { 230-230 },
	volume = { 37 },
	number = { S1 },
	year = { 2011 },
	address = { Berlin [u.a.] },
	issn = { 0340-0964 },
	organization = { ESICM LIVES 2011 : 24. Annual Congress, Berlin (Germany),
		2011-10-01 - 2011-10-05 },
	doi = { 10.1007/s00134-011-2322-1 },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)16 },
	reportid = { RWTH-CONV-003313 },
	cin = { 122810 / 611010 / 120000 },
	url = { http://publications.rwth-aachen.de/record/156873 },
Kowalewski, S. and Stollenwerk, A., "Supporting Evolving Requirements in CPS by Abstraction Layers in the Architecture", in Proc. Workshop on Architectures for Cyber-Physical Systems, Chicago, IL, USA, 2011.

Supporting Evolving Requirements in CPS by Abstraction Layers in the Architecture

Bibtex entry :

@conference {  KS11,
	author = { Kowalewski, Stefan and Stollenwerk, André },
	title = { Supporting Evolving Requirements in CPS by Abstraction
		Layers in the Architecture },
	booktitle = { Workshop on Architectures for Cyber-Physical Systems,
		Chicago, IL, USA },
	year = { 2011 },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)5 },
	reportid = { RWTH-CONV-236332 },
	cin = { 122810 / 120000 },
	url = { http://publications.rwth-aachen.de/record/752309 },
Stollenwerk, A., Gathmann, F., Arens, J., Bensberg, R., Walter, M., Kopp, R., and Kowalewski, S., "Safety Aware Pump-Control for a Rotary ECMO Blood Pump", in Proc. The international journal of artificial organs, Milano [u.a.], 2011, vol. 34, Wichtig, pp. 617-617.

Safety Aware Pump-Control for a Rotary ECMO Blood Pump

Bibtex entry :

@inproceedings {  SGA+11,
	author = { Stollenwerk, André and Gathmann, Felix and Arens, Jutta and
		Bensberg, Ralf and Walter, Marian and Kopp, R{\"u}dger and
		Kowalewski, Stefan },
	title = { Safety Aware Pump-Control for a Rotary ECMO Blood Pump },
	booktitle = { The international journal of artificial organs },
	publisher = { Wichtig },
	pages = { 617-617 },
	volume = { 34 },
	number = { 8 },
	year = { 2011 },
	address = { Milano [u.a.] },
	issn = { 0391-3988 },
	organization = { XXXVIII Annual ESAO, Porto (Portugal), 2011-10-09 -
		2011-10-12 },
	doi = { 10.5301/IJAO.2011.8701 },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)16 },
	reportid = { RWTH-CONV-002194 },
	cin = { 120000 / 122810 / 611010 },
	url = { http://publications.rwth-aachen.de/record/135553 },
Stollenwerk, A., Gathmann, F., Bensberg, R., Walter, M., Arens, J., Kopp, R., and Kowalewski, S., "A model-based safety concept for a rotary blood pump", Biomedizinische Technik = Biomedical engineering, vol. 56, iss. S1, 2011

A model-based safety concept for a rotary blood pump

Bibtex entry :

@article {  SGB+11,
	author = { Stollenwerk, André and Gathmann, Felix and Bensberg, Ralf
		and Walter, Marian and Arens, Jutta and Kopp, R{\"u}dger and
		Kowalewski, Stefan },
	title = { A model-based safety concept for a rotary blood pump },
	journal = { Biomedizinische Technik = Biomedical engineering },
	publisher = { de Gruyter },
	volume = { 56 },
	number = { S1 },
	year = { 2011 },
	address = { Berlin [u.a.] },
	issn = { 0013-5585 },
	organization = { 45. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f{\"u}r
		Biomedizinische Technik, Freiburg (Germany), 2011-09-27 -
		2011-09-30 },
	doi = { 10.1515/BMT.2011.379 },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)16 },
	reportid = { RWTH-CONV-067756 },
	cin = { 120000 / 122810 / 611010 },
	url = { http://publications.rwth-aachen.de/record/192011 },
Stollenwerk, A., Göbe, F., Walter, M., Arens, J., Kopp, R., and Kowalewski, S., "Smart Data Provisioning for Model-Based Generated Code in an Intensive Care Application", in Proc. 3rd Joint Workshop On High Confidence Medical Devices, Software, and Systems & Medical Device Plug-and-Play Interoperability : HCMDSS/MDPnP 2011 ; in conjunction with CPSweek 2011 ; April 11, 2011 Chicago, USA, Chicago, 2011, HCMDSS/MDPnP 2011 ; in conjunction with CPSweek 2011 ; April 11, 2011 Chicago, USA, p. 8.

Smart Data Provisioning for Model-Based Generated Code in an Intensive Care Application

Bibtex entry :

@inproceedings {  SGW+11,
	author = { Stollenwerk, André and G{\"o}be, F. and Walter, Marian and
		Arens, Jutta and Kopp, R{\"u}dger and Kowalewski, Stefan },
	title = { Smart Data Provisioning for Model-Based Generated Code in an
		Intensive Care Application },
	booktitle = { 3rd Joint Workshop On High Confidence Medical Devices,
		Software, and Systems & Medical Device Plug-and-Play
		Interoperability : HCMDSS/MDPnP 2011 ; in conjunction with
		CPSweek 2011 ; April 11, 2011 Chicago, USA },
	publisher = { HCMDSS/MDPnP 2011 ; in conjunction with CPSweek 2011 ; April
		11, 2011 Chicago, USA },
	pages = { 8 S. },
	year = { 2011 },
	address = { Chicago },
	organization = { 3. Joint Workshop On High Confidence Medical Devices,
		Software, and Systems & Medical Device Plug-and-Play
		Interoperability, Chicago (USA), 2011-04-11 - 2011-04-11 },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)8 },
	reportid = { RWTH-CONV-006017 },
	cin = { 611010 / 122810 / 120000 },
	url = { http://www.seas.upenn.edu/~rahulm/Shared/HCMDSS/hcmdss11_aachen.pdf },
Walter, M., Brendle, C., Arens, J., Stollenwerk, A., Kopp, R., Bensberg, R., and Leonhardt, S., "Physiological target control in long term extracorporeal oxygenation", in Proc. The international journal of artificial organs, Milano [u.a.], 2011, vol. 34 in 2011, Wichtig, pp. 625-625.

Physiological target control in long term extracorporeal oxygenation

Bibtex entry :

@inproceedings {  WBA+11,
	author = { Walter, Marian and Brendle, Christian and Arens, Jutta and
		Stollenwerk, André and Kopp, R{\"u}dger and Bensberg, Ralf
		and Leonhardt, Steffen },
	title = { Physiological target control in long term extracorporeal
		oxygenation },
	booktitle = { The international journal of artificial organs },
	publisher = { Wichtig },
	pages = { 625-625 },
	volume = { 34 },
	number = { 8 },
	series = { 2011 },
	year = { 2011 },
	address = { Milano [u.a.] },
	issn = { 0391-3988 },
	organization = { XXXVIII Annual ESAO & IV Biennial IFAO Congress, Porto
		(Portugal), 2011-10-09 - 2011-10-12 },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)16 },
	reportid = { RWTH-CONV-004690 },
	cin = { 120000 / 122810 / 611010 },
	url = { http://dx.doi.org/10.5301/IJAO.2011.8701 },
Arens, J., de Brouwer, P., Mager, I., Kopp, R., Walter, M., Stollenwerk, A., Schmitz-Rode, T., and Steinseifer, U., "A dynamic study on the hemolytic effect of negative pressure on blood", in Proc. ASAIO journal, Hagerstown, Md., 2010, vol. 56, Lippincott, pp. 96-96.

A dynamic study on the hemolytic effect of negative pressure on blood

Bibtex entry :

@inproceedings {  AdM+10,
	author = { Arens, Jutta and de Brouwer, Petra and Mager, Ilona and
		Kopp, R{\"u}dger and Walter, Marian and Stollenwerk, André
		and Schmitz-Rode, Thomas and Steinseifer, Ulrich },
	title = { A dynamic study on the hemolytic effect of negative pressure
		on blood },
	booktitle = { ASAIO journal },
	publisher = { Lippincott },
	pages = { 96-96 },
	volume = { 56 },
	number = { 2 },
	year = { 2010 },
	address = { Hagerstown, Md. },
	issn = { 0162-1432 },
	doi = { 10.1097/01.mat.0000369377.65122.a3 },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)16 },
	reportid = { RWTH-CONV-003576 },
	cin = { 122810 / 611010 / 120000 },
	url = { http://publications.rwth-aachen.de/record/165220 },
Stollenwerk, A., Derks, A., and Kowalewski, S., "A Modular, Robust and Open Source Microcontroller Platform", in Proc. Proceedings / 2010 Workshop on Embedded Systems Education : WESE 2010 ; Scottsdale, AZ, USA, October 28th, 2010 / Eds.: Peter Marwedel ..., New York, NY, 2010, ACM, pp. 48-54.

A Modular, Robust and Open Source Microcontroller Platform

Bibtex entry :

@inproceedings {  SDK10,
	author = { Stollenwerk, André and Derks, Andreas and Kowalewski,
		Stefan },
	title = { A Modular, Robust and Open Source Microcontroller Platform },
	booktitle = { Proceedings / 2010 Workshop on Embedded Systems Education :
		WESE 2010 ; Scottsdale, AZ, USA, October 28th, 2010 / Eds.:
		Peter Marwedel ... },
	publisher = { ACM },
	pages = { 48-54 },
	year = { 2010 },
	address = { New York, NY },
	organization = { 2010 Workshop on Embedded Systems Education, Scottsdale, AZ
		(USA), 2010-10-28 - 2010-10-28 },
	doi = { 10.1145/1930277.1930285 },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)8 },
	reportid = { RWTH-CONV-190509 },
	cin = { 122810 / 120000 },
	url = { http://publications.rwth-aachen.de/record/119371 },
Stollenwerk, A., Jörgens, J., Arens, J., Walter, M., Kopp, R., and Kowalewski, S., "Model Based Diagnosis for Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation", in Proc. The international journal of artificial organs, Milano [u.a.], 2010, vol. 33, Wichtig Ed., pp. 447-447.

Model Based Diagnosis for Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation

Bibtex entry :

@inproceedings {  SJA+10,
	author = { Stollenwerk, André and J{\"o}rgens, J{\"o}rg and Arens,
		Jutta and Walter, Marian and Kopp, R{\"u}dger and
		Kowalewski, Stefan },
	title = { Model Based Diagnosis for Extracorporeal Membrane
		Oxygenation },
	booktitle = { The international journal of artificial organs },
	publisher = { Wichtig Ed. },
	pages = { 447-447 },
	volume = { 33 },
	number = { 7 },
	year = { 2010 },
	address = { Milano [u.a.] },
	issn = { 0391-3988 },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)16 },
	reportid = { RWTH-CONV-003744 },
	cin = { 122810533000-2 / 611010811001-1 / 120000 },
	url = { http://publications.rwth-aachen.de/record/169676 },
Stollenwerk, A., Jörgens, J., Walter, M., Arens, J., Kopp, R., and Kowalewski, S., "Modellbasierte Fehlerdiagnose eines Membranoxygenators", Proceedings : Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Biomedizinische Technik (DGBMT) im VDE, vol. 55, iss. S 1, pp. 174-177, 2010

Modellbasierte Fehlerdiagnose eines Membranoxygenators

Bibtex entry :

@article {  SJW+10,
	author = { Stollenwerk, André and J{\"o}rgens, J{\"o}rg and Walter,
		Marian and Arens, Jutta and Kopp, R{\"u}dger and Kowalewski,
		Stefan },
	title = { Modellbasierte Fehlerdiagnose eines Membranoxygenators },
	journal = { Proceedings : Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft
		f{\"u}r Biomedizinische Technik (DGBMT) im VDE },
	publisher = { de Gruyter },
	pages = { 174-177 },
	volume = { 55 },
	number = { S 1 },
	year = { 2010 },
	address = { Berlin [u.a.] },
	issn = { 0939-4990 },
	doi = { 10.515/BMT.2010.713 },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)16 },
	reportid = { RWTH-CONV-047243 },
	cin = { 611010 / 122810 / 120000 },
	url = { http://publications.rwth-aachen.de/record/169679 },
Stollenwerk, A., Lang, M., Walter, M., Arens, J., Kopp, R., and Kowalewski, S., "Sicherheitskonzept für eine intensivmedizinische Anwendung am Beispiel der EMCO", in Proc. Entwurf komplexer Automatisierungssysteme : EKA 2010 ; Beschreibungsmittel, Methoden, Werkzeuge und Anwendungen ; 11. Fachtagung mit Tutorium, 25. bis 27. Mai 2010 in Magdeburg, Denkfabrik im Wissenschaftshafen / ifak, Institut für Automation und Kommunikation e.V., Magdeburg; Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Institut für Automatisierungstechnik. [Hrsg.: Ulrich Jumar, Eckehard Schnieder, Christian Diedrich], Magdeburg, 2010, ifak, pp. 65-74.

Sicherheitskonzept für eine intensivmedizinische Anwendung am Beispiel der EMCO

Bibtex entry :

@inproceedings {  SLW+10,
	author = { Stollenwerk, André and Lang, Martin and Walter, Marian and
		Arens, Jutta and Kopp, R{\"u}dger and Kowalewski, Stefan },
	title = { Sicherheitskonzept f{\"u}r eine intensivmedizinische
		Anwendung am Beispiel der EMCO },
	booktitle = { Entwurf komplexer Automatisierungssysteme : EKA 2010 ;
		Beschreibungsmittel, Methoden, Werkzeuge und Anwendungen ;
		11. Fachtagung mit Tutorium, 25. bis 27. Mai 2010 in
		Magdeburg, Denkfabrik im Wissenschaftshafen / ifak, Institut
		f{\"u}r Automation und Kommunikation e.V., Magdeburg;
		Otto-von-Guericke-Universit{\"a}t Magdeburg, Institut
		f{\"u}r Automatisierungstechnik. [Hrsg.: Ulrich Jumar,
		Eckehard Schnieder, Christian Diedrich] },
	publisher = { ifak },
	pages = { 65-74 },
	year = { 2010 },
	address = { Magdeburg },
	organization = { Entwurf komplexer Automatisierungssysteme : EKA 2010 ;
		Beschreibungsmittel, Methoden, Werkzeuge und Anwendungen ;
		11. Fachtagung mit Tutorium, Magdeburg (Germany), 2010-05-25
		- 2010-05-27 },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)8 },
	reportid = { RWTH-CONV-190268 },
	cin = { 611010 / 122810 / 120000 },
	url = { http://publications.rwth-aachen.de/record/119102 },
Walter, M., Leonhardt, S., Kopp, R., Wartzek, T., Arens, J., and Stollenwerk, A., "Automatisierung und Fehlerdiagnose bei der extrakorporalen Membranoxygenierung", Automatisierungstechnik : at, vol. 58, iss. 5, pp. 277-285, 2010

Automatisierung und Fehlerdiagnose bei der extrakorporalen Membranoxygenierung

Bibtex entry :

@article {  WLK+10,
	author = { Walter, Marian and Leonhardt, Steffen and Kopp, R{\"u}dger
		and Wartzek, Tobias and Arens, Jutta and Stollenwerk, André },
	title = { Automatisierung und Fehlerdiagnose bei der extrakorporalen
		Membranoxygenierung },
	journal = { Automatisierungstechnik : at },
	publisher = { Oldenbourg },
	pages = { 277-285 },
	volume = { 58 },
	number = { 5 },
	year = { 2010 },
	address = { M{\"u}nchen },
	issn = { 0178-2312 },
	doi = { 10.1524/auto.2010.0838 },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)16 },
	reportid = { RWTH-CONV-014968 },
	cin = { 120000 / 122810533000-2 / 611010811001-1811001-4hsbk080061 },
	url = { http://publications.rwth-aachen.de/record/133926 },
Walter, M., Leonhardt, S., Kopp, R., Arens, J., Weyer, S., and Stollenwerk, A., "A physiological model for extracorporeal oxygenation controller design", Conference proceedings of the ... annual international conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, vol. 2010, pp. 434-437, 2010

A physiological model for extracorporeal oxygenation controller design

Bibtex entry :

@article {  WLK+10a,
	author = { Walter, Marian and Leonhardt, Steffen and Kopp, R{\"u}dger
		and Arens, Jutta and Weyer, S{\"o}ren and Stollenwerk,
		André },
	title = { A physiological model for extracorporeal oxygenation
		controller design },
	journal = { Conference proceedings of the ... annual international
		conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology
		Society },
	publisher = { IEEE },
	pages = { 434-437 },
	volume = { 2010 },
	year = { 2010 },
	address = { Piscataway, NJ },
	issn = { 1557-170X },
	isbn = { 978-1-4244-4123-5 },
	doi = { 10.1109/IEMBS.2010.5627416 },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)16 },
	reportid = { RWTH-CONV-047104 },
	cin = { 120000 / 122810533000-2533000-3 / 611010811001-4 },
	url = { http://publications.rwth-aachen.de/record/169533 },
Kopp, R., Walter, M., Arens, J., Stollenwerk, A., Leonhardt, S., Schmitz-Rode, T., Kowalewski, S., and Rossaint, R., "Regelungs- und Sicherheitskonzepte für extrakorporale zur Lungenunterstützung", Biomedizinische Technik = Biomedical engineering, vol. 54, iss. 5, pp. 289-297, 2009

Regelungs- und Sicherheitskonzepte für extrakorporale zur Lungenunterstützung

Bibtex entry :

@article {  KWA+09,
	author = { Kopp, R{\"u}dger and Walter, Marian and Arens, Jutta and
		Stollenwerk, André and Leonhardt, Steffen and Schmitz-Rode,
		Thomas and Kowalewski, Stefan and Rossaint, Rolf },
	title = { Regelungs- und Sicherheitskonzepte f{\"u}r extrakorporale
		zur Lungenunterst{\"u}tzung },
	journal = { Biomedizinische Technik = Biomedical engineering },
	publisher = { de Gruyter },
	pages = { 289-297 },
	volume = { 54 },
	number = { 5 },
	year = { 2009 },
	address = { Berlin [u.a.] },
	issn = { 0013-5585 },
	doi = { 10.1515/BMT.2009.036 },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)16 },
	reportid = { RWTH-CONV-013750 },
	cin = { 120000533000-3811001-1533000-2 / 122810 / 611010811001-4 },
	url = { http://publications.rwth-aachen.de/record/132651 },
Leonhardt, S., Walter, M., Wartzek, T., Kashefi, A., Stollenwerk, A., and Kopp, R., "Regelung des Gasaustauschs für die extrakorporale Oxygenierung", in Proc. Automation 2009 : der Automatisierungskongress in Deutschland ; Kongress Baden-Baden, 16. und 17. Juni 2009 ; [10. Branchentreff der Mess- und Automatisierungstechnik] / VDI/VDE-Gesellschaft Mess- und Automatisierungstechnik. - 2067, Düsseldorf, 2009 in VDI-Berichte, VDI-Verl., pp. 281-285.

Regelung des Gasaustauschs für die extrakorporale Oxygenierung

Bibtex entry :

@inproceedings {  LWW+09,
	author = { Leonhardt, Steffen and Walter, Marian and Wartzek, Tobias
		and Kashefi, Ali and Stollenwerk, André and Kopp,
		R{\"u}dger },
	title = { Regelung des Gasaustauschs f{\"u}r die extrakorporale
		Oxygenierung },
	booktitle = { Automation 2009 : der Automatisierungskongress in
		Deutschland ; Kongress Baden-Baden, 16. und 17. Juni 2009 ;
		[10. Branchentreff der Mess- und Automatisierungstechnik] /
		VDI/VDE-Gesellschaft Mess- und Automatisierungstechnik. -
		2067 },
	publisher = { VDI-Verl. },
	pages = { 281-285 },
	series = { VDI-Berichte },
	year = { 2009 },
	address = { D{\"u}sseldorf },
	organization = { Automation 2009 : der Automatisierungskongress in
		Deutschland, 2009-06-16 - 2009-06-17 },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)8 },
	reportid = { RWTH-CONV-172523 },
	cin = { 122810 / 611010 / 120000 },
	url = { http://publications.rwth-aachen.de/record/99564 },
Stollenwerk, A., Jongdee, C., and Kowalewski, S., "An undergraduate embedded software laboratory for the masses", in Proc. Workshop on Embedded Systems Education (WESE09), Grenoble, France, Grenoble, France, 2009, ACM, pp. 34-41.

An undergraduate embedded software laboratory for the masses

Bibtex entry :

@inproceedings {  SJK09,
	author = { Stollenwerk, André and Jongdee, Chate and Kowalewski,
		Stefan },
	title = { An undergraduate embedded software laboratory for the masses },
	booktitle = { Workshop on Embedded Systems Education (WESE09), Grenoble,
		France },
	publisher = { ACM },
	pages = { 34-41 },
	year = { 2009 },
	address = { Grenoble, France },
	organization = { Workshop on Embedded Systems Education, Grenoble (France) },
	doi = { 10.1145/1719010.1719017 },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)8 },
	reportid = { RWTH-CONV-173254 },
	cin = { 122810 / 120000 },
	url = { http://publications.rwth-aachen.de/record/100434 },
Stollenwerk, A. and Lang, M., "Embedded Contributions to an Intensive Care Safety Concept", in Proc. ArtistDesign Workshop on Embedded Systems in Healthcare, Eindhoven - The Netherlands, 2009.

Embedded Contributions to an Intensive Care Safety Concept

Bibtex entry :

@conference {  SL09,
	author = { Stollenwerk, André and Lang, Martin },
	title = { Embedded Contributions to an Intensive Care Safety Concept },
	booktitle = { ArtistDesign Workshop on Embedded Systems in Healthcare,
		Eindhoven - The Netherlands },
	year = { 2009 },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)5 },
	reportid = { RWTH-CONV-236341 },
	cin = { 122810 / 120000 },
	url = { http://publications.rwth-aachen.de/record/752314 },
Stollenwerk, A., Walter, M., Wartzek, T., Kopp, R., Arens, J., and Kowalewski, S., "A safety and control concept for extracorporeal membrane oxygenation", The international journal of artificial organs, vol. 32, iss. 7, pp. 428-428, 2009

A safety and control concept for extracorporeal membrane oxygenation

Bibtex entry :

@article {  SWW+09,
	author = { Stollenwerk, André and Walter, Marian and Wartzek, Tobias
		and Kopp, R{\"u}dger and Arens, Jutta and Kowalewski, Stefan },
	title = { A safety and control concept for extracorporeal membrane
		oxygenation },
	journal = { The international journal of artificial organs },
	publisher = { Wichtig Ed. },
	pages = { 428-428 },
	volume = { 32 },
	number = { 7 },
	year = { 2009 },
	address = { Milano [u.a.] },
	issn = { 0391-3988 },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)16 },
	reportid = { RWTH-CONV-013747 },
	cin = { 122810533000-2 / 611010811001-1 / 120000 },
	url = { http://www.artificial-organs.com/public/IJAO/Article/Article.aspx?UidArticle=B21049FA-B9E6-4AF6-96BC-F3AAEB904F59 },
Walter, M., Leonhardt, S., Kopp, R., Kashefi, A., Wartzek, T., and Stollenwerk, A., "Automation of long term extracorporeal oxygenation systems", in Proc. ECC 09 : Proceedings of the European Control Conference 2009 ; the 10th in the EUCA Series ; 23-26 August 2009, Budapest, Hungary / General Chair: László Keviczky ..., Budapest, 2009, EUCA.

Automation of long term extracorporeal oxygenation systems

Bibtex entry :

@inproceedings {  WLK+09,
	author = { Walter, Marian and Leonhardt, Steffen and Kopp, R{\"u}dger
		and Kashefi, Ali and Wartzek, Tobias and Stollenwerk, André },
	title = { Automation of long term extracorporeal oxygenation systems },
	booktitle = { ECC 09 : Proceedings of the European Control Conference 2009
		; the 10th in the EUCA Series ; 23-26 August 2009, Budapest,
		Hungary / General Chair: László Keviczky ... },
	publisher = { EUCA },
	year = { 2009 },
	address = { Budapest },
	organization = { European Control Conference 2009 ; the 10. in the EUCA
		Series, Budapest (Hungary), 2009-08-23 - 2009-08-26 },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)7 },
	reportid = { RWTH-CONV-172394 },
	cin = { 120000 / 122810533000-3 / 611010811001-1 },
	url = { http://publications.rwth-aachen.de/record/99428 },
Wartzek, T., Walter, M., Stollenwerk, A., Kopp, R., Kashefi, A., and Leonhardt, S., "Automatisierung der extrakorporalen Membranoxygenierung", in Proc. Automatisierungstechnische Verfahren für die Medizin : 8. Workshop ; Tagungsband / Thomas Schauer ... (eds.), Düsseldorf, 2009 in Fortschritt-Berichte VDI : Reihe 17, Biotechnik/Medizintechnik, VDI-Verlag, pp. 25-26.

Automatisierung der extrakorporalen Membranoxygenierung

Bibtex entry :

@inproceedings {  WWS+09,
	author = { Wartzek, Tobias and Walter, Marian and Stollenwerk, André
		and Kopp, R{\"u}dger and Kashefi, Ali and Leonhardt, Steffen },
	title = { Automatisierung der extrakorporalen Membranoxygenierung },
	booktitle = { Automatisierungstechnische Verfahren f{\"u}r die Medizin :
		8. Workshop ; Tagungsband / Thomas Schauer ... (eds.) },
	publisher = { VDI-Verlag },
	pages = { 25-26 },
	series = { Fortschritt-Berichte VDI : Reihe 17,
		Biotechnik/Medizintechnik },
	year = { 2009 },
	address = { D{\"u}sseldorf },
	organization = { Automatisierungstechnische Verfahren f{\"u}r die Medizin :
		8. Workshop },
	typ = { PUB:(DE-HGF)8 },
	reportid = { RWTH-CONV-172395 },
	cin = { 122810 / 611010 / 120000 },
	url = { http://publications.rwth-aachen.de/record/99429 },
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