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Betriebssicherheit und Zuverlässigkeit softwaregesteuerter Systeme


Software-controlled, embedded systems are ubiquitous. In cases where their behaviour and interaction with people, assets or the physical environment can lead to hazardous situations they are also safety critical: power steerings and Electronic stability programs (ESP) in vehicles, the braking system of trains, medical devices, in-flight control of airplanes, to name just a few.

There are numerous examples where wrong or unforeseen software behaviour has put lives or values at risk and even damaged them. According to the Bundesinstitut für Arzneimittel und Medizinprodukte (Federal institute for drugs and medical devices), in the years 2005-06 software faults were responsible for more risk incidence reports (22%) than any other causal category such as design faults, physical faults, compatibility problems etc.

This lecture gives an introduction to dependability theory and to methods used in research and industry to assure, improve and assess the dependability and safety of software-controlled systems:

  • Design and analysis methods supporting the dependability and safety of embedded systems
  • Dependability/safety modelling
  • Dependability/safety measures and analyses
  • Software faults, software failure
  • Mechanisms of HW/SW fault tolerance
  • Risk analysis, risk acceptance criteria
  • Safety norms

The lecture is held in English. Die Vorlesung wird auf Englisch gehalten.


  • Tuesdays 14:15-15:45 hrs (AH III)
  • Wednesdays 10:15-11:45 hrs (AH III)
  • Written examination: 22 July, retake: 12 August



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RWTH Aachen - Lehrstuhl Informatik 11 - Ahornstr. 55 - 52074 Aachen - Deutschland