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Dr.rer.nat. Bastian Schlich

| | Research Assistant

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Address: Ahornstr. 55, 52074 Aachen, Germany
Office: room 2325 (Building H)


I am a research assistant at the embedded software laboratory since April 2004. My research topic is the formal verification of software for embedded systems.

At present I am working on a model checker for microcontroller code. It is called [mc]square. The main focus is the application of theoretical results to real problems. The model checker should be as user-friendly as possible and the need for manual preparation of the code should be as small as possible. In the tool, we combine different formal methods such as model checking, abstract interpretation, and static analysis.

I recieved my Doctoral degree in June 2008 from the RWTH Aachen University. The title of my Dissertation thesis is „Model Checking of Software for Microcontollers“. I wrote my Diploma thesis at the chair of Software-Technology, University of Dortmund. The topic of the thesis is „Konzeption und Realisierung eines Werkzeugs zur Unterstützung des Test-Driven-Developments“.

Research Interests

  • formal verification
  • software model checking
  • model checking of assembly code
  • software for embedded systems
  • software for microcontrollers


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RWTH Aachen - Lehrstuhl Informatik 11 - Ahornstr. 55 - 52074 Aachen - Deutschland